Qin Zhan quickly calmed down and said with great chagrin: "ah, I had a feeling before that something was restricting our access to Daowen. Now listening to Mr. Cui's advice, we suddenly became enlightened. It's just a pity that we had more than ten pieces of Daowen rubbings before!"

Zhang Mu also said: "yes, if I knew this, I might as well go back to Zhongshan and study it slowly."

Chu Han thought of another point: "by the way, Mr. Cui, you said that geography books are so important. Why do rubbings of Daowen still come out?"

Cui Yong explained: "this has something to do with the environment. Hundreds of years ago, the aura of the human world was pure and rich. The six paths of reincarnation array could perfectly survey the whole situation. Even if someone occasionally used Daowen to do evil, it would be eliminated immediately, but now..."

Chu Han understood that over the past few hundred years, the pollution was serious, the purity and density of aura were not as good as before, and the function of the six paths reincarnation array was also greatly limited. In order to avoid any uncontrollable scenes, he simply gave Daowen harmony.

"Well, it's really like" the past digs, the future wrestles. " Realizing that the decline of daomen had something to do with environmental pollution, Chu Han couldn't help feeling.

Boom! At this time, there was a loud noise on the other side of the hill, and a dark fog came, and the conversation was forced to stop.

"Be careful!" A huge figure appeared in the air. It was Qin Feng, the second elder brother of Chu Han. With a wave of his long knife, a circle of black fog surrounded them.

The next moment, countless black fog has come, gradually become a ferocious ghost, they are holding black guns in their hands, in the crazy forward escape at the same time, still keep shooting back.

Chu Han hid in the black fog. Seeing that the evil spirits were obviously local people, he immediately understood that they were Ke Ji's accomplices. It seemed that there were tens of thousands of them, but they were chased by dozens of them.

When they passed Chu Han, some evil spirits tried to rush over. As a result, they were blocked by the black fog. They just tried to shoot a few shots, and then ran forward.

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of evil spirits rushed to the distance. Qin Feng's team with long sword and long gun and Heifeng's team with rifles and rockets also caught up with them and gradually disappeared in the public's field of vision.

"Have a good time!" Qin Zhan roared in the air, and his body became smaller quickly. When he fell in front of Chu Han, it had completely changed into its original shape.

"Ha ha ha, third brother, here you are!" With a wave of Qin Zhan's hand, a colorful ball of light was thrown and stopped in front of Chu Han.

The surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, Chu Han hit a few shaking rope, busy running internal force resistance, at the same time curiously asked: "second brother, what is this?"

Qin Zhan said with a smile: "Oh, it's the meat ball before. This is its soul. The body is still in the mountain!"

Chu Han is nervous, see light ball still keep flickering, he worries of ask: "this thing won't also can harm a person?"

Qin Zhan said with a smile: "don't worry, it's not easy for it to keep its soul alive. Now it's going to be finished if you get a knife. If you have any questions, just let it say it!"

For a while, Qin twisted his face, and then he spoke to the ball with an empty face.

"Well, I'll go after the remnants of the enemy first, and you'll be busy slowly!" After finishing what should be done, Qin Zhan turned into a black fog and drifted away in the blink of an eye.

"Old Cui?" Facing this strange ball of light, Chu Han didn't know where to start, so he had to look at Cui Yong and ask for help.

Cui Yong nodded his head and grasped the ball of light. After a while of distortion, the latter finally made a voice: "don't do it, have something to say!"

There's drama! Chu Han in front of a bright, this thing incredibly can talk, he busily asks: "our those two same door?"

Light ball seems to realize that Chu Han is the protagonist, no longer to Cui Yong for mercy, but pitifully looked at Chu Han: "Wuwu, who are you talking about?"

"Hum!" At this time, Zhang Er snorts and walks over with his mobile phone. There is a picture of him and Jiang Yuli Zhang Yifan on the screen. It seems that the three people are on holiday, lying on the beach in their swimsuits and trunks, and making a victory gesture to the sky.

Zhang ershui covered himself with a finger and said in a deep voice, "it's the two of them!"

The light ball blinked and began to try to remember: "Oh, it seems that I ate it!"

Boom! All of a sudden, Chu Han is angry to grab forward, the result is just to seize a ball of air, at this time Cui Yong understanding smile, hands a force, directly pinched the light ball flat.

After Cui yongsong opened his hand, the ball of light became mellow again. It cried even more wrongly: "Wuwu, the gentleman doesn't move his mouth. Ah no, he doesn't move his mouth. I beg you, don't torture me any more!"

Chu Han sneered: "hum, if you eat our people, how can you do without suffering? Mr. Cui, please use more energy!""Good!" Cui Yong began to move his fingers and made a creaking sound. Before he could do it again, the light ball took the initiative to crack and flatten: "woo, don't bother. I can't do it myself!" With that, he began to distort and deform constantly, making a series of painful groans, but it seemed like he was pretending.

Cui Yong stands there awkwardly, shrugs his shoulders to Chu Han, and indicates whether he wants to do it or not.

Chu Han waved his hand and glanced at the ball of light indifferently. A cold light flashed in his eyes: "are you performing?"

After a while of silence, the ball of light returned to its mellow state: "what can I do? I'm helpless too!"

"Cut the crap!" Zhang ershui roared: "I ask you, if you dig out your body, can you revive my two disciples?"

"Yes, absolutely," he said Then he said bitterly, "but their souls have been turned into evil spirits by me. I just ran out with those evil spirits."

"I'll go!" As soon as Chu Han's face changed, he quickly took out the Yin message sign and contacted Qin Feng: "second brother, don't rush to kill those evil spirits. There are my classmates in it!"

After a few seconds, Qin Feng replied: "Hoo hoo, why didn't you say earlier that half of them have been killed, I'll let them stop now, and the rest will be captured alive!"

After the end of the call, see light ball is uneasy looking at himself, Chu Han gritted his teeth and said: "you'd better pray that they are still alive, or you'll wait to be buried with them!"

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