"Oh, right, hostages!"

The situation has reversed and is no longer so urgent. Miyin took advantage of this opportunity to return to the castle palace to protect her hostages.

"Excuse me, are you Kurama Nein..." The hostage protected by Kurama Nein, the older sister of the pair of siblings suddenly asked.

"Yes." Nein smiled and touched her head.

"It's really you! Miss Nein!" She showed a surprised expression on her face, "I often watch your show!"

"I didn't expect to meet a celebrity today... and Ukiyo Hidetoshi, I met two big stars today!"

"You are actually Kamen Riders!"

As she said, she took out her phone and took a selfie with Nein.

Nein touched her head embarrassedly: "Actually, I came here because the person I like is here."

"Could it be that you and Ukiyo Hidetoshi..."

"No, it's another one, the one who is more handsome than him."

"Oh! It's the handsome guy who kicked someone away just now, right?" She instantly gossiped. As expected of a female high school student, she can still talk about these things in such a dangerous situation.

"Yes." Ni Yin replied.

She covered her face: "Ah... you two are so well matched."

After hearing this, Ni Yin lowered her head and blushed.

"Will we be in danger? Those monsters are so scary!"

The two were lucky. They had never encountered evil demons since they hid.

"Don't worry." Ni Yin comforted, "Fang Yi is here, he won't let people get hurt."

"Is he also a knight of this Desire Grand Prix?"


Ni Yin nodded: "To be honest, those who participate in this competition and become Kamen Riders all have their own desires to realize."

"But Fang Yi is different. He became a knight with his own will and strength."

"A real Kamen Rider that is completely different from us!"

The two siblings were lucky. They had never encountered attacks from evil demons in the castle.

Suddenly, the female high school student covered her neck with a painful expression, and the vines on it were already tightening fatally!

"An evil demon is approaching!" Ni Yin reacted.

But it was too late to prepare. The door of the room suddenly broke with a bang!

A maid evil demon walked in with a plate.

Ni Yin stood up quickly.

The high school girl hid behind her.

The maid demon suddenly threw the plate to the ground and let out a hideous roar.

Then she took out a sharp knife from somewhere and stabbed Ni Yin quickly, just like a scene from a horror movie.

Ni Yin swung the beat axe to block the sharp knife attack, and then plucked the strings of the piano fiercely, and a thunderous note full of thunder and lightning blasted out, hitting the maid demon and repelling her.

Who knew that the maid demon stabilized her body and did not fall down, and took out the demon buckle and inserted it into the belt.

The vines with strange green light drilled out from the ground, wrapped around it, and became attached to the purple-green armor, transforming into a demon knight!

"Evil evil evil strike!"

Countless vines wrapped around the wrists of the maid demon knight, forming a rotating spike that attacked.

Ni Yin plucked the strings, playing notes of different attributes of lightning and frost at the same time, and the speakers on her body amplified the notes.

The frost storm wrapped in lightning blew towards the evil demon knight, and it was instantly frozen before its attack arrived.

Then several lightning bolts struck its body, and after several fierce explosions, it retreated one after another, and then fell to the ground and was swallowed by flames.

"Success." Ni Yin excitedly retracted the battle axe.

Just when she thought it was finally over.

Suddenly, there was a vibration outside the palace.

She and the high school girl looked out the window at the same time.

Outside the window, a dazzling blood-red light shone.

It was like the afterglow of the end of the world in the movie.

Then the vibration became stronger and stronger!

The whole palace shook.

Large cracks quickly appeared on the walls on all four sides.

After a few seconds, it slowly stabilized.

"Something happened outside again!"

"It may be the attack by the evil knight. I'm going to help Fang Yi!" Ni Yin urged, "Hide here and don't come out!"

"Yeah." The high school sister nodded.

Ni Yin hurried downstairs and ran into Tsumuri and Tamba Ichitetsu in the hall.

"Tsumuri, what happened outside?" Ni Yin asked immediately.

"I don't know either. I just heard a loud noise." Tsumuri replied.

Old man Tamba Ichitetsu continued, "We are just about to go out and see what happened."

