I Have A Space For Planting

Chapter 92: , Wang Qing

Chapter 92, Wang Qing

Lu Han was frightened by Zhang Cheng, but he was still not convinced. He wanted to resist a wave, but he didn't dare.

After all, the state of Zhang Cheng's anger just now was indeed a little embarrassing.

Zhang Cheng's sudden anger here shocked Wang Qing.

One thing to say, in these few interactions, she looked down on Zhang Cheng. I think this is nothing more than the second generation of **** who bully others by relying on the wealth and power of the family.

But what is this momentum? Get used to insolence?

Wang Qing didn't think so.

After all, it's not like Wang Qing has never seen the arrogance of the second generation of bastards, as if he hadn't woken up.

And the person in front of him had a terrifying look. This made Wang Qing not say that he would bow down to the other party's trouser legs, but he also slightly restrained the thought of contempt.

Ignoring Lu Han, Zhang Cheng and Wang Qing left the police station.

"Lawyer Wang, you helped deal with this matter during this time. Now that the matter is over, how about I invite you to a meal to express my gratitude?" Zhang Cheng didn't forget his original purpose because he was disturbed by Lu Han.

Wang Qing heard the words and looked at Zhang Cheng.

If it was before, when she was quite contemptuous of Zhang Cheng, naturally she would not agree to this kind of entertainment. But after the change just now, she needs to think about this kind of entertainment.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Qing nodded.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Cheng naturally took Wang Qing's briefcase and went to a hotel.

"The food here is pretty good." Zhang Cheng pretended to be elegant.

Wang Qing frowned a little, but he couldn't say anything.

Generally speaking, for this kind of official business, you need to find an accompany guest, or a girlfriend, or someone you know from both sides, even if you are not a screwdriver under your hand.

But it's a pity, Zhang Cheng's purpose is not pure, how could it be possible to let Xiangxiang and a few girls come over to stir up.

As for the two good friends Kiki and Lulu, they are only suitable for ranking, and they don't usually get involved too much.

Ordered some meals.

"Is Lawyer Wang drinking?" Zhang Cheng said lightly.

Wang Qing frowned again: "Sorry, I don't know how to drink."

Zhang Cheng nodded, not forcing anything.

"How about some juice?"

Wang Qing was a little surprised. Was this her misunderstanding?


The food will be served soon.

Although this is a hotel, it mainly provides accommodation, but Zhang Cheng came here occasionally for dinner. After realizing that the food here is good, he made a tick in his heart. Now he comes here as a place to entertain guests, and there will be no poor hospitality. condition.

Wang Qing skillfully picked up the knife and fork, cut a piece of steak, and put it in his mouth gracefully. After tasting it, his eyes showed a little surprise.

It turned out to be really good.

The taste is firm and full, rare.

Among the steaks that Wang Qing has eaten, the delicacy can be ranked in the top three!

So, before you knew it, a piece of steak was eaten by Wang Qing.

By the time Wang Qing found out that he had eaten too much, it was already a little late.

Especially when she noticed Zhang Cheng's occasional gaze, Wang Qingqing couldn't help blushing, and quickly took a sip of the juice to hide her embarrassment.

The old face is lost at home!

Zhang Cheng didn't care that much either.

"How many years has Lawyer Wang been a lawyer?" Zhang Cheng chatted casually.

"Including the time I spent as an assistant, it's almost eleven years." Wang Qing recalled a little.

Zhang Cheng couldn't help but be surprised, he didn't expect the other party to be so senior.

"What kind of cases are usually handled? Criminal? Civil?"

"It's usually criminal, and occasionally civil cases are accepted." After all, for the sake of life, basically every lawyer would not say that they only specialize in a certain type of cases. Except for those reputable lawyers. Only a certain type, or even a certain type of case, will be studied intensively.

And domestic lawyers, compared to foreign lawyers, do not have much room for maneuver.

At least foreign lawyers are always turning black into white and confounding right and wrong. As long as the client has money, even a case with solid evidence can 'find out' loopholes to overturn the case for the client.

Even sometimes, when the client is rich enough, there is no need for loopholes at all, and it is just a hard turn.

Completely disregarding the law, treating it as something worse than a **** wipe, and trampling it recklessly.

And domestic lawyers, compared to these things, are more like consultants.

Explain the provisions of the law to the client, and what degree of punishment will be imposed if a certain law is violated. Of course, it is also necessary to strive for the interests of the client within the scope permitted by law and strive for it. For example: in a divorce lawsuit, the other party transfers property and the like.

The chat with Wang Qing gave Zhang Cheng a lot of insight.

But after all, the meal was finished quickly.

Wang Qing was about to get up and say goodbye.

"Lawyer Wang, I wonder if I can pursue you?" Zhang Cheng went straight to the point.

A look of surprise flashed in Wang Qing's eyes, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly.

She did not expect the young man in front of her to be so straightforward.

After thinking about it, Wang Qing smiled bitterly and said, "I'm already an old woman, and I'm still divorced, so Mr. Zhang should stop joking."

Belittling oneself, taking retreat as advance.

Zhang Cheng didn't plan to let him go.

Now Wang Qing seems to have only 6 points, but this is because she has no makeup. And some deliberately dress up in ugly.

As long as he sorts things out normally, Wang Qing's appearance will definitely be improved by a notch, and at that time, combined with the intellectual and capable temperament of the other party, it will be the appearance of many popular domestic stars at present. After all, temperament sounds like an illusory thing, but its effect on women's appearance is by no means to be underestimated.

Zhang Cheng was sure that he would not see it wrong.

Especially the other person's figure.

When Wang Qing wears flat shoes, he has a height of 1.7 meters. If he wears a high heel, even if it is 5 cm, it will be 1.75 meters.

What is that concept?

A woman wearing a professional attire~www.readwn.com~, looking down, can definitely make him arouse endless fighting spirit and desire to conquer.

So how could the lecherous Zhang Cheng let this one go?

Even if the other party is unlikely to be his woman, can a good friend work? Even if he spends a few more money, Zhang Cheng will not feel any distress.

"Qingqing, you are too arrogant." Zhang Cheng said.

He is now very aggressive and domineering.

Because Zhang Cheng was gambling, and Wang Qing would have financial problems because of his daughter's serious illness.

After all, if there is no such problem, Zhang Cheng can't imagine how to impress Wang Qing with a guy like him alone.

Wang Qing pursed his lips when he heard the words.

Isn't she beautiful?

How is it possible, when she was in college, she was the school's flower.

But her outstanding appearance became her fatal wound.

Attracted a man that she hated very much, but hated herself even more. She failed to withstand the other party's rhetoric and became the other party's wife.

And it was such a man who cheated on her during her pregnancy.

The decisive Wang Qing divorced without hesitation.

But who would have thought that the daughter would be sentenced to the man. That's fine. Some time ago, my daughter suffered from a serious illness.

Even if all her savings were filled in, it would not be enough.

And the daughter's father, her ex-husband, although he is willing to spend all his savings, he has always been generous, so how can he have any money.

But there is one thing that makes Wang Qing quite satisfied.

Because her ex-husband was willing to quit her job and take care of her daughter.

Although all the financial pressure fell on her side, Wang Qing didn't say much.

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