"Well, shall we go back now?" Chu Han quickly suggests that he is not sure whether the soul taking flag will directly decompose the soul of sixth martial uncle.

The wandering soul was silent for a while, and his mouth opened again. This time, he seemed to be laughing. Then he shook his head for a while. Chu Han understood it again. It turned out that sixth martial uncle was very satisfied with the present state. He was worried that even if he recovered the incomplete part of the soul, he would be affected by the soul flag and lead to a worse situation.

"All right then!" In this case, Chu Han was not good enough to insist on anything, so he had to continue to fly towards the holy mountain with the body of sixth martial uncle.

This time, the load of lingchajian was relatively small, and its speed was also improved a lot. In less than ten minutes, it returned to the holy mountain, and Deng Yuanjie's wandering soul pointed the way, and directly came to the top of the holy city.

The giant and rhubarb are guarding one of the entrances, watching in the direction of the holy mountain. When Chu Han fell to the ground, they were startled.

"It's you The two guys patted their chest and looked at Deng Yuanjie in the wheelchair in amazement: "is he dead?"

Chu Han nodded and pointed to the wandering soul beside him. Giant and rhubarb were at a loss: "what are you referring to?"

"Sorry, I forgot you don't have this function!" Chu Han shrugged his shoulders. He didn't want to explain anything. Then he asked, "by the way, what happened to Wu Shan and Wu Xiong?"

Rhubarb said: "all wake up, the state is still a little bad, and we are very alert, we do not want to ask for trouble, decided to wait for you!"

Giant is very worried, he asked: "stop that submarine? Why is it that only the two of you have come back and one of you has died? "

Chu Han sighed: "ah, it's hard to say. Let's talk about it after we go in. I'll say it twice!"

"Good!" The giant nodded with understanding, and together with rhubarb, he carried the wheelchair to the passage. It wasn't long before he met the sentry soldier who was responsible for the guard. When he saw the dead Deng Yuanjie, he would burst into tears. Fortunately, Chu Han reminded him in time: "his soul is looking at you!" The soldiers stopped crying.

When Chu Han and his two children, Wu Xiong and Wu Xiu, together with the elders of dozens of saints and thousands of people, came to the underground hall, they all got together and welcomed Deng Yuanjie's body with a very grand ceremony.

Knowing that Deng Yuanjie's soul was also in the hall, people were not so sad. Wu Shan just asked, "Xiao Chu, can you let us have a look at my father?"

Chu Han is a bit embarrassed. The reason why he can see the soul is that he has experienced many adventures, and Yuanshen is strong enough. As for the way to let ordinary people see the soul, he doesn't know for the moment.

Seeing that everyone was worried, Chu Han had to say, "well, I heard that you can see ghosts by smearing cow's tears on your eyes. I don't know whether it's useful or not."

"Go and find the cow tears!" Wu Shan just like grasping the straw, immediately cried out, those people behind him also began to busy.

At this time, Deng Yuanjie's wandering soul shrugged his shoulders and shook his head to Chu Han, indicating that this method was useless.

Chu Han was very embarrassed, so he had to stop the crowd and scratch his head: "well, don't be busy. Maybe there's a better way!"

Everyone was quiet. Chu Han looked at Deng Yuanjie, hoping that he could save his face. The latter lowered his head and thought for a moment, and finally began to draw.

Chu Han looked at it for a while, then his eyes lit up and said with a smile: "ha ha, I see. It's very easy to see my sixth martial uncle. Just go to the place where the Yin Qi is most vigorous. For example, the secret room where he practiced martial arts before, but the space there is very small. He can only show up for a few minutes. You can discuss who should go!"

Deng Yuanjie's prestige was obviously very high. For a moment, the crowd was excited. Wu Shan roared: "don't quarrel, I'll go with ah Xiu and ah Xiong, plus the ten elders, and the others will talk about it next time!"

Ten old people came out of the crowd and stood side by side with Wu Shan. The others hesitated for a moment, but they didn't dare to make any more trouble. Chu Han clapped his hands: "OK, let's go!"

In the secret room, Deng Yuanjie's body appeared, his face was blurred, and his legs became a mass of black fog. Although he could not speak, Wu Shan and others could no longer control their emotions at the first moment of seeing him and knelt down one after another.



"Old patriarch!"

A group of hysterical cry, vent their grief, Deng Yuanjie is also a burst of emotion, and soon raised his hand, let the people quiet down, motioned them to listen to Chu Han's explanation.

Chu Han cleared his throat and repeated Deng Yuanjie's last words before he died. Some of Deng yuanbojie's wandering souls kept nodding, but Wu Shan didn't have the slightest doubt.

"Father, I know!" A few minutes later, seeing that Deng Yuanjie's soul could not keep its shape, Wu Shan made a decision immediately after he understood his last words: "although ambrera base has run away, the environment of holy mountain has also been damaged, there are still many killer bees and other beasts, which are not suitable for survival. We choose the second way you arranged."Deng Yuanjie's wandering soul nodded gently, then pointed to Chu Han, then completely invisible, this time only Chu Han can see him.

Wu Shan and others also understood and bowed to Chu Han one after another: "little Chu, thousands of people of our holy family are going to rely on the Heavenly Master's office to arrange their destination."

Chu Han quickly helped everyone up: "Uncle Wu, it's easy to say that my sixth martial uncle has recognized his ancestors. You are the descendants of the Tianshi mansion, so you will not be treated badly."

Wu Shan's eyes were red again, and he pulled Wu Xiong over: "ah Xiong, your grandfather means to let you worship under the door of the Heavenly Master's mansion. Xiao Chu is a few years older than you, and he started earlier than you. Now you should kowtow your head and call him elder martial brother!"

Bang bang! Wu Xiong kowtowed his head two times and bowed his hands to say, "elder martial brother, please be worshipped by younger martial brother!"

Chu Han helped him up with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect that I had a younger martial brother too. Ah Xiong, my Master Zhang Mu's martial arts are the best in the present Tianshi mansion. I don't think you need to choose him. Just worship him as a teacher, so I can give you two moves in the future!"

"Good!" Wu Xiong was very excited: "so we will be brothers!"

Then Chu Han looked at Deng Yuanjie again: "sixth martial uncle, your Yin power is very weak. If you don't report to the local government in time, it may be dangerous!"

Without hesitation, Deng Yuanjie nodded to Chu Han, indicating that his wish had been fulfilled and he could leave at any time.

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