I have a special effects museum in Fuuto.

Chapter 45 Wake up, High Beam Knight!

In dense jungle.

A small helicopter was parked on a grassy field.

A mature aunt with long hair in a white coat was looking anxiously at the watch on her wrist.

"It's strange, why aren't Katsumi and the others back yet? Could it be that there was an accident and the failure happened?"

"Impossible, it's just a matter of destroying a few experimental bases in the base. With self-denial's strength, there can be no problem!"

She is Daido Miki, Daido Katsumi’s mother!

He is a biological scientist who single-handedly created the Never Immortal Project, making his son the first immortal.

Just when she was at a loss, a blue figure landed quickly.

【Nasca! 】

Kirihiko retracted the light wings behind his back and transformed from the dopant body back to human form.

"Gaia Memory? Why are the people from the museum here?"

Daido Miki immediately took out a modified silver pistol from behind.

Kirihiko quickly waved his hand: "Don't get me wrong, I'm not your enemy."

"I'm just here to get one thing on my boss's order, which is the cell enzyme you developed!"

"My boss said that it will be one of the keys to make the super soldier project disappear and prevent innocent people from continuing to become experimental subjects."

Kirihiko originally wanted to stop Dr. Prospect's massacre of the village. Just now in the base, he heard that Fang Yi also had this intention, and he was naturally excited.

After understanding Fang Yi's mission, he immediately started executing it without asking carefully.

Fang Yi's calm demeanor no matter what happens is inexplicably convincing.

Then, Kirihiko avoided the eyes and ears of the super soldiers in the base, came to the corner, transformed into a Nazca dopant and sneaked out of the base, moved quickly towards the south, and arrived here.

After listening to Kirihiko's words, Daido Miki was dumbfounded: "Why do the people in the museum go against Consortium X?"

"I couldn't explain it at the moment. In other words, I was just following the order, but I didn't fully understand it. Because my boss is a bit unpredictable."

"But please believe me, I'm here to help."


In the base above the village.

Only Fang Yi was left in the corridor, and his plan was to split into two groups with Kirihiko.

Looking at the scene in the village below through the transparent glass, the villagers still don't know what kind of hell is about to come.

Just now, when discussing with Gatoushun, Fang Yi used supernatural power to secretly have a conversation with Dao Katsumi.

And from him, he learned the specific location of Daido Miki hiding in the jungle who was supporting the members of the Never team.

Now Dao Keji is waiting in the cave according to Fang Yi's instructions.

"Let me go too, otherwise Brother E will have to wait impatiently." He said calmly.


In the southwest of the village, there is a damp cave where prisoners are kept.

The entrance to the cave was sealed by a military-grade gate made of fine steel. This place was completely a tight prison.

Katsuki Daido still played the harmonica coolly.

Izumi Kyōsui, Ashihara Ken and Domoto Gozo have woken up one after another.

But he was dying because of his injuries and lack of timely injection of cell enzymes.

"Hey, do you really believe that voice in your head just now, that someone will come to save us?" Hahara Lai squatted on the ground, tore off a piece of cloth from his clothes and wrapped it around his arm to stop the bleeding.

"What if that was your hallucination, or someone's trap?"

Dao Keji stopped playing and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't believe it, I just decided to take a gamble. Anyway, if I lose, I will just die."

"Asshole, stop being delusional. There are supernatural soldiers all around. Who would have the ability to save us unless a miracle happens?"

"Would any of you think of a solution quickly? Now that I'm alive, I don't want to die again!" Hahara Lai is worthy of being a robber, and he speaks like a tough man.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the stainless steel door at the entrance of the cave suddenly sank in with a bang.

Then, the entire door was ripped open on both sides by an invisible force like a torn piece of paper!

Hahara Lai and others were stunned on the spot: "What's going on?"

"A miracle really happened!"

Dao Keji also couldn't believe it, but he reacted quickly: "Let's go quickly."

Several people quickly helped each other and escaped from the cave through the opening.

I saw a rather handsome young man outside the cave.

It was Fang Yi who just used all his telekinesis to force open the steel door!

As he used it, he felt that the power of light in his body was being grasped more and more clearly, and that power was ready to come out.

Daidao Katsumi and others staggered over, his eyes were cold: "Is that you? Why did you save us, the guy who spoke to me directly in my consciousness without permission?"

Fang Yi smiled slightly: "I'm from Fengdu, and I'm from the same hometown as you."

"I'll help you once today. You owe me a favor. I'll let you pay it back in the future."

"We don't have much time. My subordinates should have retrieved the cell enzymes you need. Just keep walking north to meet him. Go quickly."

Haharai looked at Fang Yi with surprise in his eyes: "Who are you? You know so much about our affairs! It's terrifying to think about it!"

Dao Keji suddenly laughed hoarsely: "Haha, it doesn't matter, no matter what, let's go and make a big fuss!"

With that said, several people walked past Fang Yi.

"Hey, don't forget, if you want to defeat Kato Shun of Consortium

Wait until they leave.

Fang Yi suddenly turned around and looked at the corner: "Come out."

I saw a beautiful woman wearing white clothes walking out of the cave with an expressionless face. It was Mina.

She witnessed the whole process of Fang Yi rescuing them.

"You haven't been transformed by a super soldier, so why do you have supernatural powers? And you are undoubtedly at the palace guard level. Is there really a person with natural super powers?"

Fang Yi did not answer, but asked instead: "Aren't you a warrior? Why didn't you stop me just now?"

Mina was suddenly stunned and showed a rare expression of astonishment: "I...I..."

"Because deep down in your heart, you are actually expecting someone to fall from the sky, destroy this village where everyone is trapped, break down the high wall, and let you and everyone be free, right?" Fang Yi has read her memories, so of course he knows this.

"Why don't you resist yourself?"

Before Mina could answer, the hexagonal device in the sky suddenly began to rotate, and then rotated faster and faster. The energy gathered and turned into an energy ball covered with black lightning!

The Doctor activates the pulse device!

Mina looked at the scene in the sky: "With my strength, there is no way to resist the doctor."

"Just like the fire of judgment that is about to come, that power will destroy everything. No one can stop it. What the doctor said will definitely come true."

"I will die here with the villagers and will no longer be his weapon. This is the only resistance I can do. Run away."

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a huge black energy ball shot down from the sky, and a shadow enveloped the village, as if a solar eclipse was coming.

"No, it's too late." Mina was shocked, watching the surroundings fall into terrifying darkness.

But in the darkness, Fang Yi's unhurried voice sounded: "You have to try to resist this kind of thing before you know it."

"I'll prove it to you now."

In the dark world, nothing can be seen clearly.

However, vaguely, a sharp and dazzling golden light suddenly lit up in front of Mina.

Tearing through the darkness, like a lighthouse in the rainstorm!

She saw Fang Yi standing in the middle of the dark shadows.

That light was emitted from a strange belt around his waist.

Like high beam!

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