He lost dozens of spirit stones all at once, even the stone building used to set up the array was destroyed, Zhang Mu had a pain in the flesh, and the others were silent, looking very sad.

At this time, Qin Zhan said, "don't worry. The aura of the best spirit stone has been leaked. I think you should think about how to explain it to other sects and scattered people."

Zhang Mu patted his forehead: "yes, those old guys are as good as monkeys. Once they feel the breath of the best spirit stone, they will come to test it. Younger martial brothers, you should be strict with it!"

Zhang Feng, Zhang Yan and others immediately cheer up and say in unison: "elder martial brother, don't worry, we'll go to guard each entrance now, and never let outsiders in!"

Whew, whew! As the voice fell, everyone showed their fastest body method. In the blink of an eye, they rushed out in all directions. In less than a second, there were only three of them left on the scene.

"Ah, my Heavenly Master building!" Looking back at the ruins, Zhang Mu's eyes turned red: "this is something handed down from the ancestors. Without it, I don't know if I can arrange the five elements sky thunder array!"

Chu Han was very curious: "master, why do you need this stone building? It looks very ordinary!"

Zhang Mu gave Chu Han a brain crack: "what do you know? The stone used to build this heavenly master building is made of spirit stone fragments and the blood of dozens of monsters, spirit beasts and savage killers. It can perfectly absorb all kinds of spirit, and will not affect the operation of the array..."

Just about to go on, Zhang Mu waved his hand in distress: "forget it, the rest of the knowledge is more profound, and it's hard to make it clear to you for a while, so I won't mention it first!"

Chu Han was more curious. He didn't expect that there were so many things to pay attention to. He was about to urge the master to teach more. At this time, a figure suddenly fell in front of the three.

The visitor is a skinny little old man with a bald forehead and a protruding part. If he is not too thin and has a little hawk hook nose, he is really similar to the old longevity man.

"Old gourd, what are you doing here?" Zhang Mu seems to know each other's identity and strength, for he can quietly appear and not how unexpected, just sneer asked: "you come out, not afraid of the elixir garden is looted?"

Chu Han was wondering why the other party had this nickname. The old man took out a very small gourd from his waist, smelled it under his nose, and showed a pleasant smile: "ha ha, there is my apprentice guard over there, ordinary people dare not go there. What's more, no one in Lingzhong mountain has ever been very fond of him. If he offends me, he will have a hard time turning his good medicine into poison one day! "

Zhang Mu Pai said: "OK, I know you are a world-class Hua Tuo, but you don't have to come here to do anything. There's nothing good to see!" Said, but also a guilty glance into the ruins of the stone building.

Old gourd also looked at the past, and soon laughed happily: "ha ha, you really got the best spirit stone, I thought I smelled wrong!"

Zhang Mu's face changed slightly. He realized that he couldn't hide it any more, so he had to lower his voice and said, "Shh, don't make it so loud. I'll give you a few pieces. It's the sealing fee at that time!"

The old gourd was ungrateful. He poured out a few golden pills from the gourd in his hand. To Chu Han's surprise, the pills were bigger than the gourd itself, and they could be poured out. It seems that the gourd is also a treasure of space.

"Here are some dahuandan. As long as they are not fatally injured in the head or poisoned by some strange poison, they will be sure to bring the dead back to life after taking them!" Old gourd handed over the pills and rubbed his hands. "Hey, I'm not the kind of person who likes to be greedy for small things. How can I ask for your best spirit stone in vain? Just exchange three big pills for one!"

Zhang Mu was a little surprised to take these pills. After counting them, he even widened his eyes: "there are 18 old gourds. You can only refine three of them every year. Now you can take out the quantity for six years. Is it too generous?"

Old gourd waved his hand indifferently: "it doesn't matter. No matter how precious dahuandan is, it can still be refined, but the best spirit stone is different. I'm afraid it disappeared decades ago. I don't ask you how you found so many at once. In a word, just give me six pieces, one stone for each of the five elements, and another one for me! "

Zhang Mu stares at those Da Huan Dan in his hand, and his eyes are full of joy and tangled color. After a while, he makes up his mind: "OK, I'll give it to you for the sake that you once treated me!"

Whoo! After Zhang Mu raised his finger to the ground and recited the pithy formula, six fist sized spirit stones appeared, one in black, one in black, one in red, one in green, and one in green.

The old gourd excitedly pointed the mouth of the gourd at the six spirit stones and recited a few pithy words. The spirit stone disappeared. He put the gourd close to his body: "ha ha ha, I can cultivate the best spirit grass at last. I'll go back to work first. Goodbye!"

The old gourd disappeared quietly, just like when he came. Chu Han didn't even see his movements clearly. He felt that it was no longer light skill. He looked to Qin Zhan for help: "old Qin, what's his body method?"Qin Zhan frowned and said, "it's not body method. It's one of the five elements evasion techniques

Chu Han was very envious: "Wow, it turned out to be tuxingsun. No wonder it can appear and disappear unconsciously. If only I could learn it." He has already begun to fantasize about some wonderful scenes, such as suddenly appearing in a girl's bedroom by shrinking into inches.

Qin Zhan coughed softly: "cough, I advise you to be down-to-earth. It's a very advanced technique. I haven't learned it yet!"

Chu Han was stunned: "aren't you the peak of spiritual realm?"

Qin Zhan said with a smile: "ha ha, yes, so what? I have no foundation and no corresponding secret script. Of course, I can't learn it. Besides, the old gourd just now is obscene. If it's not internal power, his strength is not lower than me at all!"

Chu Han was stunned again: "darling, lingzhongshan is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. It seems that you have to be careful in the future. Don't offend any strange old man who looks ugly!"

"No, elder martial brother!" Zhang Feng ran over and yelled nervously: "the leaders of the other five schools have brought people in person. They say they have something important to discuss with us. The scene is out of control!"

Zhang Mu sighed: "ah, those who should come are always unstoppable. Open the mountain gate and let them in!"

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