Chu Han smell speech left and right to see, found that he actually sat in the first class of the plane, he lay down languidly: "ah, or Xiaoqian love me, where are we?"

One day thought for a while, and replied, "there are still two hours left. You can sleep for a while. I'll call you when it's time."

"All right!" Just said two words, Chu Han was dizzy again. Although his stomach was still cooing, he couldn't help but close his eyes and soon fell asleep.

As a result, not long after he fell asleep, Chu Han suddenly appeared in the dream again. This time, it still started from the pure white background. First there was a whistling sound, and then the terrible black snake appeared on his head

"Ah When Chu Han was entangled by the black snake again and was about to suffocate, he suddenly felt that he was patted fiercely by someone, and then he woke up.

"Brother Zhong?" Chu Han opens his eyes and is surprised to find that Zhong Li is standing in front of him. Here is his office. There are a pile of fruits and several magazines on the desk.

Zhong Li's hand was pressing on Chu Han's forehead. At this time, his expression was dignified. He motioned Chu Han not to speak with his eyes. He kept reciting some incantations in his mouth.

Chu Han honestly closed his mouth, and soon felt a huge force into his body. The feeling of extreme weakness was restrained, and his spirit was better.

"Hoo Seeing Chu Han's face getting better, Zhong Li released his hand. He let out a breath: "Xiao Chu, how do you feel?"

Chu Han stood up for the activity and was surprised to find that he was OK. He grabbed a few apples on the table and gnawed them: "I feel much better. I'm starving. I'll make up for them first!"

Clock from light looking at Chu Han ate up ten apples, this just a wave of hands, stopped his action: "don't eat, you are now in a state of ghost, eat more can only supplement Yin force, to your body has no effect."

Chu Han stares big eyes and looks at his feet. He finds that it's really a black fog. He loses an apple core in his hand depressed: "brother, you said it earlier!"

Zhong Li laughed and said in a deep voice: "fortunately, you came back to Jiangyuan city in time. I can feel that your spirit is in danger. I am busy summoning your ghost for treatment. Otherwise, you will be finished long ago!"

Chu Han's face changed: "is it so serious? I just had two nightmares As he said that, he described the situation in his dream again. For fear that he could not explain it clearly, he also explained his experience in Yingzhou ancient city.

After hearing this, Zhong Li pondered: "well, I see. It seems that lingchajian absorbed too much resentment in that accident and has become a spiritual treasure full of evil spirit!"

"What happened?" Chu Han's curiosity was aroused. He knew nothing about the past of Yingzhou ancient city. He didn't expect that Zhong Li had a big case here.

Zhong Li hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, that incident related to several important figures in the current position of the secret department. It has been listed as a level 1 confidential event. Even I have no right to say it."

"So exaggerated?" Chu Han was more curious, but he didn't dare to ask any more when he thought that Zhong Li had his own difficulties. He just said, "darling, no wonder Lingcha sword will become so powerful."

He suddenly thought of the body of the sword that had already flown to Myanmar: "by the way, brother Zhong, the body of Lingcha sword has already flown away. I wanted to have a chance to look for it in the future. Since it has something to do with those big people, can't I take it?"

Zhong Li laughed: "ha ha, it's not necessary. After all, it's more than 2000 years since the incident happened. The relevant personnel are either in the Yin Department or in the sky, and they can't manage the affairs of the world!"

Chu Han was relieved. At this time, Zhong Li said sternly: "brother Chu, lingchajian is Lingbao after all. Its evil Qi is too complex. What I major in is the skill of the Yin Department. It can only help you control the evil pressure in your body for a while. If you want to eradicate it, you can only ask the experts in the world for help."

Chu Han became nervous: "is my master OK? He is the elder of the Heavenly Master's mansion, and he is proficient in all kinds of ancient arrays! "

Zhong Li seemed to know Chu Han's past very well. Hearing this, he immediately frowned and said, "do you say Zhang Mu? That little guy is a bit of a Taoist, but to eradicate the evil in your body, I'm afraid it's not enough for him alone. It's better to find Maoshan and the people of wuxingmen together, so we can be most sure. "

Hearing the first half of Zhong Li's words, Chu Han was still a little nervous, but when he heard what he said, Chu Han couldn't help laughing: "it's easy to do. I have a little friendship with Maoshan and wuxingmen. I believe they will help."

"That's good!" Zhong Li nodded at ease and said, "your evil will not be found again in seven days. Take advantage of this time to take good care of your body."

The voice falls, Zhong Li waves his hand, Chu Han's eyes flash, has returned to the plane, one side of the day is looking at himself with a very shocked eyes: "just shot in the end is which road God, in front of his breath, I can't even resist the idea!"Chu Han saw that there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, and the corners of his mouth were shaking involuntarily. He couldn't help laughing with pride: "ha ha, that's my elder brother, director Zhong of the Yin Department embassy, who has practiced for thousands of years!"

Yixiantian's eyes changed rapidly, and he suddenly lowered his head: "Xiao Chu, what's my fault before? Don't go to your heart. Here, I'd like to express my sincere and sincere apology to you!"

"Ha ha ha!" Chu Han was amused by yixiantian's action and could not help patting him on the shoulder: "OK, don't be so nervous. My elder brother just scares you. He won't really do anything to you."

"Hoo, that's good!" One day, he raised his head and breathed out a long breath. After thinking for a moment, he said bitterly, "don't mention that I saw your soul suddenly taken away. If my body hadn't been controlled, I might have rushed down the plane with you to find someone to help me!"

Chu Han looked out of the window and saw that the plane was still in the air. He said with a smile, "come on, you need not exaggerate. No matter how strong your strength is, there is a limit. Do you want to save me or harm me when you jump down from this height?"

was caught in a straight line, with a red face and embarrassed way: "cough, of course, is to save you, that is, the method may be a bit inappropriate!"

"Come on, I'm hungry. Order something to eat." It's rare that one day he would try so hard to please himself. Chu Han certainly won't miss this good opportunity to command him. Anyway, his belly began to growl, so he just took him as a little brother.

"Stewardess!" As soon as the dawn came, it seemed that in order to show his sincerity, he immediately stood up and walked towards the outside. While walking, he deliberately yelled: "how do you serve? Some people here are hungry and don't know how to deliver food. I have to work hard to get it myself. I really don't have any professionalism!"

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