"Here it is!" "Hee hee, thank you, boss!" Bai Xiuying and her little sisters were very happy. They began to change their name to boss Chu Han. They also put forward a request: first, the laboratory should be expanded, and the number of scientific research personnel should be increased. These should be decided by them. Second, the factory was left by Bai Xiuying's parents, and they did not want to use it for other purposes in the future.

Chu Han agreed, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "ha ha, since this is the case, I also have a request."

Bai Xiuying is nervous: "you say, if it's too much, I won't agree!"

Chu Han said: "don't worry, I'm very confident in your experiment. I believe we can produce results within three years, so I decided to set up the corresponding production and sales departments in advance. Together with the laboratory, it's called Chutian medicine. But the original monthly rate technology company will be downgraded to the monthly rate laboratory. Do you agree?"

Bai Xiuying breathed a sigh of relief, patted her heart and said, "well, I thought it was a big event. It turned out that it was just a change of address. I have no reason to refuse. I agree!"

Chu Han clapped his hands: "well, from now on, you will be the Minister of the scientific research department. Other members of the scientific research department will be recruited and expelled by you. Just give me a good experiment and try to produce results as soon as possible."

Then Chu Han took out another bank card: "there are five hundred million in it. Plus the five hundred million I transferred to you last night, the initial one billion investment will be in place. Let's go."

Bai Xiuying bank card results, excited and solemn nodded: "boss rest assured, even if it is to reduce their fat down, I will go through fire and water."

As a result, Chutian medicine, which is famous all over the world in the future, was established. Although there is only one scientific research department and 20 or 30 employees now, with the participation of Chu Han, its future must be limitless.

It's always easy for women to find common topics. After chatting for a few minutes, Liu Qingqing and Ling Yin have successfully entered the "enemy's interior" and begin to match Bai Xiuying and others as sisters. If outsiders see the scene of chatting, laughing and fighting with each other, they think they have known each other for more than ten years.

"You talk first, I'll do something!" Chu Han couldn't get in any more. Instead of staying in a daze, he had better do some activities, so he left a sentence and then slipped out quietly.

Came to the factory gate, see no one to follow out, Chu Han sighed, all said that men see color forget friends, this woman's chatterbox opened, also is not his boyfriend to forget?

After feeling, Chu Han picked up his mood and stopped a taxi on the main road nearby. He said directly, "master, go to Luoxia mountain!"

The driver was about to drive, suddenly stunned, looked at Chu Han in doubt: "what did you say?"

"To Luoxia mountain. What's the matter?" Chu Han was speechless for a while. Isn't there something wrong with the driver? Why did he have such a big reaction?

Bang! The driver opened the door and said calmly, "get out of the car!"

Chu Han is more depressed: "I say you how to return a responsibility, let you make money not willing, I give 100 more ok?" Then he handed out a hundred yuan note.

A look of contempt flashed in the driver's eyes: "hum, are you rich? To tell you the truth, even if you give me a million yuan, you don't want me to go to Luoxia mountain. I feel sick when I listen to that place. "

Chu Han was stunned and observed the driver's expression. Seeing his face of shame and anger, he knew that there must be some story in it, so he asked curiously: "brother, your mood seems to be very wrong. Has the Ye family ever done anything sorry for you?"

The driver looked up in amazement: "do you know that Luoxia mountain is the home of the Ye family?"

Chu Han said with a smile: "of course, I know. Not only do I know, but I'm going to settle accounts with them."

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