I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 90: , fish and bear's paw

Chapter 90, Fish and Bear's Paws

After qualifying, Zhao Shengnan sat on the bed with one leg on the stool, picking his teeth with a toothpick. A cheap rogue attitude.

Zhang Cheng cried and shrank on the bed.

"You have to be responsible to others." Zhang Cheng is addicted to acting.

Zhao Shengnan looked back and shuddered.

too disgusting.

"Okay, take a rest, I'm going back to training camp." Zhao Shengnan planned to go back.

"Then I'll show you off." Zhang Cheng came out of his acting state.

"Yes." Zhao Shengnan glanced at Zhang Cheng and turned back to put on his clothes.

Zhang Cheng looked at the proud figure in front of him, leaned over eagerly and hugged Zhao Shengnan again.

"Again, let's do it again."

"Don't think about it..." Zhao Shengnan's words could only be swallowed, because her mouth was blocked by Zhang Cheng.

Half an hour later, when the qualifying was over again, the left half of Zhang Cheng's face was swollen.

Because he was punched by Zhao Shengnan.

After taking a shower, tidy up.

Zhang Cheng glanced at Zhao Shengnan resentfully, pushed open the door, and prepared to send Zhao Shengnan back to the training camp.

"You, you deserve it." Zhao Shengnan's face flushed. This **** thinks about this kind of thing every day, if once is not enough, he thinks twice, and if twice is not enough, he will come again.


On the way, I met Ji Yuqin and got off work.

The girl who took the same high-speed train to S City with Zhang Cheng was picked up by Zhang Cheng because she lost her wallet.

In order to provide free accommodation, let her help clean up Zhao Shengnan's residence. But she didn't just want to make a living by doing it, she found another job. Like an electronics factory?

Zhang Cheng didn't pay much attention.

After nodding and saying hello, Zhang Cheng drove Zhao Shengnan back to the training camp.

Ji Yuqin returned home, made dinner, and after cleaning, came to Zhao Shengnan's side.

Seeing that the bed was in a mess, especially the strange smell, Ji Yuqin's little face couldn't help turning red.

Although she has not experienced it, she also knows these things. After all, it is not the era of information blocking in the past.

However, she still managed to endure her shyness and cleaned the house.

After sending Zhao Shengnan back to the training camp, Zhang Cheng thought about it and came to Yang Yu and Yang Xue's residence.

The two sisters have had dinner and are watching TV.

With Zhang Cheng's help, their Yuxue Clothing Workshop has reached a cooperative relationship with Jinluo Clothing.

At present, several styles of clothes that have been commissioned have been put on the shelves one after another.

And because the manufacturer is Jinluo, Yuxueyifang doesn't even need to ask Jinluo to deliver the clothes, they can package and deliver the clothes directly.

After all, Jin Luo represents quality.

In this way, in terms of cooperation with Jinluo, we have already obtained a lot of discounts, and we have saved a fortune in reconfirming the quality of the clothes.

Therefore, the operating cost is greatly reduced.

In addition, the two sisters, Yang Yu and Yang Xue, have a lot of experience in the operation of online stores over the years. In just a few days, the sales have increased by more than 60%, and they are still increasing.

So the two sisters are very happy now.

Sensing Zhang Cheng was coming, the two sisters quickly greeted him.

"Brother Cheng." Yang Xue looked at Zhang Cheng with her beautiful eyes, full of tenderness.

She never thought that this man would have such great ability, not to mention the qualifications to cooperate with Jin Luo, especially with such a big discount.

Yang Yu also followed, with a hint of gratitude in his wonderful eyes.

After changing his slippers, Zhang Cheng looked at Yang Yu and Yang Xue. He could feel the love between the two women.

Then what surprised Zhang Cheng even more was that one of the two sisters brought tea and the other poured water, one helped Zhang Cheng press his shoulder, and the other helped to burn his feet. He looks like he treats Zhang Cheng as a master.

Good guy, Zhang Cheng called him a good guy, this kind of service really made him a little flattered.

Before, Zhang Cheng gave the two sisters money and bought a house, and there was no such treatment.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Cheng understood a little.

The two sisters are very professional.

Now, because he has provided great help to the two sisters' online stores, there is such a grateful service.

This made Zhang Cheng smile helplessly. No wonder power, fame and fortune become the pursuit of almost everyone.

Because the by-products they can provide are enough to drive most people in the world crazy.

But even so, Zhang Cheng has no intention of pursuing power, fame and fortune.

After all, after having a plug-in like planting space, his life is destined to be no more difficult and difficult, which reduces a layer of desire, not to mention Zhang Cheng is lazy.

He was too lazy to fight with others, to fight for the narrow stairs leading to higher strata.

Besides, Zhang Cheng's current living environment is already very good.

Through ginseng, I have made good friends with several powerful and powerful old men, and gained good contacts. Whether it is trivial matters in daily life or some problems, I can get a good solution.


Instead of letting the two girls serve him like maidservants, Zhang Cheng held the two sisters Yang Yu and Yang Xue in his arms.

Kiss this, and kiss that.

The two sisters probably took a bath, and their bodies were fragrant.

"Although our relationship cannot be allowed by the social environment, I hope you can know that I like you." Zhang Cheng said seriously.

The two sisters are very beautiful, especially with the double attribute bonus of children and twins.

Let Zhang Cheng love them not at all, and it is only half a chip lower than Zhao Shengnan's silly woman.

Zhang Cheng liked it even more than Xiangxiang, who decided to accept it at the earliest.

Otherwise, how could Zhang Cheng spend a lot of money for their sisters before, and even when the two sisters wanted to break up with him, they thought of compensating them and giving them a house. But it can be regarded as a crooked fight. This approach moved the two sisters and made them follow him.

The two sisters were quite moved when they heard Zhang Cheng's words.

After all, women are inherently emotional. That's why I indulge in the sweet words made up by some scumbags.

And the power of language is not limited to women being confused.

Some people~www.readwn.com~ and they are people who have a certain amount of power. Such people have to be said to have certain abilities, but they will still be flattered and do not know east, west, north, south, and then commit irresponsible acts. Redemption of mistakes.

So as the old saying goes, you can't see what a person says, but what he does.

Because it is easy to speak, it is good to touch the upper and lower lips, but doing it requires physical effort, which inevitably requires a little more effort. In other words, the cost increases.

After taking a shower, Zhang Cheng watched TV with the two sisters for a while, and then carried the two sisters back to the bedroom.

Happy start three rows.

And the gentleness of the two sisters was also shown during the ranking, which made Zhang Cheng narrow his eyes in enjoyment.

The next day, the two sisters went to the studio, busy with the business of the online store.

This made Zhang Cheng speechless.

If you don't have a career, you can't stay idle all the time. But he is more professional, and he is busy every day, which also makes Zhang Cheng feel uncomfortable, because there is no one around.

This is not to say that Zhang Cheng is naive and cannot be separated from people or something, but that he has so many women, yet he is still alone, and there is still some gap in his heart.

So I have to say that people are hypocritical.

In the past, when Xiangxiang was with her every day, Zhang Cheng felt that it was not good for her to let Xiangxiang be so idle.

After all, even if Zhang Cheng decides to stay with Xiangxiang for a long time, who can say for sure what will happen in the future, so he still needs to let Xiangxiang learn something, not asking her to achieve anything, at least there is something she is interested in Do.

This is also a way for the lecherous Zhang Cheng to make up for his women a little.

But now, I feel helpless because I have found something I am too interested in for Xiangxiang and have no time to accompany him.

The fish and the bear's paw can't have the best of both worlds, it's very vivid.

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