"Hoo, it's here at last. It's going fast!" A few kilometers away from Xiaohuang village, Chu Han blows forward and stops the car in time. Recalling the picture of white clouds passing by, he still feels very exciting.

After stabilizing his mind, Chu Han drifts slowly to Xiaohuang village. At first glance, it really deserves its name. It is close to mountains and rivers, but there is no vegetation. There are bare loess fields everywhere. It really deserves the name of this village.

When you walk in, Chu Han knows why. The sound of machines is everywhere in the village. Many people make all kinds of furniture in the courtyard with modern machines. Moreover, every family has built a small foreign-style building, and some have bought a car. At first glance, it is a typical example of exchanging resources for wealth.

To this point, Chu Han is not easy to comment. He deliberately avoids the place with serious air pollution and comes to the bungalow area in the west of the village. All the people living here are old people, but no one is holding a funeral.

Chu Han is puzzled. The detention center has been in operation for tens of thousands of years, and there is absolutely no mistake. Since Wei Dayong's death place is written in the detention warrant, his funeral should be held here.

But Chu Han had to walk around for a few times, listening to the old people chatting, and soon got a bad news. It turned out that Wei Dayong had been dead for a week, and the funeral had been finished long ago. People were burned into the loess. Today is his seventh day.

"The first seven?" Chu Han suddenly had a bad premonition. He was not worried about Wei Dayong's coming back for a night. If so, it would also affect Nie Xiaoqian's work.

Chu Han is worried that even if Wei Dayong's soul is "qualified" again, after seven days and nights of wandering in the world, it must have become very weak, and may even be already out of his wits, so where can he find it.

Ow! The wolf's cry broke Chu Han's train of thought. He followed the sound and saw that there was a hill, which was very close to Xiaohuang village. It was less than a few kilometers. It was strange that the villagers were not afraid at all, and even had no discussion.

Ow! Chu Han doubts, and heard the wolf, he carefully pondered, suddenly wake up, where is the real wolf, clearly is some kind of scream voice, but also from the mouth of the ghost, living people can't hear, this is no wonder the villagers will not respond.

"Ah The voice rang out again. This time it was more clear that it was a real scream. Chu Han realized something and immediately got up and flew over. In the blink of an eye, he came to the hill and soon locked a figure.

He floated down slowly, and saw a shadow curling up and floating in the air. His legs were entangled together, forming a dark fog. At first sight, it was a ghost.

"Hello, are you Wei Dayong?" Chu Han approached him, patted his shoulder and asked.

The ghost looked up, his face full of pain, more fear: "yes, who are you?"

Chu Han said with a smile: "ha ha, I finally found it. I'm a soul arresting messenger. I've come to pick you up to the underworld specially!"

As soon as Wei Dayong's face changed, he was about to fly far away. As a result, Chu Han grabbed his wrist: "ah, don't run, I'm not a bad man!"

Wei Dayong struggled desperately: "Lao Tze is none of your business, good and bad. If you want me to go to hell, you can't!" Struggling, his other arm suddenly disappeared and screamed again.

Chu Han saw that he did not have the strength to struggle, also released his hand: "where's your arm?"

Wei Dayong raised his intact left arm and pointed to a cave in front of him: "Nuo, it's there. It's taken away by a wolf!"

Chu Han was stunned. The voice he heard just now was really the cry of the wolf, which was not right. It should be said that it was the soul of the wolf. However, several times in the past, he had never seen the soul of an animal, and his curiosity Rose: "wolf? Is it a ghost like you? "

Wei Dayong did not want to admit that he was dead: "nonsense, I am not a ghost, I still live well, otherwise how can I feel pain!"

Chu Han speechless: "then you can fly, living people have such, and legs are still entangled together!"

Wei Dayong looked down. After a moment of stupefaction, he cried in despair: "Wuwu, no wonder everyone can't see me or hear me. It turns out that I'm really dead!"

"Well, don't be sad!" Chu Han comforted and asked curiously, "have you been dead for seven days?"

Wei Dayong blinked his eyes, broke his fingers and calculated: "it seems that according to the custom, the seventh day is the night of the soul, I want to go back and reunite with my family!" Then he struggled to leave again.

Chu Han pressed him: "don't worry, it's not too late to go back at night, the effect is still better!"

Wei Dayong white Chu Han one eye: "what do you mean, let me to scare my family?"

Chu Han waved his hand: "of course not. I mean you've become a ghost. You have too much yang in the daytime. It's very inconvenient to move, and it's harmful to your cultivation. Ah, why is your body still so big?" He asked the question that he wanted to ask just now. Wei Dayong's ghost had been floating outside for seven days and nights, but he was still the size of a normal person.

Wei Dayong tried hard to recall: "well, when I became a ghost on the first day, my body was constantly shrinking, and I was afraid to get close to people. Especially during the day, when I was exposed to the sun, I would emit a lot of black air, and my body was shrinking faster."After a pause, Wei Dayong pointed to his feet: "the next day, I felt the mountain was cool, so I ran here. After hiding for a long time, a rabbit suddenly rushed out of the cave. I could catch him. After eating him, I became bigger again!"

Chu Han frowned. He felt a little bit of trouble. It was not only the wolf, but also the ghost of the rabbit. It seems that the cave must be connected to a little underworld, and the gate of hell is still open. If we catch up with a powerful ghost, Xiaohuang village will suffer!

"This, this little brother, you look very powerful. Can you help me catch some more rabbits and let me replenish my body?" Wei Dayong's arm grew out again, but it was obviously more illusory than the other parts. I'm afraid it would disappear with a little effort. He also saw Chu Han's extraordinary, so he begged decisively.

Chu Han nodded: "well, are you sure there are only wolves and rabbits in that cave?" Before taking action, it's better to determine the degree of danger, so as not to get into trouble as before, and to rely on big brother to save.

Wei Dayong's eyes brightened: "yes, there are only wolves and rabbits. Four or five rabbits rush out every day. There are only one or two wolves, but they are more fierce. I can't beat a bigger one!"

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