I have a special effects museum in Fuuto.

Chapter 64: A grand appearance, shining locusts!

Then, he fell into deep thought: "But, no one knows his whereabouts, how can we contact him?"

Just spent the whole night like this.

Phillip stayed up all night and racked his brains, but there was still nothing he could do.

Unconsciously, early in the morning, it was time for Madazaki Wakana's show again.

In order not to miss this program, Phillip had already set the time on the radio and it started playing automatically at this moment.

"Good morning to all the listeners in Fengdu, Healing Princess is meeting you on time again..." Sonosaki Wakana's energetic voice came from the radio.

When Phillip heard her voice, he suddenly had an idea: "By the way! You can ask Princess Wakana for help!"

At this time, Fengdu Radio Station.

Sonosaki Wakana is concentrating on hosting the show: "Okay, let's move on to today's connection session. Which lucky viewer will be the first to call in?"


Wakana swallowed, still a little nervous, for fear of meeting some weirdo again.

The call is connected.

Philip's tentative voice sounded: "W-Princess Wakana? Am I really connected to Princess Wakana?"

Wakana showed a professional smile: "Hello, I am Wakana, what is your name?"

"Uh... Fei, Phillip, my name is Phillip." Phillip said nervously.

"You sound younger than me. Brother Philip, I'm calling this program. Do you have any magical experiences to share with everyone?" Wakana asked.

"No, but it makes more sense than that."

Phillip quickly adjusted his mood: "A weirdo pretending to be a Kamen Rider has recently appeared in Fengdu. He has committed crimes continuously and caused many casualties."

"I hope the rumored urban legend, the mysterious knight stalking in the mirror, can stop it! That's why I sent it through the radio. I hope he can hear my message!"

Wakana nodded after hearing this: "That's it, brother Philip, don't worry, I believe the hero who protects Fengdu will appear in time! Wakana will pray with you!"

Narumi Office.

Philip hung up the phone.

He had wanted to talk to Wakana on the show before, but he had been too nervous to do so. Unexpectedly, his bold attempt to save Shotaro this time was unexpectedly successful.

Moreover, when Wakana called him younger brother just now, he felt a little nostalgic for some reason.

Thinking of this, suddenly, a strange picture came into Philip's mind. It was a couple walking with three children, two girls, one boy, and three children on the beach. One of the little girls turned back to the lagging boy and shouted: "Brother, come here." , follow up quickly!”

"Who's coming?" Phillip suddenly had a headache, "What is this?"

"Could it be...that it's my memory?"

He took a deep breath and couldn't think of anything else, so he put it behind him for now.

The most important thing now is to rescue Shotaro!

Wakana's program has extremely high ratings and is a household name in the capital. This is the most likely way for the mysterious knight to hear his message.

"All that's left is to pray and hope he will show up!"

Of course Philip himself did not intend to sit still and wait for death. He slowly opened the heavy door of the office: "Shoutaro, I'm here."


Abandoned warehouse.

Shotaro was tied up with his backhand, and he glared at Kurata Kenji: "You don't have to waste your efforts, my partner will not fall into such a low-level trap, he will not come."

Kurata Ken'er smiled contemptuously: "Really, then you will be in danger."

As he spoke, he flipped a switch next to him, and Shotaang was suddenly lifted up onto a pile of metal spikes.

"Let me see if your partner really won't care about you until you die, hahaha!"

Shotaro gritted his teeth and cursed: "Kurata Kenji, you gzz!"

at this time.

"Wait a minute, I'm coming."

A locomotive suddenly drove in through the gate of the abandoned factory.

Then, a man got out of the car and took off his helmet, it was Philip.

He slowly walked closer: "Shoutaro, are you okay?"

"Philip!" Shotaro yelled, "Why are you here? Leave quickly. If you don't leave, I will break up our relationship with you forever."

Phillip smiled: "Haha, even so, I will save you. Because we are two detectives in one."

"If that doesn't work, let's bury them together here."

"Are you stupid?" Shotaro shouted.

"What a touching friendship. It's a pity that it's too late." The weapon doping body raised his right hand and turned into a strangely shaped giant gun again. The terrifying muzzle was pointed at Phillip. "Although the boss asked me to capture him alive, I can't Not the type to obey orders honestly."

"None of you can leave!"

boom! boom! boom!

He fired wildly, and countless terrifying bullets flew through the air, heading towards Phillip!

Phillip sighed. There was no escape now. When he came, he had already sacrificed everything: "Is... is this really what this is all about?"

He simply stood there, eyes wide open, staring at the dense bullets coming from the front, praying in his heart: "Come on, let's see if a miracle will happen!"

Suddenly, something incredible happened.

When the bullets were about to touch Phillip, they all suddenly changed their trajectories. Each one drew an arc, avoiding Phillip and shooting in other directions.

Then, all the bullets exploded inexplicably in the air, making a roar.

Phillip's eyes trembled: "Really...a miracle happened?"

At this time, in a mirror on the left side of the factory.

Fang Yi regained his superpower. It was he who used his mind power to change the trajectory of the bullet and save Phillip.

Then, he slowly took out a gold and black drive and a special program sublimation key.

It is the Zero One Drive and the Key to the Sublimation of the Shining Locust Program!

"This is your first time using it, let's record the data." Fang Yi tied the belt directly.

Outside the mirror world, Philip, Shotaro and even the weapon dopant were stunned on the spot: "What happened? The bullet turned on its own?"

at this time.

The mirror on the left suddenly emitted a dazzling golden light, making the entire factory dazzling.

"What's going on?" The weapon adulterer's eyes widened.

At this moment, a huge golden locust suddenly jumped out of the mirror, and there was a silver metal locust on the back of the golden locust.

At the same time, a tall young man walked over, bathed in the reverse golden light, and his appearance could not be seen clearly.

Two locusts jumped wildly around the square wing.

Phillip was surprised and happy: "What's going on? This time it's not a dragon, but a locust?"

Fang Yi inserted the sublimation key into the drive and shouted softly:


In an instant, a huge golden light net appeared out of thin air, hugged the locust, spun around, and latched onto Fang Yi.

There was a flash of light.

He turned into a metal knight with a silver head and a black body.

Moreover, countless gorgeous golden lines slowly appeared on the dark body! The red compound eyes suddenly bloomed!


【The rider kick increases the power by adding to brightness! 】

【Shining Hopper! 】

【When I shine, darkness fades! 】

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