Everyone looked at each other, and his face became grim. Dr. Wu said helplessly: "unfortunately, there is no way to detect the existence of evil in Pangu base, and there is no way to expel it. Xiao Chu, I advise you to use less magic power of yimingzhu in the future!"

Chu Han nodded solemnly. He didn't want to become a murderer or a madman. He just put the magic jewel Yi Ming Zhu. It's unnecessary and a little wasteful. On second thought, he laughed again: "ha ha, it's OK. I'll go back to Ling Zhongshan at that time. Maybe the Heavenly Master's mansion can find a way!"

"All right!" Hearing Chu Han mention Tianshi mansion, Dr. Wu's eyes flashed a touch of nostalgia: "that old boy Zhang Mu has a lot of research on the fighting method. Maybe he can really help you get rid of the evil spirit in yimingzhu!"

Because he didn't know when the evil in yimingzhu would break out, Chu Han was not in the mood to stay here. That night, he asked director Gao to borrow an all terrain car, hoping to send him out of the desert.

As a result, director Gao didn't hesitate at all, so he decided to make a generous decision. In addition, he sent an acquaintance to send him on the road. Liu Xuan, who had been shuttling with Chu Han before, was empty.

"Take care, everyone!" The next day, Chu Han and Liu Xuan, together with two drivers, took an all terrain vehicle to leave the temporary camp. Dr. Wu, they had to stay to excavate the ancient city of Yingzhou. They couldn't leave for the moment.

"Take care, have a good trip!" Dr. Wu and others waved goodbye with a smile on their faces. Chu Han looked at these familiar faces and could not help sighing. With his previous agreement with director Gao, I'm afraid there will be no way to meet again for a long time to come.

"Ah, nangongrui really doesn't want to see me off?" Chu Han stood on the ATV and waited for a few minutes, but he didn't see Nangong Rui. He was a little disappointed.

Liu Xuan had already sat down on one side, and Wen Yan laughed: "ha ha, Xiao Chu, young people should put their mind on their career. Don't be affected by their children's private affairs!"

Chu Han angrily put down his sore hand and yelled goodbye to Dr. Wu. Then he sat down, and the roof of the car closed slowly. With the roar of the engine, the all terrain vehicle slowly drove away from the temporary camp.

"Why are you?" After about half an hour's driving, the all terrain vehicle began to change its shape. It went straight into the yellow sand and began to drive under the desert. At this time, a driver turned around and looked at Chu Han in a daze.

One day, he took off his helmet and gave him a smile: "what's the matter, I can't leave with you?"

Chu Han looks at Liu Xuan on one side. Seeing that the latter doesn't have any unexpected expression, he knows that the other party must have known about it in advance. He can't help asking yixiantian: "don't you want to stay there for further examination? I just left. I'm not afraid that I'll have another attack one day? "

Yitiantian waved his hand: "don't mention it, I overheard it last night. The so-called inspection is just to cooperate with them to do some experiments. In fact, if I am really invaded by evil, they can't find any good way to solve it. Instead of staying there to be studied, it's better to go out and walk around while my brain is still awake!"

"All right!" Chu Han shrugged his shoulders: "since you are not afraid of death, it's up to you. But I can remind you in advance that if one day you feel that your evil spirit is going to break out, you must make your own decisions in time. Don't harm us innocent people."

Yitiantian's face sank down: "how, I have saved your life, so you treat your savior like this?"

Chu Han laughed and waved his hand: "don't be angry. I'm joking. If you become a madman, I'll knock you out at the first time and send you to Pangu base."

A day later, he turned his head and sat quietly in the co driver's seat. He didn't speak any more. After a while, he fell asleep. He was so busy that the real driver next to him needed two people to operate the all terrain vehicle.

The speed of the all terrain vehicle is very fast. Even if most of the distance is sneaking before Huangsha, it takes less than half a day to reach the edge of the desert. For some reason, this kind of high-tech vehicle can not be exposed to the sight of outsiders, so Chu Han has to separate from Liu Xuan.

"It's the southeast direction of the meeting Before leaving, Liu Xuan gave them two travel bags he had prepared in advance. After a few words, he and the driver drove the all terrain car into the yellow sand and soon disappeared.

Chu Han opened his travel bag, took out a fully charged mobile phone, called out the map and found the location of himself and the town. He frowned: "we have to go around a hill. This route is really a pit father!"

A line of sky is not satisfied: "let's go, it's just a few hundred meters high mountain. It's nothing to us. We can turn it over before dark!"

Thinking that there was still a lot of water and food in the backpack, Chu Han was relieved. Even if it was hard to catch up, he would spend the night in the mountains at most.

As a result, each of the two carried a large travel bag. After they had seen the right direction, they stepped forward and ran wildly. It was already the edge of the desert, and the ground began to be more green, but it was no longer so monotonous.Soon, after climbing over a small mound, the hill appeared in Chu Han's view. Perhaps it was because the air here was relatively dry, there were only a few green spots on the hill, and a large number of rocks were exposed, which made it a little bleak.

Woo! After a short rest, Chu Han and yixiantian are about to set out again. Suddenly, there is a trumpet sound in front of them, followed by a sad murmur and cry, as if a lot of people are coming.

Two people look at each other, Chu Han low voice asked: "can you understand what they are shouting?"

Yixiantian shook his head: "I don't know, it seems to be Mongolian, maybe it's dead!"

So they went forward curiously, and soon they met with a pack horse team. There were hundreds of people, and a dozen camels in front of them were dragging a colorful felt, as if they were wrapped in corpses. They were really funeral teams.

"What tribe is this? Their custom is really strange. They have to save enough dead people to go to a funeral together? " In order not to affect other people's mood, Chu Han and yixiantian choose to hide behind the rock. Looking at the huge funeral procession, Chu Han can't help guessing curiously.

On the one hand, he was staring at the blankets wrapped with corpses, and his eyes became more and more strange: "something's wrong, those corpses are full of Yin Qi, as if they were forcibly robbed of their souls!"

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