I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 300: Scared silly

The two people who had been standing in the distance also seemed to hear the sound of the bullet impact, which shocked the two of them. They thought something had happened.

However, the sparrow flew into the distance without being hit by any shots at all. The sudden situation also changed Jin Qian's expression greatly.

Because Golden Gun never expected such a thing to happen.


The next moment, Yu Sheng fired another shot. When the golden gun heard the gunshot, he knew that he was too late...

Can only watch the last sparrow being hit.

In other words, ten sparrows hit seven for the rest of his life.

Such a scene scared the golden gun silly.

Even the crocodile is not much better.

Especially in the scene of the last bullet impact, the eyes of the golden gun almost stared out.

The same is true for crocodiles.

Because he also noticed the impact of the bullet.

"This kid can snipe bullets?" The crocodile was shocked by Yu Sheng's actions, because he couldn't believe that Yu Sheng could sniper bullets.

"Fuck... Why did the second shot fired just for the rest of my life? What do you mean?"

He Chenguang suddenly intervened.

"It seems...the two of them just shot, and they were empty." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but said.

"Empty? Impossible."

He Chenguang shook his head and retorted: "It's impossible to hit empty. Both of them are masters, and it is impossible to hit empty..."

"Then why did the two miss both shots?" Song Kaifei asked in confusion.

"I have a bold guess." He Chenguang said in a condensed voice.

"What guess?"

"The bullet was sniped."


As soon as these words were spoken, all the people present were shocked.

"What are you talking about? The bullet was sniped?" Xu Tianlong and the others couldn't help taking a breath.

"It's very possible." He Chenguang couldn't believe this kind of thing, but...according to the strength of the two, it is impossible for the two of them to make a mistake.

There were no mistakes in the front, and it was even more impossible to make mistakes in the back. Therefore, there is only one saying that the bullet was sniped.

It's just... bullets sniper bullets, is this kind of nonsense?

"My brain... this is going to heaven for the rest of my life." Wang Yanbing couldn't help but said.

"It's a mess, bullets sniper bullets, I've lived so long, and it's the first time I have heard of sniping bullets." Xu Tianlong couldn't help but vomit.

Even the Golden Gun had guessed that his bullets might have been sniped by Yu Sheng, but... sniping bullets, this kind of thing is simply nonsense.

How fast is the bullet? It is almost difficult to snipe a bullet, because you can't see it, it's impossible to snipe it, so he can't believe it.

However, Yu Sheng's face was a little surprised.

Others can't see clearly, but he can see the spark of that moment. He knows that it is the result of the collision of his bullet with the bullet of the golden gun.

For the rest of my life, I didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Two bullets actually touched one, this probability is not very high.

After all, there will always be a little difference in the shooting time between the two of them, and the shooting angles are different, and the probability of this collision is not very high.

Of course, it may not be missed.

After all, the two of them shot at the sparrow's head, and with this angle, the probability of colliding together is still very possible.

However, the rest of his life did not expect such a coincidence.

However, in the eyes of other people, they don't think so, because they feel that it is very likely that the rest of their lives sniped the bullet of the golden gun.

The performance of Yu Sheng just now, they are all in their eyes, Yu Sheng is more powerful than the golden gun, directly hitting seven sparrows, that is to say, the golden gun is not as good as the rest of life.

That's why the idea of ​​sniping the golden gun bullet for the rest of my life came into being.

The crocodile gave Yu Sheng a blank look. For a while, 10,000 alpacas were running in the crocodile's heart, and the crocodile was a little dumbfounded.

"Bullet sniper bullet... Is this Huaxia kid the **** of China?" Jon couldn't help but open his mouth.

"He really sniped the bullet of the golden gun?" Jinhou couldn't help asking.

"It is very likely that he shot the bullet of the golden gun." The crocodile was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "Otherwise, he would not fire a second shot so quickly."

"The shot that the golden gun fired just now is full of confidence... Obviously, he didn't expect to fire a second shot, so it is very likely that Yu Sheng missed the bullet of the golden gun."

"God..." Jon took a deep breath and said, "China, when did such special forces exist? As far as I know, only the top snipers have this ability, right? And those people basically The above all belong to God-like existence."

"do not know."

The crocodile also fell silent for a while, and took a deep look at Yu Sheng. The things Yu Sheng showed, even he was conquered.

For the rest of his life, he was really a terrible special soldier.

Jin Gun couldn't help but look at Yu Sheng, and said, "No. 1, did you snipe my bullet?"


When Yu Sheng heard this, he was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but said: "I said it was a blind cat and a dead mouse, do you believe it?"

"You're good."

Jin Gun took a deep look at Yu Sheng. It was obvious that the blind cat encountered dead mice without believing Yu Sheng's nonsense? He hasn't met him for so many years, and if you do, you will.

"Is a very good sniper, I lost." Golden Gun opened his mouth.

As soon as these words were spoken, the whole scene was a little boiling, especially He Chenguang and the others, they all cried out excitedly.

Chen Shanming and Gong Jian looked at each other, with a bit of wry smiles in their eyes.

"If this kid taught all the Hunter School instructors a lesson, and then planted the national flag...the number five...what would you think?"

Gong Jian hesitated and asked.

Chen Shanming smiled bitterly and said: "It is estimated that the fifth can confess this kid...The Hunter School will be filled with national flags and all the instructors will be abused..."

"After this kid gets back, he's going to fly!"

"Yeah..." Gong Jian also spoke in admiration: "I really don't know where the limit of this kid is~www.readwn.com~ It's really strong when it comes to strength."

"If he really does this, our Huaxia will also have a bright face." Chen Shanming smiled and said.

"Hope." Gong Jian also took a deep look at Yu Sheng, with a little expectation in his eyes.

They also wanted to see what kind of incidents would be triggered if Yu Sheng really did these two things.

The crocodile came over now, he took a deep breath, took a look at Yu Sheng, and calmly said: "No. 1, you win, I will raise a national flag for you."

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(End of this chapter)

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