Reciting the Juyin mantra, Chu Han quickly absorbed the Yin Qi formed by the decomposition of the giant werewolf, and felt that his strength increased a lot. When he lifted the facial shield, he felt that it was heavy, so he simply used it as his own defense weapon.

One breath ran to the front of the hill, Chu Han looked down, suddenly stunned, he thought that the other party even if there is an ambush, it is only a few archers at most, did not expect to appear in front of him at the moment, is actually hundreds of pairs of eyes, and the owner of those eyes, is hundreds of giant werewolves crawling on the ground.

"Bad!" Seeing these werewolves, Chu Han suddenly screams that it's not good to let him fight alone. If he's under siege, he won't have a chance to fight at all. If he can pull up a few people at most, his life will be here.

However, it seems that the situation is not so bad. These giant werewolves don't know what they think. They have an absolute number advantage, but they don't choose to rush on. Although they look at themselves with extremely fierce and cruel eyes.

"Well, who is in charge?" Chu Han decided to take the initiative, anyway, the situation has developed to this step, he does not mind more fork.

Roar! In response to Chu Han's low roar, hundreds of giant werewolves spread out in step, and a channel a few meters wide appeared. Behind them, a werewolf who was not very big came slowly.

Although the werewolf was small, his momentum was not weak at all. Even when he walked, the giant werewolves on both sides would tremble a little, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

If you look at each other's clothes, they are also refined. Er, well, they are no different from other giant werewolves. They are also dressed in animal skins, which means they are more suitable. However, you can see from this side that the identity of each other is absolutely not simple.

Finally, the werewolf came to Chu Han, he slowly raised his head: "gudu gudu!"

Chu Han Meng circle, looking at the wolf man who was even shorter than himself, said innocently, "please speak Chinese, don't you understand?"

"Roar!" The werewolf looked at Chu Han suspiciously. After holding it for a long time, he roared. The whole person's momentum went up to the red chamber, and the surrounding Yin Qi was surging up, forming a strong wind.

Roar! Seeing this, the giant werewolves roared back one after another. It seemed that something bad was going to happen. Chu Han also clenched the bone stick in his hand, hoping that he could compete as before.

Roar! Another low roar, the werewolf started, sad Chu Han just saw a shadow, feel a burst of pain in the heart, the whole person mercilessly fly back, hard into the back of the mountain.

"Cough!" Chu Han began to vomit blood. To be exact, it was the black Yin Qi. He felt that his strength was losing rapidly. When he looked down, it was the strip of his heart. His heart was deeply depressed. From the shape, it was the mark of a fist.

Click! Seeing that the werewolf looked at himself in a little surprise, and slowly approached with disdain on his face, Chu Han struggled a few times and broke free from the mountain. He rubbed his heart and restored his original shape.

The werewolf stopped, and his eyes became more incredible: "Goo Goo Doo?"

Chu Han rolled a white eye: "don't gudu, are you boiling water in your mouth?"

The werewolf is a little disappointed. After shaking his head, his eyes become fierce. It seems that he is going to kill. Chu Han is also very nervous. He clenches the bone stick in his hand. This time, he doesn't want to wait for the other party to do it.

"The ancestor of the Bai nationality, the elder of daomen, no matter whether your soul still exists or not, for the sake of working hard for the Bai nationality, you must help me once." After praying, Chu Han forces a trace of Yin force into the bone staff, then throws it out and closes his eyes.

Whoo! A strong wind hit, Chu Han's face was blowing pain, he is ready to meet the pain again, the wind suddenly stopped, around also become very quiet.

"What's the matter? Did my prayer come to light? " Chu Han opened his eyes and was stunned. A fairy ghost with long hair was standing in front of him. He seemed to lift an arm casually, but with a middle finger, he resisted the werewolf's fist. The murderous and contemptuous color on the werewolf's face had disappeared. Instead, he was full of panic and shock, and his whole body was shaking.

Touch! Finally, the werewolf couldn't support himself, and his whole arm burst open. He snorted and was ready to run away. At this time, the shadow flicked with his middle finger and hit out with a very thick white light.

The werewolf's body disappeared directly, and the power of white light was not reduced at all. The hundreds of giant werewolves in the rear were also reduced to ashes. They flew directly to the end of the sky, and finally exploded to form a beautiful fireworks.

"Plop!" Chu Han's eyes turned, and immediately knelt down without shame: "Wu Wu, master, you are finally showing your spirit. Please take me away from this place to return to."

Xu Ying turns around and smiles at Chu Han strangely. Then, he just drifts away with the wind. Chu Han waits for a while, but the other party still doesn't appear. He stands up disappointed.

Eh? The bone stick was inserted on the ground in front of him. The structure seemed to have changed a little. Chu Han was going to pick it up. But before he touched it, he was bounced away by a strange force.It hurts! When Chu Han reacts, half of his fingers disappear. He looks at the bone stick with great fear and doesn't know what's wrong.

Since the Taoist elder saved himself, why didn't he let himself get back the bone stick? What's the matter with that strange smile before the other party disappeared? What do you want to express?

Chu Han could not feel his head and stood in the same place. The power of the white light just now was too terrible. He not only reduced all the werewolves to ashes, but also didn't leave any Yin Qi. He didn't receive any goods.

"Chu!" Later, a voice came. Chu Han ran to the top of the mountain and saw that Xiaobai and them were all back to their original shape. They were rushing up.

"Well? Do you digest Yin Qi so quickly? " Chu Han is a little strange, they all became a ball before, according to the normal digestion speed, it will take at least one or two hours!

Xiaobai they are very excited, after nodding, and dancing to explain, when Chu Han see understand, his heart is not taste.

It turns out that the shadow of the Taoist elder just now went to them. It not only helped them digest the Yin Qi in their body, but also gave them a set of techniques. As long as they practice hard, they will become top experts sooner or later.

When you think about yourself again, not only did you not get any benefits, but also he was ridiculed by others. Chu Han was a little depressed, but when you think about it carefully, it's not that you can't understand. After all, Bai people are the descendants of the Taoist ancestors, and they are outsiders after all.

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