I Have a Special Forces System

Chapter 310: Fight against top predators for the rest of your life

Hurry up..."

Exclamation kept coming, even for the rest of his life, his face changed drastically, and he hurriedly urged the people present to swim forward quickly.

His speed is also extremely fast.

Everyone almost used their strength to feed themselves and swam towards the shore, but they were human after all, and compared with these top predators who had been in the water all the year round, they were far worse.

This thing is surprisingly a crocodile.

Just looking at it, this set of crocodile is probably three or four meters long. With such a huge body, everyone watching it is frightened.

This thing is really horrible, especially in the water, basically it is difficult for them to do this thing.

"Fuck, this is a caiman."

Xin Yanduo couldn't help but glanced at it. He suddenly saw his head, plus it was the Amazon rainforest. His expression changed when he thought of something for a while.


When He Chenguang heard this, they also changed their colors for it. They didn't expect that they would actually **** meet a crocodile here! And it's a caiman, which is not one of the top predators.

They would hide in the water in the old days. When food comes close, they will kill it in one bite. The bite force of the caiman is very amazing.

The Caiman's speed was extremely fast, and Yu Sheng and the others had their complexions changed drastically.

However, they were a little slower after all.

"I'm coming……"

Xin Yanduo was shocked when he saw the Caiman behind him. At this moment, the Caiman had arrived not far from Xin Yanduo, only two or three meters away from Xin Yanduo.

"It's over, fucking... it's over."

Xin Yanduo's face was pale. At this moment, the Caiman had already approached him. As long as his mouth was closed, he would be bitten into a **** flesh.

In this case, it is almost dead.

As for fighting the caiman in the water, that's a foolish dream.

On land, you may not have ever done a caiman, let alone in the water, you are almost dead.

Seeing that the Caiman opened its big mouth, when he was ready to bite Xin Yanduo.

Suddenly, a figure swam past, and under Xin Yanduo's horrified gaze, this figure, holding a dagger, slammed into the caiman fiercely.

The crocodile skin of the caiman has amazing defensive power. For the rest of his life, it was only inserted a little bit, which made the caiman scream in pain.

Then, the caiman looked at Yu Sheng with a pair of fierce eyes.

"number 1."

When Xin Yan saw the rest of his life clearly, he exclaimed.

"Come on, you go to the shore first."

"But you..." Xin Yan said when he saw it, his face changed slightly.

"Come on, don't ink." Yu Sheng shouted violently.

When Xin Yanduo and others saw this situation in front of them, their faces were all a little unsightly. They all knew that for the rest of their lives they wanted to stay here by themselves and block the caiman.

"Let's get ashore quickly."

Chen Shanming was the first to recover and shouted.

They were in the water at the moment and couldn't help much. The fighting power of ten of them was definitely not as powerful as the Caiman.

Fighting this thing in the water is a dead end.

After all, 80% of their ability comes from the land.

When everyone saw this, gritted their teeth, and quickly swam toward the shore.

Soon, everyone was close to the shore, which made everyone happy.

After Chen Shanming went ashore, Chen Shanming said loudly: "The rest of your life, come back quickly."

Yu Sheng looked at Chen Shanming and the others, and he was a little relieved. Then he stared sharply at the Caiman in front of him, and the Caiman stared at Yu Sheng motionlessly.

For a time, the two actually confronted each other.

The caiman did not attack the rest of his life for a while!


The caiman perceives a dangerous smell on Yu Sheng's body. In this kind of forest, no matter what animal it is, their vigilance is very high.

Especially sensitive to danger, it is extremely sensitive.

For the rest of his life, because he felt a danger, he dared not rush forward, but it was the top predator in the Amazon rainforest, which was very terrifying.

Naturally, he will not be timid because of danger.

The caiman opened his big mouth and bit towards Yu Sheng fiercely. This caiman was at least about three and a half meters long. With such a huge figure, the face was extremely ugly for the rest of his life.

This guy is very rough.


For the rest of his life, he didn't wander back, because he knew that no matter how fast he was, he couldn't pass the caiman fast, so he didn't hesitate to take a dagger and attacked the caiman.

"No, for the rest of my life...I was impulsive."

Chen Shanming and the others saw that Yu Sheng actually attacked the caiman, which made Chen Shanming and the others scream for it.

But for the rest of his life at this time, he had already attacked the caiman.

When the caiman saw Yu Sheng's moment, he bit his big mouth. However, Yu Sheng moved his body forcibly in the water, so he was not bitten by the caiman. However, the rest of his life was also close now. The Caiman pierced fiercely into the eyes of the Caiman.

To say that the weakness of the caiman is the eyes.

The eyes can be said to be the weakest place among any creatures.

Therefore, Yu Sheng directly attacked the Caiman's eyes.


The blood flowed down the Caiman's eyes, and the Caiman's body kept rolling and snoring, which was obviously extremely angry.

The huge tail of the Caiman slammed it towards Yu Sheng.


With a muffled sound, Yu Sheng was hit, and his body rushed toward the shore.

Yu Sheng snorted, and for a while, he almost missed it. The crocodile's tail was too heavy and too heavy. If it weren't for his good physical fitness, this tail would probably kill him.

The Caiman was furious and swam towards Yusheng again. It seemed that if he didn't eat the rest of his life, he would not give up. This made the Caiman extremely angry.

For the rest of his life, he quickly swam towards the shore~www.readwn.com~ hesitated with the tail of the caiman, which caused him to be a lot closer to the shore.

For the rest of his life, he swam quickly, while the caiman behind was chasing frantically.

"Brothers, use the wood beside you to stop the caiman." Chen Shanming hurriedly said loudly when he saw this.


Everyone picked up the wood next to them and stared straight at the caiman. At this moment, the rest of his life had already swam to the shore, and he quickly walked towards the shore.

At this time, the caiman had also caught up for the rest of his life. Then, he opened his mouth and bit the past fiercely. At this time, Chen Shanming and the others pulled up the thick wood of their calves and slammed toward them. The caiman's mouth bombarded.

(End of this chapter)

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