I have a special effects museum in Fuuto.

Chapter 24 Invisible attack, Fang Yi's hint

Suddenly, the bullet appeared out of thin air again, and rushed towards Kusuhara Masaharu and her daughter.

[Metal! ]

Shotaro quickly switched the memory and pulled Kusuhara Masaharu and her daughter behind a building.

Then, he used a long metal stick to resist the sharp teeth attack, fighting and retreating.

"Ah! The criminal is here again, just like when Dad wanted to build the second Fuuto Tower!" Asuka behind him suddenly screamed in fear.

"Dad? Has your dad encountered such an attack before?" Shotaro shot out every tooth bullet as much as possible, then retreated to Asuka's side and asked curiously.

Speaking of her father, Asuka looked a little sad: "Yes, building this Fuuto Tower has always been Dad's wish. When he was bidding for this piece of land, he was shot in the chest and died in the end."

"Mom has been persistent in wanting to complete this project in order to fulfill Dad's last wish."

Hearing this, Shotaro suddenly became dazed.

It turns out that although this Kusuhara Masa used her daughter to win votes, it was not for her own benefit, but to give an explanation to her late husband.

Moreover, her husband was attacked and killed when he proposed to build the Fuuto Tower, which caused the project to be shelved. Now she wants to continue, but she is attacked again.

This doesn't look like a coincidence.

It's more like someone or an organization doesn't want the tower to be built for some reason.

Kusuhara Masa must have guessed this, so she went to Shotarou and asked him to be her bodyguard.

Considering the strange teeth that were fired, it might be another case of doping.

Shotarou was worried. Could it be that... this incident was related to the darkness surging in the dark of Fuuto!

No matter what it is, because of the recent active performance of the mysterious knight, Shotarou is full of frustration. With his hot-blooded and stupid personality, he just wants to do a big thing to prove himself.

"Damn it, where is the criminal who attacked the scene? Why can't I see its attack trajectory?" Shotaro looked around impatiently, "This time I will definitely catch the criminal myself!"

From the previous incident, the mysterious knight seemed to be hunting for dopants, so he might appear this time, so Shotaro wanted to solve the incident quickly, lest he become a spectator again when the knight took action.

Just when he couldn't find the criminal and was extremely anxious.

"The lake next to it."

Fang Yi's voice suddenly came from there: "Mr. Kamen Rider, the person who fired the gun may be hiding in the lake."

"What?" Shotaro was stunned for a moment and looked in the direction of Fang Yi.

In his heart, he was amazed that Fang Yi, an ordinary person, was not panicked when encountering such a supernatural event, and he could even keenly discover the places he overlooked.

Speaking of which, when Togawa Yosuke wanted to blow up the Decade Museum, he was also in this indifferent and abnormally calm attitude.

The last person who made Shotaro feel powerful when standing there was Ming Hai Shouji.

Philip suddenly spoke up: "Shotaro, Director Fang's guess makes sense. That lake has a wide field of vision and is a great place for sniping."

Shotaro immediately went to the lake to investigate.

Sure enough, with the enhanced vision after the transformation, he saw a strange creature with a slightly exposed forehead in the middle of the lake!

"That's it!" Shotaro shouted, "Director Fang really got it right!"

After several consecutive contacts with Fang Yi, he felt that this young man was not simple.

Philip analyzed: "From the strange teeth fired and the head structure of this creature, the prototype of this doping body should be an extinct creature, the Cretaceous shrimp! This creature captures prey by firing teeth!"

"Whatever it is." Shotaro's eyes were firm, "This time I must solve the incident perfectly!"

As he said, Shotaro took out a blue memory.

"Philip, use this guy!"

[Trigger! 】

Shotaro pulled out the metal memory and replaced it with the trigger memory.

W's left side turned blue, and a blue pistol appeared in W's hand.

W changed into the form of the Gale Triga!

Shotaro aimed at the center of the lake and fired.

Dozens of bullets were surrounded by green hurricanes, which defeated all the tooth bullets that were shot at them, and then fiercely shot towards the center of the lake from different directions.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several explosions.

A strange green creature was blown from the lake to the shore.

This creature looked like a shrimp and an insect.

It had fangs in its mouth, and there were two big black eyes on its head.

It was the Anomalocaris hybrid.

"Damn, I was discovered!" The Anomalocaris hybrid stood up swayingly and wanted to attack again.

But Shotaro would not give him another chance.

[Cyclone! ]

[Joker! ]

Shotaro switched back to the Gale Ace form.

[Maximum Drive! 】

W's whole body was instantly surrounded by a hurricane, and then slowly rose into the air.

Then, the two asymmetrical bodies suddenly staggered up and down, and kicked down with a dismemberment kick!


With an explosion accompanied by a strong wind, the shrimp hybrid was kicked back to human form and fell to the ground.

Shotaro went over to take a closer look.

It was a young man dressed as a gangster, and he was unconscious.

"This is the true face of the dopant. It turns out that he is just a street kid who makes trouble." The stone hanging in Shotaro's heart suddenly fell.

Just now, he was worried that this case would involve huge dark forces, which would be difficult to deal with. Now it seems that it was just a mental young man who didn't like the Second Wind Tower, so he deliberately sabotaged it and accidentally committed a bad incident.

"In this way, we finally solved the incident without that guy's intervention for the first time in a long time!" Shotaro exhaled.

At this time, Shotaro did not notice that on the other side of the lake, there was a hidden patch of grass, and a dopant was lurking!

Seeing that things were not going well, it quickly fled into the distance.

All this was seen by Fang Yi.

He was still on the stage, watching everything calmly. Then, his eyes moved, and in the mirror on the side, a huge black dragon had followed him.

The turmoil caused by the attack was just an episode and passed quickly.

Order was restored at the scene, and the host came on stage again and continued his bidding speech after apologizing to everyone.

“Next, I’d like to invite Director Fang Yi.”

Fang Yi was already prepared and said directly: "Everyone, my name is Fang Yi, and I am the curator of the Decade Museum."

"After acquiring this land, I plan to build another museum, but this museum is a little special. It will be a large comprehensive facility. It will not only display narrow cultural relics, but also set up scenes, costumes, and props to restore life in different eras. The experience center allows people to experience cultural and historical changes like visiting an amusement park.”

"This museum is not public, so naturally it does not need to cost citizens' taxes. It is entirely funded by me personally."

"After completion, it will not only provide hundreds of jobs for Fengdu, but the annual tax revenue will also be used to repair various infrastructure facilities for citizens!"

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