Chapter 968

However, his self-confidence is killing him, and this other person's expression has also changed drastically.

"Broken, there are still people."

The man who was alive was also full of horror. Immediately he moved his body and rolled towards a donkey next to him and rolled down the slope. This man carefully observed the surroundings, but he did not dare to move because he didn't know what was still around him. Are there other enemies? If you move around, you can easily be killed by the enemy.

Yu Sheng, He Chenguang and others saw the scene before them, all with a heart move, and immediately said: "Outflanking this kid, they will be left alone."


Immediately, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others were outflanked in two directions. They were a group of eight. This living person also saw the scene in front of him, and his expression changed even more.

"so many people……"

Eight people outflanked him, and his whole person became a little gloomy. Facing these eight people, it was too difficult to break through.

"Is it Huaxia's soldier?" The person next to him noticed them for the rest of his life, and this changed their expressions, and their expressions became a little gloomy.

He also didn't expect that there were other people coveting all around, and they were still Huaxia soldiers, and the fight between them finally made them cheaper. For a while, this made them a little angry.

"Go, don't stay here anymore, once they outflank it, you will die." The man said hurriedly.


This person hurriedly ran in the other direction. He also knew that his teammates had been eliminated, and there would be no benefit to continuing here. Therefore, it is the key to flee now.


This person's body shape keeps changing, and this constant changing of positions can avoid bullets, making people unable to lock his body shape, which is why he keeps changing his position.


Immediately afterwards, this person shook his hand and fired a shot, and the direction of the bullet was surprisingly the direction where Yu Sheng was. This person's eyes also revealed a little coldness.

His sniper is obviously a sniper. With a quick sniper, he can hit the opponent. The application of this sniper is very elegant in eyesight, wrist strength and grasp of guns.

If one is not well controlled, it will cause the bullet to miss. Therefore, the sniper is fed with bullets. Not only that, this sniper also needs to constantly fight against people. After all, people are alive on this battlefield. If you kill something, it will only limit your development.

In the end, it is possible that because of this incompatibility, he died on the battlefield.

In order to temper this sniper, he did not know how much suffering he had suffered, and similarly, these sufferings were not eaten in vain, because he did not know how many people died here.

The reason why he fired such a shot, first, if he could hit the enemy and kill him, it would be better, but even if he couldn’t kill him, it could also make the person unable to shoot, which gave him a chance. .

After Yu Sheng saw this shot, his pupils kept shrinking, and then a faint arc was lifted between the corners of Yu Sheng's mouth, because the bullet gradually slowed down in his eyes, as if it were a slow motion of a movie. , The trajectory of the bullet can be seen clearly.

Yu Sheng raised the muzzle slightly and pulled the trigger.


The same gun resounded, and the bullet shot out from the muzzle. In the eyes of the rest of his life, he saw the trajectory of his bullet. The trajectory of the bullet was exactly the same as the trajectory of the opponent’s bullet. A slight sound resounded, and two bullets collided.

The bullet collided with the bullet and fell from the air. When the person in front of him saw such a scene, the person in front also looked shocked.


Even the people around him looked at the scene in front of them in a bit of surprise, with a little shock and surprise in their eyes.

"Bullet sniper bullet?"

The people around were all exclaimed. Some of them can also do bullet sniper bullets, but they will definitely not be able to do so easily for the rest of their lives.

They can do bullet sniper bullets because they are very familiar with the trajectory of bullets and guns. The moment the enemy shoots, they will detect the person’s muzzle in advance, and then adjust their muzzle. Pull the trigger, so that the bullet can snipe the bullet.

But he definitely couldn't make the rest of his life as easy as he could. This guy just adjusted the muzzle at will and shot the opponent's bullet. Such terrifying ability made them a little heavier.

Even the captain of this person's face is a bit ugly, he knows that his team members, I am afraid that some of them are doomed today.

Because this person's strength is very terrifying, his own player is not his opponent at all...


When the man noticed that Yu Sheng had shot off his bullet, the man's face changed drastically, and he cursed inwardly, a little annoyed.

At the same time, he was a little frightened.

He kept running towards the big trees next to him, trying to use these big trees to cover his body, and at this moment, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others fired at this person one after another.

The same is true for the rest of his life, using a sniper rifle to aim at this guy, these steps are disordered, for others, may not be able to lock, but for him, it does not exist.

"Boom boom..."

The muffled sound continued to resound. For a time, eight bullets instantly blocked the person's path, and the person's face changed drastically, and he lay down on the ground.


Suddenly there was a bullet that hit his ass. The moment he just got down, the bullet had hit this person’s ass. The system on his body, It was also dragged, and yellow smoke suddenly appeared.

The billowing yellow smoke also means that this person has been eliminated.

All the people present looked at the scene in front of them with a little ugly expression.


The captain shook his fist and cursed. He thought they had earned a lot of medals this time, but he never expected that this time, they would have lost all of them. Even with them, they were all taken in by this group of Huaxia. The soldiers were killed, which was a huge loss for them.

When Yu Sheng saw this scene before him, he was a little relieved. This team's combat effectiveness is not bad. If you really fight these guys head-on, even Yu Sheng wouldn't dare to say that you can kill the enemy in ten thousand times. Fortunately, The battle between these guys has consumed a lot of the opponent's fighting power, otherwise, even he would not be able to kill all these people.

(End of this chapter)

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