Chu Han understood Lao Xu's feeling a little: "Oh, if you are tired of this kind of life, I can tell my elder brother later that you will be transferred to the Yin Department, where life is much easier!"

Lao Xu's eyes brightened: "ha ha, I thought so, but I didn't have a chance before!"

There was a twist in the space, and there were two more figures in the distance. Lao Xu became alert, looked at the past, and immediately relaxed: "hoo, it's Xingtian!"

Chu Han also looked over and saw that there were two people rushing forward and backward. The leader, who was more than three meters tall, was waving the axe in his hand. It was Xingtian.

The one behind is more familiar. Zhong Li, with a Chinese character face, recognizes the other. Chu Han immediately stands up and shouts, "brother, I'm here!"

Zhong Li stops, throws a soft whip in his hand and directly entangles Xing Tian. The latter struggles hard and has no effect at all. Finally, he is brought here obediently.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Chu, your elder brother, I'm brave enough!" Zhong Li came to Chu Han and boasted with pride: "this guy has ten thousand years of cultivation and has arranged countless arrays, but I caught him in the end!"

Chu Han put up his thumb: "cattle, it is cattle!"

Zhong Li burst out laughing again. With a wave of his hand, the soft whip kept circling around Xingtian, and soon wrapped him into a big zongzi, only his face showed.

Bang! Zhong Li slapped him: "don't you accept me?"

"Bah!" Xingtian was not angry, spitting out a black fog: "if you have the ability, you don't need weapons, I'll beat you all over the ground to find your teeth!"

Zhong Li frowned: "no weapons? You think I'm an idiot. The advanced Yin Department is the advanced one. All kinds of weapons, techniques, and pills have been bringing forth new ones, and their power has reached a higher level. You guys in the wilderness only know how to fight and kill, and they can't even work out a stable ruling institution, let alone make any progress! "

Xing Tian was speechless and suddenly noticed Lao Xu: "hmm? Why are you with them? "

Lao Xu was a little embarrassed. He looked at Chu Han and Zhong Li and took a deep breath. Then he said, "I'm sorry, I've been subordinated to the third Yin Department now. Since then, I have nothing to do with the evil sea!"

"You "Lao Xu, you are also the second strongest man in the sea of evil power. Although you were pushed to the third place by me hundreds of years ago, you are not so spineless. Those guys in the third Yin division are very hypocritical. They won't really treat you as their own people. You will die sooner or later if you follow them. It's better to help me to untie the shackles and work together Kill these guys

"Shut up, shameless old thief!" Looking at the crowd with a guilty heart, Lao Xu slapped them in the face and said, "Xingtian, don't think you are shameless. Others are just like you. If you hadn't been fooled, what would you have defeated me. Now that they are all prisoners, they are still unrepentant and trying to plot against me. It's just a daydream! By the way, where's your invincible ax? "

Lao Xu sweeps Xingtian's hand and sees that it has been blocked by the black fog. He looks at Zhong Li and shows a flattering smile: "ha ha, this great power, Xingtian deserves to die anyway. Can you make use of the waste before he dies and let me refine his weapons?"

Zhong Li looked at Chu Han: "third brother, what's the situation with this man?"

Lao Xu was extremely embarrassed. Chu Han quickly explained, "Oh, this is what happened..." Looking at the fact that Lao Xu had helped himself, he tried his best to say something nice for him.

After hearing this, Zhong Li hesitated for a moment: "well, then!" Then, with a wave of his hand, the black fog that bound Xingtian's hand disappeared, and an ax came out.

Chu cold looked as like as two peas in the past. The shape of the axe was exactly the same as itself, and the color was gray. There was no pattern on it. It should be related to the power of the criminal day.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Lao Xu was about to start his work, Chu Han called him in time, and called yixiantian and Xiao Qin over: "you see, are you familiar?"

"Wow, isn't that your axe?" Xiao Qin saw one eye, confirmed what, a face stupidly Meng of shout.

as like as two peas, he frowned. "Strange, it's the same. Little Chu, what do you have with him?"

Chu Han was a little depressed. Xingtian was a giant. He was also very rough. He could have something to do with himself. However, since his axe was the same as his own, he had to ask: "Hey, what's the matter with your axe?"

Xing Tian turned his head: "hum, anyway, I can't live. Why should I tell you?"

Chu Han said with a smile: "ha ha, it's quite arrogant. What if I give you a chance to live?"

Xing Tian's face moved slightly. He glanced away from the clock, then looked back and looked up: "let me be a dog in the third Yin Department. It's better to kill Lao Tzu, and you'll die!"

Bang! Clock from is a mouth son to hit in the past: "die to return a mouth hard, really think I dare not kill you?"Xing Tian simply closed his eyes and turned a blind eye to any changes in the outside world. It seemed that he really had the determination to die.

Chu Han and all the people were a little helpless, but Lao Xu raised his hand: "that, about that ax, I may know a little bit!"

The crowd gathered around and said, "speak quickly, speak quickly!" Even Xingtian opened one eye and watched Lao Xu warily.

Lao Xu showed a look of recollection, and then he said, "it's about 500 years ago. At that time, I had a decisive battle with Xing Tian. At the last moment, he led me to a pre arranged array and took out the ax. I was trapped by the array and had no way to escape. As a result, my body was directly split in two!"

After a pause, Lao Xu glanced at Xingtian with a complicated look and continued: "my head escaped and my lower body was put into the prison. At that time, I could guess why he didn't kill me. I was afraid that one day Taiyi would go to him and let me help attract fire!"

"Hum!" Xing Tian gave a cold hum, which seemed a little disdainful, but from his dodgy eyes, he also acquiesced in this statement.

With a bitter smile, Lao Xu continued: "in fact, I have always been able to escape, but my strength has been reduced by half at that time. I was afraid that I would be chased by those top ten experts. I simply hid in the dungeon, and occasionally I would turn into an emissary in black and go out to spy on some intelligence. One day, it turned out!"

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