Therefore, Chu Han also lost all kinds of Lingshi in his arms. After carefully selecting them for a while, he soon found a suitable color, black.

Well, in fact, if you choose from your preference for color, what Chu Han dislikes most is black, which makes people feel depressed and pessimistic.

But he still obeyed his instinctive feeling. Only when he held the black spirit stone, his heart was the most calm and serene, and the thick solidity from his internal power was also the most satisfying.

Gradually, Chu Han also entered the state of "things and I forget the mind" and "no distractions". He felt the continuous widening of the meridians and the continuous growth of internal power, and he got a great sense of satisfaction and joy.

I don't know how long later, Chu Han was awakened by a light cough. When he opened his eyes, there was only a pile of black powder left in his hand, and it was wet.

It's Zhang Feng who wakes him up. At this time, Zhang Feng's face is ruddy and his eyes are pure and introverted. At first sight, he is back to the peak state. He holds a black spirit stone in his hand and pats Chu Han's shoulder with satisfaction: "Xiao Chu, you have a good understanding. You can choose the most suitable water spirit stone at once without the help of others!"

Chu Han rubbed the black mud between his fingers and suddenly said, "Oh, the original black spirit stone is called water spirit stone. No wonder a lot of water will flow out after use!"

With a mysterious smile, Zhang Feng pointed to other monochrome Lingshi: "according to the records of Tianshi mansion, according to the size and purity of Lingqi, Lingshi can be divided into three grades: low grade, medium grade and high grade. Only when it comes to high-quality Lingshi, will there be a single attribute of absolute dominance. These Lingshi, which have no color at all and are larger than adults' fists, can be called the best Lingshi. Even at the peak of our Tianshi mansion, there were only a dozen, and each of them can be exchanged for at least one treasure! "

"What an ox fork?" Chu Han is excited when he hears about it. So he has to revalue the spirit stone in the secret room. Good guy, a single color spirit stone can be exchanged for a treasure. If you take it all out, won't it be able to round all the treasures in the world?

Zhang Feng was also excited: "ha ha, with these spirit stones, at least eight or nine spirit realm masters will be born in our Tianshi mansion in ten years. At that time, even in the whole ancient martial arts world, our identity will rise to a new height!"

At the thought of that scene, Chu Han was also excited. However, since these spirit stones were discovered by lingchajian, they should be regarded as his own private property. It seems that after returning to the Tianshi mansion, he should have a good discussion with his martial uncle. As for martial Uncle Zhang Feng in front of him, for the sake of suffering together with himself, he won't break his dream for the time being.

Eh? All of a sudden, Chu Han's blood spirit clothes began to disintegrate. They turned into red lines and went into his arms. They disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Chu Han was so surprised that he quickly took out the blood spirit talisman which was placed close to his body. Seeing that it had been covered with runes again, he couldn't help wondering: "strange, how did the blood spirit garment change back by itself? Isn't it enough spirit?"

Zhang Feng's face was moving: "the eldest martial brother is here, and it's within ten miles. Only he can remotely control the blood spirit talisman!"

When he heard the good news, Chu Han was happy and regretful. He was glad that the reinforcements had finally arrived. It was a pity that master Bo didn't pass the formula of the blood spirit talisman to himself without reservation, and he left a backhand.

"Well, shall we go out and pick them up?" Chu Han looked at the spirit stone full of the secret room, some reluctant to ask, if you go out now, what if it collapses here, the loss can be astronomical.

Zhang Feng also hesitated for a while, thinking about the lingchajian pointing at the entrance of the cave: "by the way, Xiao Chu, let's stay here. You take the lingchajian to meet the elder martial brothers. It's over if we meet here."

"All right!" Someone looked at it, and Chu Han felt relieved. So he went to the cave and patted the body of Lingcha sword to let it fly out.

After a period of observation, Chu Han found that linglingchajian, like yimingzhu, could understand him even though he could not speak human language, so it was very convenient to operate.

In a clang sound, lingchajian flew under the metal plate again. Chu Han jumped up directly, waved goodbye to the crowd, and began to fly up.

Soon, Chu Han came back to the ground. As a result, more than ten figures surrounded him. Fortunately, he had enough eyesight to see the appearance of these people clearly. He called out in time: "don't do it yourself!" So that they won't be pushed down the hole.

The group stopped awkwardly, headed by Zhang ershui and Zhang Mu, followed by a group of experts from Tianshi mansion. Beside Zhang ershui, there was a strange middle-aged man, whom Chu Han didn't know.

"Xiao Chu, we heard that Yuli and Yifan had been taken away, so we rushed over all night!" Zhang ershui first waved his hand and put away the blood spirit talisman. Then he said with a worried face: "I feel your position through the blood spirit talisman. It seems that there has just been a big war here. What's the matter?"

Chu Han also sighed awkwardly, about to explain something, suddenly realized that something was wrong: "ah? Master, don't you mean to call up the experts of lingzhongshan to come here together? How can we only come here from Tianshi mansion? "Zhang ershui laughed and pointed to the middle-aged man beside him: "with Qin laozai, you can stand up to a hundred masters. Those guys in lingzhongshan are more stingy. They have to pay for some benefits. I can't stand their ugly faces and refuse them directly."

"Qin, old Qin?" Chu Han looked at the middle-aged man curiously: "master uncle, he's only forty or fifty years old. At your age, why call him?"

Zhang ershui suddenly became serious: "don't be rude. Qin is a rare talent in the world. He has understood the true meaning of Dao and Wu Shuangxiu since he was 30 years old. When he was 80 years old, he broke through to the peak of spiritual realm. If he didn't have follow-up skills, he would have become an immortal now."

"Ah Chu Han looks at the middle-aged man surnamed Qin, and suddenly thinks of what Liu Xuan once said. Pangu base will send a top expert to come here. Unexpectedly, it's this one: "it's old Qin. I'm so offended by him."

The middle-aged man, surnamed Qin, calmly waved his hand and said with a smile, "ha ha, it doesn't matter. I've retired from the world for many years, and I don't care about the etiquette of the world. My name is Qin Zhan. Just call me Lao Qin or Lao Qin!"

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