The three of them hurried out of the hall, followed the corridor to the stairs outside the palace, and looked at the square.

"Mr. Fang Yi... I'll go there!" Ni Yin rushed out and shouted first.

However, the moment she saw it, she was stunned: "It's... over... right..."

She realized that the strange scene just now was caused by Fang Yi's attack.

Tsumuri's beautiful eyes were also stunned, and her pupils trembled slightly. As the navigator of the Desire Grand Prix for so many years, she had seen so many knights fighting, but this was the first time she saw such a hellish scene!

Although the square was originally dilapidated, it was lush with vegetation.

At this moment, it was covered by the true red flames that devoured everything, emitting charred turbid air.

In the middle was a terrifying pit.

The corpses of the evil demons had completely turned into broken charcoal, in various shapes, but it could be seen that they were subjected to extremely terrifying attacks when they were killed.

It has completely become a ruin!

Ni Yin looked back and saw that the front of the entire palace had been bombarded by some destructive weapon!

In the center of the ruins, a lifeless black shadow like a demon stood in the raging fire against the light, exuding a bloody aura.

"This is..." Tsumuri and Ni Yin exclaimed nervously at the same time.

The black shadow slowly walked over, and every step seemed very heavy, and every step was stepping on people's hearts!

Both of them were very nervous.

Until the black shadow came closer, revealing the figure in pure black and pure white armor.

It was Fang Yi.

"Mr. Fang Yi!" Ni Yin shouted excitedly, just about to walk over.

But immediately, she found something wrong!

Fang Yi was holding a woman in his arms, Beloba!

At this time, Beloba was lying in Fang Yi's arms, raising her head, staring at Fang Yi with round eyes, and purple-pink pupils.

"What's going on?" Ni Yin shouted excitedly in an instant.

Fang Yi's arms felt the two white rabbits in front of Beloba, which was also very strange and confusing.

It turned out that just now, Beloba only wanted to leave the battle circle to find clues.

At this time, Fang Yi kicked down with another knight kick.

The ominous blood light gathered on him exploded with a bang, forming a destruction area with a very large radius in the entire area.

In the area, a bright red, countless scarlet light spots like blood drops rose, and blood-red air flow flew.

All the evil demons around were killed, and she was also blown away by the shrill air waves.

When she fell, she fell into Fang Yi's arms.

At this time, Fang Yi looked at Ni Yin and didn't know what to say.

Beloba reacted and jumped out of Fang Yi's arms. Realizing that it was Fang Yi who saved her, she looked at him with a complicated expression.

Fortunately, Ni Yin guessed what happened and was no longer angry.

At this time, at the edge of the huge pit behind Fang Yi, General Fu, Niu Niu and Qing Jia Wenyin crawled out of the soil covering them.

Niu Niu roared angrily: "Fang Yi, that bastard, couldn't he have said something before he started?"

General Fu didn't say anything, just stared at the pit that Fang Yi had hit behind him, and the scattered corpses of the evil demons that had turned into charcoal around him, with a complicated and amazed expression.

Fang Yi completely ignored them, canceled his transformation, and looked at the watch on his wrist.

"There's no time, I still have to go to a meeting, bye." He said and walked directly to the door of the maze.

Ni Yin hurried to catch up.

"Wait for me too." Jing He also followed. After recalling everything, he wanted to see his sister immediately.

Fang Yi came to the front of the door and said a few strange syllables, and then the door slammed open.

At that moment.

"The evil demons have been eliminated, and the door password lock has been successfully unlocked. I declare that the Desire Grand Prix, Strategy Chapter, Round 2, the maze escape game is over!" Tsumuri immediately announced.

"Tamba Ichitetsu is eliminated, and the rest of the contestants advance!"

Niu Niu looked at Fang Yi's back with disdain: "Asshole, I told you I don't need your help, I can also crack the code."

At this time, General Fu muttered to himself: "I have studied the clues on the walls of the palace, but unfortunately, I can't decipher those words..."

The door was unlocked, and Beloba was not in a hurry to leave at this time.

"Fang Yi, I will definitely find out your secret!"

Suddenly, she felt a little pain on both sides of her body, probably because she was hit just now.

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