Chu Han in the heart claps Deng: "isn't it, all burning eyebrows, elder brother, you still want to walk procedure?"

"Cough!" Zhong Li coughed awkwardly: "well, it's my thoughtlessness. How about this? I'll tell Xiao Cui of the detention center about your situation. He has a quick action unit there, which can arrive at you in three hours!"

"OK, please, brother!" Chu Han took a long breath. Fortunately, there was a quick action army in the detention center. Otherwise, he would be finished before the big army of the Yin Department arrived.

"Well, you can wait for my good news." Zhong Li's tone is very relaxed, and simple comfort Chu Han a few words, directly interrupted the communication.

"That's it. Let's hold on for another nine hours." After the terminal communication, Chu Han told Nie Xiaoqian the result. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders helplessly: "ah, I thought the efficiency of the vaginal department could be a little higher, but I didn't expect it to be so tardy!"

"Nine hours is better than no hope!" On the contrary, he calmed down, and he began to turn his eyes to those Ming coins: "Hey, hey, do we hide some of them quietly first, and then take them out after we die, even in the underworld, we can become rich people!"

Chu Han was a little excited. He took out a Ming coin and looked at it carefully. He found that the printing was very beautiful, but he was a little worried: "what if it was found?"

One day pondered for a moment, suddenly said: "it doesn't matter, since they have made such a big hand, the quality of these counterfeit banknotes is certainly no problem, if it is so easy to be identified, those people will have to pawn their pants for a long time!"

Chu Han thought about it. He couldn't help clapping for Xian Tian's tact. He just looked at this strange warehouse and couldn't find a place to hide things for a moment.

"Leave it to me!" Nie Xiaoqian, as a staff member of the Yin Department, had no consciousness at this time: "my cultivation is relatively high, and it's not easy for them to find out!"

With that, Nie Xiaoqian changed into a flying insect the size of a thumb and began to fly around the warehouse quickly. Her speed was very fast. If she didn't stare at her at the beginning, Chu Han could hardly find her.

Soon, Nie Xiaoqian stopped in the opposite corner. He changed back to his original shape and made a victory gesture to Chu Han. Then he blew out a cloud of black fog and rolled up the nearby Ming coin and sent it directly behind her.

In less than three minutes, Nie Xiaoqian flew back in a hurry. A day later, she murmured with some dissatisfaction: "you can't hide more. I think you just hid tens of millions at most!"

Nie Xiaoqian did not answer, Chu Han white line day one eye: "you know what, now is an extraordinary period, our safety is the most important, if all of a sudden disappear too much money, will certainly cause those evil spirits attention."

"All right then!" One day also realized this problem, and immediately stopped talking, just began to quietly put the Ming coins on his body. Unfortunately, his pocket was too small to hide thousands of pieces at most.

Whew, whew! Half an hour later, the evil spirits reappeared. Under their power, hundreds of wandering souls who had fallen into a dull state began to be busy again. Naturally, Chu Han had no leisure, but even so, they would often be innocently whipped.

"It's yours. I'll show you later!" Chu Han remembered that the guy who beat himself the hardest was a bald man with a red face. He probably drank to death. He secretly vowed that when the rescue troops arrived, he would give them some color.

Ding! Chu Han they busy for three hours, the harsh bell suddenly rings, all the ghosts stop the action in their hands, those wandering souls also stay on the spot.

Chu Han looked at Nie Xiaoqian and made eye contact: "what's the situation?"

Nie Xiaoqian gently shook her head, saying that she did not know.

"And you?" Chu Han looks at yixiantian and Jack again, and both of them show a blank expression.

Just at this time, the foreign ghost kirky appeared again. He looked very anxious. After flying in mid air, he began to blow fiercely at the bottom.

A dark fog fell down and penetrated into everyone's body. Chu Han felt that his body was free again. Looking at the wandering souls below, his dull eyes seemed to have more expression, and some of them had begun to communicate quietly.

With a roar of discontent, Koki immediately calmed those wandering souls. A look of madness flashed in his eyes, and he said a lot of words, as if he was doing some pre war mobilization.

Chu Han looked on coldly and said in a low voice, "what is this guy going to do? Those wandering souls are the coolies that he forcibly plundered. Now that they have regained consciousness, can they be willing to be his thugs?"

Soon, Chu Han was beaten in the face. He didn't know what kind of ecstasy Keji had given to those wandering souls. They began to get excited and began to rush out one by one.

"Is that ok?" Chu Han was stunned. At this time, Nie Xiaoqian patted his forehead, and his power immediately returned to its original state."Let's rush out, too!" A day also restored strength, saw the evil ghost behind one eye, will be eager to try to mix into the crowd.

Chu Han understood what he meant, but on second thought, he stopped again: "no, I can't. If I rush out like this, what should I do if I'm injured by the friendly army by mistake?"

Boom! One day, he stopped awkwardly. Suddenly, there was a blasting sound in the distance. A hole was made in the entrance of the cave. From a distance, a group of people in black armor were about to rush in, and soon they were drowned by the wandering souls who rushed out.

"Ha ha ha!" In mid air, koji burst into a burst of happy laughter when he saw this scene, but he soon couldn't laugh because those wandering souls had no fighting power at all. A random charge by the Yin soldiers was to turn over all the people, which didn't constitute a threat at all.

Kirky panicked, yelled at the bottom, turned around and was about to run away, and the evil spirits in charge of the rear of the hall began to retreat without hesitation.

Chu Han catches the bald ghost who has bullied him quickly. Yitian and jack also understand something and rush over and cover each other's mouth.

"Hum!" When Keji and Chuhan were gone and there were only a few of them left in the warehouse, he released the bareheaded ghost's mouth and showed a cruel smile: "do you like to beat people with a whip? Well, I'll let you taste the meat whip now! "

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