Soon, the scene that makes Chu Han feel desperate appears. After shaking for a while, the lingchajian that combines the scabbard and sheath really changes its goal and pours at him with murderous spirit.

Whew! At the critical moment, the different pearl comes first in front of Chu Han and blocks the sword, but the pearl body is smashed out a small gap, which makes Chu Han sad.

Lingchajian couldn't make it. He stepped back a bit and began to adjust his angle. Soon he came over again. As a result, he was blocked by yimingzhu again. But the price he paid was huge. There was a gap in the pearl body and it began to crack.

Bang bang! Then, in just a few seconds, lingchajian attacked madly for dozens of times, and yimingzhu tried to stop it. After both sides were stable again, Chu Han almost wanted to cry. Yimingzhu had shrunk a circle, and was full of cracks, and seemed to disintegrate at any time.

looked as like as two peas. The outside was exactly the same as before the attack. There was no damage. Chu Han was very unbalanced. Obviously, it was all a soul. What makes the difference in hardness so great?

After a short rest, lingchajian raised the scabbard again, ready to launch a new attack. Chu Han realized that it was not the way to go on like this, so he called out to yimingzhu: "don't hit me hard, let me suck it!"

Chu Han can see clearly now that both treasures and spiritual things have their own talents. For example, lingchajian is obviously an attacking talent. It's a different pearl. To put it mildly, it should be regarded as an auxiliary talent.

The previous way of "fighting" between the two is obviously more suitable for the exertion of offensive talent, and it's hard to imagine that the Pearl will fall into the disadvantage. Chu Han also guessed why the Pearl won't directly suck up the aura of lingchajian, probably because he was worried that there was no way to digest it. However, when the situation was so critical, it was the only choice to suck up the opponent.

Sure enough, yimingzhu seems to understand Chu Han's meaning. This time, seeing lingchajian flying over, it no longer rushes to stop, but begins to spin madly.

Then lingchajian began to emit black and white gas, quickly forming a huge vortex, slowly drifting towards the direction of yimingzhu, it also realized the danger, finally stopped halfway, and began to work hard to resist this terrible attraction.

It's a pity that lingchajian doesn't seem to be good at controlling aura. Once it's three-dimensional, it can only watch its aura be inhaled into the body of yimingzhu.

Gradually, the scabbard of Lingcha sword began to disintegrate, and cracks appeared on it. The pearl body became smooth and round again, and it was still growing larger.

"Good job!" Without danger to his life, Chu Han began to cheer for yimingzhu: "come on, blow it up for me, see how arrogant it is!"

Yimingzhu rotates faster, and soon the scabbard of lingchajian collapses, turns into a black mist, and blends into the huge whirlpool between the two spiritual objects. The body of lingchajian is also constantly distorted. It seems that it can't last long.

"Well? Why did it stop! " Chu Han had already sat up and was about to enjoy the play, but he found that the Pearl suddenly stopped turning, and the huge whirlpool stopped turning.

Buzz! Yi Mingzhu flew to Chu Han, swayed left and right several times, and made a pleasant hum. It seemed that he was going to explain something to him. Unfortunately, this kind of "heavenly sound" was too difficult for Chu han to understand.

Yi Mingzhu stops for a moment, then turns around and flies to the body of Lingcha sword. At this time, the body of the sword has become a white snake, and there is still a piece missing at the tail of the snake, which should have been knocked down by feileng sword.

Buzz! Yimingzhu began to swing to the White Snake, making a series of high and low hum. The latter stopped struggling and turned into a long and narrow sword again. The sword body vibrated and made a sonorous sound, which was very pleasant.





The strange sound of nature lasted for a long time before it stopped. The Pearl rotated again. This time, it did not absorb those auras, but let them all return to the body of Lingcha sword.

Soon, the huge whirlpool disappeared, and yimingzhu came to Chu Han with the lingchajian, which had changed back to its original form. He swayed around and made a different hum.

Chu Han blinked his eyes and asked tentatively, "do you want to say that lingchajian has been accepted by you?"

Buzz! Strange pearl up and down swing a few times, this time Chu Han is understood, can't help showing the color of ecstasy: "great, my baby, you are really the nemesis of the spirit!"

Sonorous! At this time, lingchajian also swayed up and down toward Chu Han. At first sight, he was showing his kindness to his new master. Chu Han also waved his hand generously: "well, since you are so sensible, you can let bygones be bygones. By the way, when can I get rid of the evil in my body?"

Sonorous! Lingchajian makes a sound, turns the body of the sword, points to the direction of the hole, and signals Chu han to follow.Chu Han thought: "Oh. How can we face it? "

Seeing that the lingchajian swung up and down again, Chu Han finally breathed a sigh of relief, and his life was saved: "OK, I'll go down with you, but I'll bring my martial uncle to them first!"

Half an hour later, Chu Han had quietly brought Zhang Feng and Zhang Yan into the mine. What's strange is that there was such a big noise here, and the soldiers outside didn't react at all, but it was just right that the other side didn't make trouble, and he didn't have to worry about it.

After some complicated communication, Chu Han finally knew the way of lingchajian to take people down. Its load-bearing ability is countless times stronger than yimingzhu, and it can directly carry several tons of objects to fly.

So Chu Han directly dismantled the roof of an engineering vehicle and made it into a temporary lifting platform, which was supported by lingchajian. First he put the comatose rhubarb and Liu Xuan on it, then Zhang Feng and Zhang Yan, and finally he and the giant went up.

"Let's go!" With Chu Han's command, lingchajian began to lift the people slowly, slowly moved to the pit, and then began to fall down.

"There's aura here!" The falling speed is faster and faster. When it's dark around and thousands of meters away from the ground, Zhang Feng feels something. He is surprised and says, "it's even more rich than lingzhongshan. Is it a natural lingkuang?"

Chu Han also sensed something and said: "martial uncle, you should quickly adjust your breath and meditate. Such a strong Aura will certainly be of great benefit to your injury!"

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