"OK, take your time."

Chu Han took a book with him and sent it to Xie Xun while Liu Qingqing didn't pay attention to it. Xie Xun in the discussion group immediately thanks him.

Xie Xun: Thank you very much. I'll fly a pigeon to deliver a message to Wuji boy right away. Let's see if he will come!

"Flying pigeons, NIMA playing with me?"

Seeing the news, Chu Han is not ready to return. He is playing with his watch, and he even uses a flying pigeon to deliver a book. How many days will it take to get there?

After a while, Liu Qingqing eats a bowl of noodles. Chu Han goes out to clean up the mess. He just sits in the living room and sees Liu Qingqing go back to the bedroom to look at the treasures again.

"Ah ~ ~ there's a God three feet up. As you can see, it's not me who's harming her. It's her who wants to see it."

After mumbling to himself, Chu Han directly fell asleep on the sofa. This night, he had a dream, to be exact, a nightmare. He was awakened in the middle of the night. At the same time, his mobile phone rang.

Take it up and have a look. It's Li Wei.

"What's the urgency of calling so late?"

After hesitation, Chu Han got through.


"Chu Han is not well, something happened in Mitian garden!"

"What's the matter?"

On the phone, it seems that Li Wei's tone is very worried, which makes Chu Han feel confused. Originally, he just woke up from a nightmare, so you call to scare yourself.

"Among the first residents, there was a homicide

"What do we have to do with life cases?"

Chu Han frowned and sat up from the sofa. Who wouldn't have an old man or a patient who suddenly died of a serious illness? What does this have to do with their real estate people? Li Wei is too much of a fuss.

"It sounds strange to me. This man committed suicide by jumping off a building!"

"Jumping off a building..."

If Chu Hangang was only disturbed by Li Wei's phone call, now he is really frightened by this incident. He jumps off a building to commit suicide, and it still happens in the newly built community. What do those people who just buy houses think?

"Where did you get the news?"

"I've just received a message from the sales department. Let me call you to come forward and appease your family."

"OK, I'll be right over." Chu Han said as he got up from the sofa and went straight to the bathroom.

"Come to my house first, and I'll go with you."

"Good brother!"

Hearing Li Wei's request, Chu Han felt warm in his heart. He stood with him at the critical moment, but he didn't make friends in vain.

It's more than 3:00 in the middle of the night, and it should be more than 4:00 when I get there. I didn't expect that I met this kind of thing in the evening. It seems that I've been really unlucky recently.

"Where are you going?"

Just out of the bathroom, Liu Qingqing kneaded her eyes and stood at the door of the bedroom. Chu Han was startled: "are you bothered?"

"No, I was just going to sleep!"


"You're not going to read those books, are you?" Chu Han asked the last question, but Liu Qingqing's answer was a confused nod.

"My sister

Chu Han is admiration home, originally also some of the thrilling mood has been washed away a lot, see Liu Qingqing seems to be in a better mood, because every time you see her stay cute, you will feel very comfortable.

"Well, go to bed. I've got something to do when I go out!"

He went up and rubbed Liu Qingqing's head. Chu Han left directly with his coat and went downstairs as fast as he could. Chu Han got into the car and rushed out immediately, regardless of whether it was hot or not. It was the first time he encountered this kind of difficult thing. It was originally managed by Wang Hao, but who let him take his place.

They are all three fires when a new official takes office. On the first day of taking office, he was missed by Sun Bin. At night, he was almost beaten. He didn't sleep soundly. When he had nightmares, he met someone jumping off a building in the neighborhood. It was really three fires that burned his eyebrows.

Fortunately, Li Wei's home is on the way to Mitian Garden community. Chu Han doesn't have to go around the long way. When he gets to Li Wei's downstairs, Li Wei is waiting for him downstairs.

"Get in the car!"

When Li Wei got on the bus, Chu Han looked out of the window at the fast retrogressive street scene.

"What do you think of it?"

"It's not what I think, it's what other people think and their families think."

Nodding, Chu Han bit his lip. It's true. If this matter is not handled properly, it may bring a huge blow to the sales of Mitian garden. Maybe the more than 200 Suites sold under fan Chen's fame will also be quarreled to check out.

After a while, they arrived at Mitian garden. At the gate, there were several police cars parked and an ambulance next to them, but there was no one in the car except the driver.

"Get over there!"

I got out of the car and put on my suit as I walked. It was still a little cold in the middle of the night. Chu Han could not help shivering.But when he stood at the gate and saw the whole Mitian garden, Chu Han found something strange. He always felt that the whole community was covered by a kind of Yin Qi. He felt that Mitian garden was isolated alone. Because many rooms were empty, there was no light, so it was more gloomy.

Led by the security guard, Chu Han and Li Wei arrived at the scene of the accident smoothly. The police had already set up a cordon. Fortunately, in the evening, there was no one present except some people who lived here and the security guard on duty.

"Sorry, please stay away from me!"

Chu Han wants to get close, but is pushed away by a policeman. Chu Han immediately shows his work card: "Hello, I'm the general manager of Leifu real estate. I want to go in and say a few words to my family."

"All right."

To understand Chu Han's intention, the police let them in and came to the cordon. There was an old man crying with grief, and a middle-aged man beside him held her for a while to persuade her: "Mom, don't cry, Yan Yan has gone, and you can't come even if you cry!"

Although the mouth said that, but Chu Han still saw the man's eyes glittering, eyes shift, Chu Han saw a body covered with white cloth on the ground, the reason why not immediately removed, is to wait for the police to complete the evidence collection.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm the general manager of Leifu real estate. We are very sorry for this, but we can't come back to life after death. Please be patient!"

Chu Han and Li Wei fought side by side, bowing sincerely, and the middle-aged man nodded his head.

"Can you show me the dead?"

Chu Han understood that this kind of thing must pass through the family member to agree, otherwise is not polite to others.

"Mom, let's go back to the house first!"

I'm afraid middle-aged people don't complain about letting their mother touch the scene again, so they avoid it, and Chu Han also understands that this is agreed.

He and Li Wei looked at each other. They slowly approached the corpse. It was the first time that they had seen the dead. So they were very worried. Even when they reached for the white cloth, their hands were still shaking.

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