"I see!" After listening to master's explanation, Chu Han suddenly realized that at the same time, he also felt an unprecedented pressure. How rare are the treasures in today's world? Dozens of them are just astronomical numbers. How can he come up with them?

After a moment of despairing silence, Chu Han suddenly moved in his heart: "by the way, master, didn't you say last time that there are many treasures hidden in the black market square?"

Zhang Mu's eyes brightened, and soon frowned: "they have many treasures in their hands, but their strength must not be underestimated, otherwise they would not be able to live in lingzhongshan for so many years!"

Chu Han said with a smile: "I didn't say to rob it hard. Didn't they always want to go back to nangongrui and steal the Lingbao? If I get them back, can I exchange some treasures for them? "

"If it's the Lingbao, the old man might be willing to exchange six or seven treasures!" Zhang Mu looked at Chu Han strangely, and then said: "unfortunately, even if you can succeed, you are still far from the total number of treasures needed for that ancient array."

Chu Han scratched his head in distress and asked Zhang Mu expectantly, "master, will those treasures disappear after the completion of the array?"

"Of course Zhang Mu nodded and affirmed: "do you think, otherwise I would not be so worried. As the position of our Tianshi mansion, we can borrow from those sects and scattered people directly, and we can collect enough treasures."

"Well, can I really live only seven days?" Chu Han was very desperate. He thought he could be saved when he went back to tianshifu, but he didn't expect to face the same result in the end.

"Now we can only expect miracles!" Zhang Mu pondered for a moment, and suddenly patted Chu Han on the shoulder: "good apprentice, the reason why I didn't hesitate to accept you as an apprentice was that I valued your amazing fortune. I hope that God will help you like before."

After a pause, Zhang Mu applied for burning again: "since the evil Qi in your body is brought by the scabbard of Lingcha sword, I think if you can find its body, maybe there is a way to help you delay time and collect the dozens of treasures needed for array arrangement!"

Chu Han flashed the figure of the white snake in his mind, and he nodded: "OK, I know where the sword body has gone. I thought I would look for it again for a while, but now I have to go to Myanmar for my own life."

"Myanmar? What's the danger? " Don't you think there's a little bit of elites left behind in our country

Chu Han said with a bitter smile: "master, you only know one thing, but you don't know the other. Although there are no descendants of ancient martial arts in Myanmar, there are high technologies beyond modern times. Do you know about the secret establishment of six bases by the five powers decades ago? There are sub bases of ambrera base in the United States! "

Zhang Mu's eyes widened, as if he had thought of something. After a long time, he murmured, "I see. The antennae of ambrera base have extended to Myanmar!"

What did Chu Han realize: "how? Master, do you seem to have an intersection with ambrera base? "

Zhang Mu showed a look of recollection and said: "ah, that's decades ago. In order to inherit the position of the patriarch, the Tianshi mansion had a serious internal division. The lineage of Zhang family with Zhang ershui as the core was one school, and the younger brothers of other surnames were another school. At that time, those disciples with other surnames were not valued by the previous generation of patriarchs, so they had a great influence Evil thoughts colluded with external forces to destroy lingzhongshan's mountain protection array. As a result, a conflict came down and many people died... "

Zhang Mu didn't elaborate. After sighing, he said: "ah, in a word, the force colluding with the disciples of the Heavenly Master's mansion is ambrera base in the United States. At that time, they used a lot of high-tech weapons, as well as very insidious biochemical weapons. If Pangu base hadn't given a helping hand in time, lingzhongshan would have been occupied."

Chu Han was stunned: "this, this is a naked invasion!"

Zhang Mu said helplessly: "there's no way. The six bases were built secretly by the five powers. Although the incident happened in Lingzhong mountain, for some reason, it can only be classified as the internal struggle between the six bases. According to their regulations, it can't be said on the table."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Mu said: "those children with different surnames were also killed and injured badly, but there were two people who disappeared. My elder martial brother and I suspected that they had taken refuge in ambrera base, but they had not got accurate information, otherwise they would have gone to the United States to hunt them down!"

"It turns out that there is such a deep hatred between Tianshi mansion and ambrera base!" Chu Han clenched his fist: "in this case, I'm going to Myanmar even more. If I meet the people in ambrera base, I won't be soft handed, and I'll give my master a bad breath!"

Zhang Mu nodded happily and said, "OK, but with your strength, this time it can be said that it was an original creation. Even if you can find the body of Lingcha sword, it's hard to bring it out safely. I'll send you some helpers."

Chu Han felt warm in his heart and asked curiously, "by the way, who are you going to send with me?"Zhang Mu thought for a moment, and soon made a decision: "let's go to Zhang Feng and Zhang Yan, together with Yu Li and Yi fan."

"Thank you, master!" Chu Han was just about to express his gratitude when he was stunned: "eh? Both martial Uncle Zhang Feng and martial Uncle Zhang Yan are at the top of the ghost world. Of course, there is no problem for them to go, but the remaining two? "

Zhang Mu laughed: "ha ha, why, Yuli and Yifan are both the top of the world, and they are also the best among the younger generation. Just when you break through to the early stage of the ghost world, you start to look down on your elder martial brothers and sisters?"

Chu Han shook his head awkwardly: "of course not, but I don't know what danger I will encounter when I get to Myanmar. I'm worried about their safety."

Zhang Mu said with a smile: "you don't have to worry about this. The disciples of our Heavenly Master's mansion are not so greedy. Besides, Yuli is proficient in the six languages. It's very convenient to communicate with the local people there. As for Yifan, it seems that he knows a few jade merchants from Myanmar and can help a lot."

Myanmar is rich in jade and jadeite, which Chu Han knows, and he has heard that most of the jade merchants have another identity, the leader of the underworld, or they can't protect their huge wealth.

So it seems that Jiang Yuli and Zhang Yifan can really help themselves, so Chu Han no longer hesitates: "well, I'll listen to master's platoon and let them go together."

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