Chu Han thought for a moment, clapped his hands and said, "it's easy to do. It's just to make the soul stronger. If you ask about other aspects, I can't guarantee it, but we still have acquaintances in this field!"

Ding Mo and ye Ren are excited, looking forward to Chu Han, the latter is a mysterious smile: "Hey, I know some of the top experts in the field of soul, let alone to enhance the strength of the soul, even if it is too much demand, they can easily solve." "Wu Wu!" Ding Mo's eyes turned red, and ye Ren began to cry directly: "I didn't expect that after so many years of hard waiting, it was brother Chu who finally brought us hope. Please rest assured that whether you can succeed or not in the future, the Ye family will become brother Chu's loyal subordinates and will never betray us."

Ding Mo also said: "yes, if we can really solve the problem of soul strength, I'm here to guarantee that not only my younger martial brother and I, but also the future generations of Kuki sect disciples, will work hard for brother Chu, and will never say no!"

Chu Han was very satisfied and patted them on the shoulder: "it's easy to say. In that case, I'll definitely ask for you in a week!"

Therefore, after Ding Mo and ye Ren repeatedly vowed their loyalty, the relationship between them seemed to be closer. In the chat, Chu Han also learned one of the Ultimate Secrets of the dead wood sect. They had a dead wood tree that had been handed down from generation to generation. All the skills of the dead wood sect came from it.

Ding Mo said that the sacred tree had been transplanted into a natural cave in Luoxia mountain. Chu Han wanted to visit it. At this time, the phone rang and Liu Qingqing called again.

He had to give up the idea temporarily. After he got through the phone, instead of the familiar female voice, a cold man's voice came from that end: "you are Chu Han. If you arrive at Li Fugui's house in half an hour, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Husband, help me, Wuwu!" With the ring is Liu Qingqing anxious helpless cry, Chu Han a listen to angry: "bastard, what are you, dare to kidnap my woman?"

The other side sneered: "listen to your woman say, you seem to be from guwu. In this case, why don't you have the courage to come here? I want to compete with you. If you can beat me, you can let me go, otherwise, ha ha..."

Doodle doodle! The phone is forced to hang up, Chu Han is already a face of cold, he looked to the side of Ding Mo and ye Ren: "have you heard this voice?"

They both shook their heads at the same time. Ding Mo said: "I've never heard of it, but from the tone and attitude of the other side, it seems that it's not a good fault. Is there any master coming to the devil?"

Chu Han's heart moved. Before the magic capital, there were only three ancient martial sects: Li family, shenjianmen and kuiwu sect. Now a stranger appeared out of thin air, and he threatened himself. What's the origin of the other party?

However, no matter what the other party is, Chu Han has to pass. He can't watch Liu Qingqing and them killed. Besides, he has a spirit brake sword in his hand. Can he worry about any accident.

So Chu Han gave up his meal and decided to go there to save people. Ding Mo and ye Ren also wanted to go there. He thought for a moment and decided to let Ye Ren stay. He only needed to send a driver and several escorts.

Ye Ren didn't show any affectation. He gave Chu Han more than a dozen of the most elite guards: "brother Chu, if I don't know martial arts, I won't make trouble for you. These people's shooting skills are accurate. Maybe they can play a role at the critical moment."

"Thank you very much!" Chu Han nodded gratefully. After saying goodbye, he got on the business bus with these people and set out to Li Fugui's house.

Compared with the Ye family's big business, the Li family is a little ordinary, and can't afford any hills. The old nest is also in a villa in the suburb, and it's just on both sides of the magic city. Chu Han's motorcade ran through the red light all the way, and finally arrived in half an hour. "What a strong Yin Qi!" Before entering the door, Ding Mo felt something and said to Chu Han: "brother Chu, be careful, there seems to be a thousand year old ghost in it!"

Chu Han in the heart move, how thousand years fierce ghost all came, he can't help but ask a way: "are you sure oneself didn't read wrong?"

As for Ding Mo's strong sense of evil, I'm not sure it's the only way to cultivate evil spirit for a thousand years

Chu Han waved his hand: "forget it, whether he is a human or a ghost, just go in and have a look!"

Then he pushed the door open and asked the guards to stop: "you stay here. If there are strangers rushing out, you should control them first. Don't shoot indiscriminately!"

After that, Chu Han runs his internal power and rushes into the villa. Ding Mo follows him, but his speed is much slower. After all, he only knows the technique, and he doesn't have any internal power.

Finally, both of them stopped in front of a three story building behind the villa, and Ding Mo nodded: "brother Chu, this is it!"

Chu Han presses his hand on his waist. If the other party is really a fierce ghost, he can only expose the lingchajian. After all, now Ding Mo has become his own man. It's nothing to let him know the existence of this secret.Bang! The window on the second floor suddenly broke, and a shadow came down directly. Chu Han looked at each other's feet and found that it was separated, not a black fog. He knew that it was definitely a living person.

So Chu Han didn't rush to put out his sword, but raised his left hand and let out two thunder arcs. Originally, he just wanted to test the strength of the other side. Unexpectedly, the guy was directly attacked. After a dull hum, he fell heavily on the ground and kept a dog gnawing mud posture.

"Hello, Hello!" Chu Han's expression is strange of go up, mercilessly raised the * * of the other side, frown a way: "you are just that call of guy?"? Do you want to imitate others to pretend to be a big man? "

The other side turns round hard, after seeing Chu Han one eye extremely frightened, eyelid one time, unexpectedly directly faints.

Chu Han and Ding Mo look at each other. It's incredible. He goes forward and touches each other's pulse, only to find that this guy is dead.

"Is it a pawn?" Chu Han is a little hoodwinked. This guy is too vulnerable to attack. He can't resist the two thunder arcs casually. Who gave him the courage to kidnap his own woman?

Ding Mo shook his head: "no, I feel that Yin Qi is rapidly disappearing, and the source is this guy!"

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