ok Looking at Wu Eryi's indifferent expression, Chu Han was also speechless. If he didn't need the other party to lead the way, he would have jumped out of the car. It was a shame to be with these two inhuman guys.

As for why Chu Han wanted to go to the holy mountain, it was also after some careful consideration. Just a few days ago, the body of lingchajian flew to Myanmar, and there was a meteorite fall. Moreover, the scene was soon blocked by the military. He had reason to believe that the so-called meteorite was the body of lingchajian.

Ambrera base has been developed in Myanmar for so many years, and it's not surprising that it can control the military. Since they have sealed off the site of the meteorite fall, they may have taken away the body of lingchajian long ago.

Therefore, if Chu Han wants to find the body of the sword, he must first find the hiding place of ambrera base. There is an amazing coincidence between the legend that holy mountain was cursed by nightmares decades ago and the time when ambrera base began to develop in Myanmar. In addition, after holy mountain was cursed, the animals soon mutated and had obvious characteristics of human manipulation As a result, it is self-evident that the so-called holy mountain is actually the secret hiding place of ambrera base.

After crossing a dirt road, the off-road vehicle comes to a forest which is not very dense. The speed of the off-road vehicle also begins to slow down, and it is constantly changing its direction.

Huh? At this time, it was dark. Chu Han, with his strong eyesight, could still see as far as he could in the daytime. Looking at the repeated scenery around him, he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Xiao Chu, what's the matter?" At this time, Zhang Feng seems to have noticed something and quietly wrote a line on Chu Han's palm.

Without hesitation, Chu Han immediately pressed Zhang Feng's palm and wrote his worries back: "uncle, I found that they have been circling around all the time!"

"Asshole!" Zhang Feng finally broke out. This time, he didn't write it, but scolded it directly. With his scolding, the SUV suddenly came to a sudden stop. Wu Da and Wu Er quickly pushed the door open and jumped down. In the blink of an eye, they ran out of sight.

Er! Chu Han and some of them were left in the car and looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. At last, Chu Han said: "well, what's the matter? Are we on the hook? "

Buzz! At the next moment, a dense buzz confirmed Chu Han's conjecture. He looked around and suddenly felt numb. He didn't know when the trees around him were full of beehives. At this time, countless fist sized wasps were coming out, forming a neat formation in the mid air, gradually approaching the direction of the SUV.

"What's the matter, is it a bee?" Among the four people in the car, only Chu Han has night vision ability. After hearing the numbing buzzing, Zhang Feng, Zhang Yan and Liu Xuan immediately change their faces and ask uneasily.

Chu Han nodded: "yes, there are at least thousands of them. Damn Wu Dawu Er, he deliberately led us to this ghost place!"

"No!" Liu Xuan suddenly called out: "Wu Dawu Er is Wu Youcai's nephew. They must be one of them. Since they dare to frame us, I'm afraid your two classmates are in danger."

"It's over!" Chu Han smell speech also flustered God: "we go back immediately!" Between speaking, Chu Han rushes to the driver's seat and plans to start the car. As a result, he finds that the car key is missing.

"Damn it After scolding angrily, Chu Han looks back at Liu Xuan: "Hello, the car key is missing, can you start it?"

Liu Xuan had already turned on the searchlight on the top of his combat suit. Hearing the speech, he put his head forward. After having a look, he immediately said in a deep voice: "no problem, give me a minute!"

"OK, come on!" Chu Han gives up his position and closes the door and window again. At this time, countless killer bees have gathered over the SUV and keep vibrating their wings. It's strange that they seem to be controlled, but they don't attack.

Boom! In less than a minute, Liu Xuan successfully activated the engine. Chu Han was so happy that he cried out: "drive out quickly. I'll show you the way. Turn around first and drive 100 meters ahead!"

Liu Xuan nodded solemnly, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and then began to turn around and drive back. After 100 meters, he turned to the left under the direction of Chu Han, turned the direction again, and continued to sprint forward.

Roar! All of a sudden, there were several roars in front of him, and then four or five huge figures rushed to him. The speed of the other side was very fast. Before Chu Han could see clearly, he disappeared again. Worried about the traffic accident, he could only stop Liu Xuan who was driving.

"Did you hear that just now?" When the SUV stops, Chu Han nervously looks around, but he still doesn't find the figures just now. He asks others in doubt.

"It's like the cry of a tiger!" After half silence, Zhang Feng said suspiciously: "but from the roaring breath, it's much more fierce than Lao Meng. Maybe it's something we've never seen before?"

"Martial uncle, don't scare people, OK?" Chu Han was already very nervous. When he heard Zhang Feng's words, his heart beat faster: "well, how can there be any monsters?"Roar! The reality is cruel. Chu Han just comforted himself, and the roar rang out again. This time, a huge figure rushed directly to the top of the SUV. A striped tail hung down and kept beating the glass, and soon cracks appeared.

"It's really a tiger. Oh, it's a rhinoceros, OK?" Chu Han glared at the tail as thick as an adult's arm, and then he calculated the tiger's body silently and took a cold breath.

Roar! There were several more roars. In the blink of an eye, there were three huge black shadows passing in front of people's eyes, and they broke all the trees around them.

In a flash, all the trees within a kilometer radius were broken by Qi gen, forming a relatively flat circular area, and the SUV just stopped in the center.

Tata, Tata! Heavy footsteps sounded. Chu looked back and saw three tigers, which were like rhinoceros, walking slowly towards the SUV. On them, there was a man in black.

Chu Han sensed a familiar feeling from the three men in black, and soon he was sure that it was the amazing momentum that could be released by a master with at least decades of skill.

"Get out of the car!" At this time, the tiger on the top of the car still began to jump, and it was about to smash the top flat. Zhang Feng immediately called out, then pushed the door open and rushed out.

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