Chu Han nodded and thought of something at the same time. If his relatives or friends died and the ghost was too weak, he could arrange them to live in the gray area for a period of time first. It's better to have a foothold than to be a lone soul wild monster.

All the way chatting, the team soon came to the next mission site. The dead Xie Xiaojun was a Houseman who rented a house and was cooking instant noodles when he died. As a result, he played with his mobile phone and pulled out the plug. The result was tragic.

When he found him, Xie Xiaojun was still playing with his mobile phone on his body. He didn't realize that he was finished. Chu Han couldn't help patting him on the shoulder: "Hey, man!"

"Wait a minute, I got through this first!" Xie Xiaojun impatiently waved his hand and mumbled without looking back, so he continued to play with his mobile phone.

Chu Han is very puzzled, what game is so funny? He looks over and laughs. Xie Xiaojun doesn't have the ability to create a mobile phone at all. He just holds a brick similar to a mobile phone and keeps poking on it. It seems that the so-called game just exists in his consciousness.

WOW! The enchanting chain becomes longer and directly locks Xie Xiaojun's wrist. The brick disappears out of thin air. He roars angrily and looks back and is stunned: "eh? Who are you? Why do you want to break into my room? It's against the law to break into my house. Do you know? "

Chu Han pulled the chain, Xie Xiaojun body in a flash, directly hooked over, he pointed to the body on the ground: "look carefully, you are dead!"

"My God Xie Xiaojun looked puzzled. When he saw that his body was lying on the ground and his hair was covered with a layer of instant noodles, he immediately cried out in great panic: "I, how can I die so ugly"

er! Including Chu Han, a room of ghosts almost fall on their backs. Xie Xiaojun's thought is very strange. After seeing his body, he is most worried about the ugly appearance of death!

"Cough!" Brother Li, you can't help but have a short-circuit in your head? People are dead, but also care about what image, I think you should be most concerned about, should be how to continue to live in the form of ghosts

Xie Xiaojun pushed his eyes and said, "yes, eh? Why are you like me? Are you dead? "

Xiao Li nodded: "of course, and according to the time of death, our qualifications are older than you. Call big brother quickly. I will cover you when I go to the underworld later!"

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Xie Xiaojun is very on the road, honest to everyone called a big brother, see the team at the back of a fat man and a team of mother and daughter, he tactfully changed the name: "uncle, aunt, big, big beauty!"

Hu Xiaocui blushed and turned her head: "bah, do you call people like that, nerd?"

Xie Xiaojun scratched his head blankly: "Oh, don't you like this name, then call you elder sister!"

"Hoo Hoo Hu Xiaocui gasped: "you, you are the elder sister. Am I that old?"

"All right, all right!" Chu Han had to interrupt: "everyone say less, is that Xie Xiaojun? We are the vagabonds of the hell Department detention center. We specially come to the world to find the suitable ghost, and then send it to the hell to report. According to the relevant assessment standards, we confirm that your ghost is stronger, even if it is qualified, now we are ready to go to the hell department with us!"

Xie Xiaojun finally realized something. He began to struggle like everyone just died: "ah, really going to hell? I don't want to. I want to play games! " Then he raised his arms, and a new mobile phone like brick appeared. He poked his fingers on it for a while, and soon entered the state. Regardless of everything around him, he still showed a silly smile at the corner of his mouth.

Chu Han suddenly felt that there was something wrong with this man's brain. He looked at Nie Xiaoqian: "I said, is he really qualified?"

Nie Xiaoqian took a serious look at the soul binding order, and finally nodded helplessly: "yes, that's him. Recruiting people in the underworld is always about strength, regardless of brain!"

"All right then!" Chu Hansong relaxed his shoulder: "I don't care, as long as you Dean Cui are not afraid that this guy has lowered the overall IQ of the underworld!"

Ask Xie Xiaojun what question again, he also refused to answer, finally Chu Han and Nie Xiaoqian simply ignore him, directly with the enchanting chain, join the end of the team, as for the brick in his hand, just let him play.

In addition to Xie Xiaojun, the rest of the ghosts are very normal. After a little disturbance, they accept the fact that they are dead. Under the powerful power of the chain of enchanting souls, they all join the team honestly.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, one of them was busy. According to the ancient saying, when he was about to reach Zishi, all twenty ghosts had been found. Chu Han was so tired that like his grandson, he wrapped the chain around his waist and followed Nie Xiaoqian far away.

When she came to a random grave, Nie Xiaoqian stopped and looked at the ghosts in front of her. She nodded with satisfaction: "well, the environment here is good. It's time to open the ghost gate!"As the voice fell, Nie Xiaoqian turned into a black light and began to drift around dozens of tombs. After a while, she arranged an array and finally stopped in the center, blowing out a breath of Yin Qi. There was a ripple in the space, and the arc-shaped ghost gate appeared.

Chu Han, who had just had a rest for a while, had to sit up from a grave and pull the chain of enchantment. He yelled to all the new ghosts who were also exhausted: "you guys should be more energetic. You're going to pass the gate of hell soon. Don't forget to take all your things with you. In addition, take a look at the world you've lived in all your life. It's hard to come back after it's gone!"

"Wu Wu!" Chu Han's words touched many ghosts. Even the most optimistic Xiao Li couldn't help crying. The big guy looked at the disordered grave mound in the night with great nostalgia. It seemed that he wanted to keep every grass and every grave in mind. After all, if there was no accident, this would be the last scene they saw in the world.

Chu Han silently calculated the time. After about five minutes, he waved his hand to Nie Xiaoqian, who was smiling and waving his hand. The ghost gate came over and directly passed through the crowd.

Everyone was quiet, staring at the scene in front of them, and the darkness was still around. The difference was that it was already the underworld.

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