I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 76: ,copyright

Chapter 76, Copyright

The goose has plucked its hair.

Although it seems a bit too much to say that, after all, they used other people's platforms and traffic. In this day and age, traffic is king, and when there is traffic, there are profits and fame and fortune.

So it is understandable for the other party to do so.

But Zhang Cheng still wants to get the copyright first and then talk about other things.

After all, Zhang Cheng is more optimistic about Lian Li. If the novels published in the future become popular on the platform, if he wants to buy the copyright at that time, the price will be sky-high.

Came to Mr. Bai's villa.

After all, it was not the first time that Zhang Cheng came to the old man's study.

The old man is reading a book.

But there is no mistress at home, and I don't know if it's a divorce or something.

Zhang Cheng didn't dare to ask.

"Let's go, let's go to the screening room." The old man saw Zhang Cheng coming, and got up with a smile.

Zhang Cheng followed the old man to the screening room in the villa.

Looking at the furnishings in the room, Zhang Cheng tsk tsk, really professional.

He handed the phone to the old man's assistant, and soon started playing.

The old man looked very seriously, which made Zhang Cheng a little embarrassed. After all, even if it's a film he paid for, it's really not that good.

Two hours later, when the first and second episodes of Rebirth ended, there was a thoughtful look on Mr. Bai's face.

"I won't talk about the shortcomings. After all, it was shot by a group of children, but there are also good advantages. I saw seriousness in these two episodes."

"Seriously filming, acting seriously, and convincingly convincing."

"Under the current environment, it is very rare." The old man praised: "If the finished film can be of this level, I can make the decision and purchase it with a factor of 1.5 of your shooting cost."

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard the words. It was undoubtedly good for him to have such a result.

Millions of films were shot, and half of them were made when they changed hands.

However, compared to this film, Zhang Cheng pays more attention to the relationship.

After listening to Zhang Cheng's request, Mr. Bai didn't have any trouble, and asked his assistant to say hello to the novel website.


It is the cost of using the website traffic for this novel. As for the copyright, adaptation and other series, it belongs to Lianli. If there is a follow-up revenue such as listing, it will be divided according to the normal contracted author.

Zhang Cheng was undoubtedly satisfied with such conditions.

After all, this novel website is one of the best novel websites in China. It is backed by a large domestic Internet company and is quite arrogant.

If Mr. Bai didn't come forward, the other party would probably not even care about Zhang Cheng.

After all, 300,000 is like stealing traffic? I want to eat shit.

After the matter was settled, Zhang Cheng accompanied Mr. Bai to dinner and then left.

Instead of returning to Xiangxiang, she came to Yang Yu and Yang Xue.

Zhang Cheng is still very fond of the two sisters who have just accepted them.

The two sisters were a little surprised by Zhang Cheng's arrival.

Didn't you already qualify during the day? Why are you here again?

But soon the two sisters had no time to think about it.

At the end of the qualifying, Zhang Cheng was very happy to see the two sleeping sisters being hugged by him.

The next day, the two sisters woke up early. After the morning exercise, they continued to run the online store.

"Aren't you going to recruit people?" Zhang Cheng said.

Hearing this, Yang Yu turned to look at Yang Xue.

Prepare her to take care of the online store and let her sister recruit people.

Seeing this, Yang Xue got up and went out with Zhang Cheng.

I went to the agency first and secured the office space. After all, I can't still operate at home like now.

After a quick visit to the site, the location was finalized.

Buying a few computers online is not a good configuration, or an ordinary computer is enough.

Then came the talent market.

S City, as an international metropolis, is still very lively.

From the annual salary of millions, millions of white-collar workers, technical workers, management, etc., to blue-collar workers with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan, a total of 7 layers of talent market can find their own jobs.

Zhang Cheng and the others came to the second floor, the Internet Information Recruitment Office.

I quickly interviewed a few girls, and even two of them had experience running online stores.

This is undoubtedly more perfect. After directly recruiting three female workers, Zhang Cheng took them to go through the corresponding procedures.

Yang Xue was a little worried. Their online store business was not bad, especially when there was such a riot a while ago, it was still affected.

Zhang Cheng recruited three people, can they afford it?

Don't go back and dismiss people again, that's not good.

"I will bear their wages in the future, you just need to run the online store well." Zhang Chengdao.

Yang Xue was stunned when she heard the words, then turned to look at Zhang Cheng. When they rented the house just now, Zhang Cheng also helped them pay the rent, and also bought a computer, simple cleaning and decoration, and now is responsible for the wages of the workers, then if the sisters can't To run the online store well, it is better to close it as soon as possible.

"So nice to our sisters?" Yang Xue said with a smile.

While waiting for the red light, Zhang Cheng glanced at Yang Xue: "I'm good to my woman, shouldn't I?"

Yang Xue smiled again, but said nothing. This feeling of being pampered is not bad.

After returning home, Yang Yu looked at Zhang Cheng with a complicated look after listening to her sister's words.

Giving money, buying a house, and now helping them run an online store, bearing the most important cost.

"Thank you." Even if the two sides have a close relationship, and they are sisters together, Yang Yu can't and can't accept it with peace of mind~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Cheng touched Yang Yu's small head: "Since I want to If you’re an online store, just do it well, and I’ll contact you with some sources later.”

If Zhang Cheng remembers correctly, Mr. Yang Shuyang seems to be in the clothing industry. Of course, Mr. Yan Xuyan seems to have it there too. But in the end, he has disturbed Mr. Yan quite a few times, so it would be better to change someone else.

Yang Yu nodded. Compared with her lively younger sister, Yang Yu was more quiet.

After chatting again, Zhang Cheng left.

After watching Zhang Cheng leave, the two sisters breathed a sigh of relief.

They are a little overwhelmed.

Speaking of which, there are only exhausted cows and no ploughed fields, but in fact, there is a problem that women are too much in ranking.

Once the tolerance is exceeded, gynecological diseases are also very troublesome.

Especially when the two sisters were children before.

After Zhang Cheng left, he checked the time and returned to Xiangxiang.

Xiangxiang was eating, and when she saw Zhang Cheng coming back, she hurriedly greeted him.

"have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Zhang Cheng said.

"Sister Zhang, help Brother Cheng get the tableware." Xiangxiang quickly arranged.

Zhang Cheng still enjoys being served by Xiangxiang.

"Sit down too, you've been busy all day." Zhang Chengdao, although Xiangxiang is only supervising the filming of the TV series, it seems that she doesn't need any physical labor, but because she really wants to film the TV series well, You Qi's heart is naturally not easy.

Everything is easy to do, but once it is serious, it will definitely require several times, even dozens of times of effort.

Xiangxiang almost tried her best. Zhang Cheng, who was tired a while ago, couldn't bear to rank with her. It was better after soaking in medicinal wine recently.

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