"Gathering spirit array? Xiaoqian, are you right? " Chu Han was stunned when he heard that. With his limited knowledge, he also knew that the gathering spirit array was a very complex and advanced underworld array. Even if the underworld division wanted to arrange it, it needed to send a large number of professional engineers and construction personnel.

Nie Xiaoqian white Chu Han one eye: "the family this period of time has received the Yin Department's vocational training is not good, absolutely can't read wrong, the Yin Qi on the mountain is indeed divided according to the rules of gathering spirit array."

Jack's cultivation is not enough. Naturally, he can't see anything, but he still has a doubt: "sister Xiaoqian, I heard Dean Cui say that Yin Qi, Yin difference and fierce ghost gathered by gathering spirit array can't be used directly. They have to go through a series of complex purification and transformation. Why does the other party have to put up a gathering spirit array here?"

Nie Xiaoqian also fell into bewilderment, half ring just distressed way: "for a while, I also don't understand, but we go up to have a look, maybe there are eyebrows."

Seeing that Nie Xiaoqian was about to float up the mountain, Chu Han quickly stopped him: "wait a minute, Xiaoqian, are we going up like this? Is there any danger?" His meaning is very clear. Since the other side can arrange such a high-level array as the spirit gathering array, their strength must be extraordinary. They may even commit crimes by gangs. Just these three little men and two of them rush up so foolishly, aren't they dead?

Nie Xiaoqian was going to say something, but seeing Chu Han's nervous face, she couldn't help but shut her mouth. At this time, a line of sky has begun to go back: "you think about it slowly. Anyway, I dare not go in this muddy water. Goodbye!"

Whew! As soon as his voice fell, he began to use his lightness skill. In the blink of an eye, he ran away. Chu Han put up a middle finger in the direction of his disappearance: "bah, you coward!"

After despising the first day, Chu Han turns around and waves to Nie Xiaoqian and Jack: "let's go quickly, too!"

Well! Nie Xiaoqian and Jack look at each other with a strange look in their eyes. Jack finally can't help but say: "God, you are really there. Just after criticizing others, you are going to run away. This is a double standard!"

Chu Han was embarrassed to scratch his head: "cough, those who know current affairs are heroes. I'm not afraid of them. I'm worried about your danger."

"My God All of a sudden, a line of shouts came from the front. It sounded very panic and fear. Soon his figure reappeared. The whole man ran faster than the rabbit, followed by a black car.

"Hahaha, yiyitian, when did you become so timid that you were chased all over the place by a car? I'll go!" Seeing this scene, Chu Han instinctively sneered. Suddenly, he felt something was wrong. The shape of the car was very old, as if it had passed through the 1970s and 1980s. Moreover, how could the car body float in the air?

"It's a hearse!" Before Chu Han could react, she was mentioned by Nie Xiaoqian in midair. She stared at the black car sternly and explained: "it's the latest Yinbao developed by the Bureau of Yinsi utensils. If the soul with insufficient cultivation is hit, it will be dead at once!"

"Ah Knowing the horror of that shady car, Chu Han couldn't laugh any more. He nervously pointed to the hopeless sky and called to Jack, "Jack, go and save people!"

"Yes, great God!" Jack immediately flew to yixiantian and picked him up. The next second, the yinche drove by the sole of yixiantian's foot, bringing out a terrible wind.

Whoo! To Chu Han's surprise, it didn't seem that the target of the vehicle was them. After frightening yixiantian to death, he drove straight to the hill in front of him and soon disappeared.

A group of people stop in mid air, waiting for a long time, but they don't see the overcast car coming out again. Then they let out a long breath. Chu Han motioned Nie Xiaoqian to put herself down, and then looked at the front line of the sky: "what's the matter, what are you running about?"

Yiyitian's face turned pale, and then he looked at the hill fearfully: "whoosh, how can I know that the shady car just came out of the ground in the middle of the run? Its shady Qi is really terrible. I can only turn around for self-protection!"

"Have a rest first!" Up to now, what can Chu Han say? He patted yixiantian's shoulder, motioned to the other side not to run around, and turned his eyes to the hill: "Xiaoqian, who drives that kind of Yin car?"

After seeing the yinche, Chu Han had a feeling that the hill was not as common as it looked. Maybe it had some connection with the senior management of the Yinsi.

Nie Xiaoqian thought about it for a moment, and quickly replied: "well, it seems that the sedan style vaginal car just now was developed in recent years. I don't know what level can be configured. But in the detention center, only president Cui and several other vice presidents have been assigned one."

"Well, there are ghosts in it!" Chu Han determined his own judgment: "it seems that the person who arranged the spirit gathering array is not the evil cultivation of mountain demons or human beings. It's very likely that it's the person of the Yin Department!""No way!" Jack cried out in disbelief: "if it's the hand of the Yin Department, why does Dean Cui want us to come here to explore?"

Chu Han narrowed his eyes: "it's like those corrupt officials in the world. Maybe it's just a temporary stronghold established by a corrupt official in the Yin Department. He doesn't want to let others know, so it's not registered!"

Whoo! As soon as Chu Han's voice fell, there was a wind blowing in front of him. The next moment, a heavy truck came straight over. The momentum was frightening.

Nie Xiaoqian and Jack didn't react this time. The truck went directly through their body. Chu Han lost his sense of body when he saw a flower in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Chu Han fell into the darkness. He felt around in panic and quickly grasped a hand. It was smooth and familiar.

"It's me!" Nie Xiaoqian's voice rang out in her ear: "your soul was directly knocked out of the body. If I hadn't protected it with Yin force in time, I would have been terrified just now!"

I turned into a wandering soul! After understanding the current situation, Chu Han calmed down. He recalled that the black-and-white ghost had taught him the great method of gathering Yin. He recited the method in his heart, and his body soon began to gather, and soon his vision was restored.

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