"Stop it all!" At the critical moment, an old and dignified voice sounded, 003 to 006 at the same time excited to see, also stopped burning the soul of crazy action.

"Uncle 001, you wake up. That's great!" Chu Han found that the appearance of 001, from his expression, should have been completely awake, can't help but said.

001 expression dignified, nodded: "well, just now my consciousness was a ghost into the fantasy, but also almost controlled by it, fortunately finally survived!"

Between speaking, 001 looks at Chu Han with complicated expression: "little Chu, in the dreamland, I have found a way to deal with the ghost, but I need your help!"

Chu Han quickly nodded and said, "OK, if you need me to do anything, just tell me!"

001 sighed: "Oh, don't resist!" Finish saying, his eyes a tight, suddenly at the same time clap hands, accurate fall in Chu Han's heart and back.

Poof! After a burst of pain, Chu Han vomited a mouthful of black blood. Yes, it was black blood. He was a little flustered: "what's the matter, am I poisoned?"

001's hands began to heat up, and his voice was low and magnetic: "hold your breath and concentrate on eliminating distractions. That tiger demon was killed by you, and what it fears most is you. Now I will take you into the dreamland it left in the stone statue, and find a way to completely eliminate it!"

Mirage? Chu Han just ready to ask, suddenly in front of a black, consciousness is not faint, is a little uncomfortable, as if by something from all directions constantly squeeze.

Plop! How long did the white clouds come up from the sky? It seemed that the whole palace was endless. He didn't know how long the light was coming down.

The body kept falling, Chu Han quickly passed through the clouds, below is a red ocean, there are many colorful dots, some motionless, some keep flashing, also don't know what it is.

"It's a success!" There was a voice in her ear. Chu Han had a look around. There was no half figure. She thought for a moment and felt that the voice was familiar, so she asked tentatively: "Uncle 001, is it you?"

"It's me!" 001 came back, looking a little weak: "my cultivation is limited, I can't go in with you, but you should remember that although you are only in a mirage world maintained by stone statues, fundamentally speaking, what you see, hear and feel is illusory, but that stone statue is really amazing, it will do harm to your body according to your experience in mirage Out of response, amount, adjustment. For example, as like as two peas in the illusion, you will get the same injury. I have already verified it, so you must be more careful! "

"I'll go. Why didn't I say it earlier?" Chu Han is a little depressed. He feels as if he has been cheated again. If 001 had said this connection earlier, he might not have agreed to come in rashly.

However, it's all over now. Judging from the weak voice of 001, if Chu Han can't eliminate the residual power of white tiger demon in the dreamland world, 001 can't take him out.

So Chu Han could only pretend to be generous: "OK, I know. Don't worry, I will succeed!"

"I believe you!" After a moment's silence, 001's voice rang out: "I will try my best to maintain the connection between your body and soul. There will be about three minutes. For dreamland, it will be about three days. I hope you can rush out in time!"

Time, Chu Han secretly nodded, this is not very short, suddenly thought of 001 just coma so long, should not be living in this fantasy world for nearly a month?

So Chu Han asked: "Uncle 001, can you share your experience, what kind of world is this, and where do I want to find the ghost of white tiger demon?"

After waiting for a long time, the voice of 001 didn't ring again. Chu Han was a little disappointed, and his heart began to panic. I don't know if 001 can persist in the real world.

Plop! After a long process of free fall, Chu Han finally dived into the water smoothly. Under the huge inertia, his body was like a shell, and he went down to the sea for more than ten meters before stopping.

Creak, creak! The body had been completely deformed. Fortunately, it was still connected together, but there was no substantial loss. Chu Han's heart moved. After a while of twisting, his body became normal human again.

"Ah, it's a ghost again!" Looking at his translucent body, Chu Han sighs bitterly that he has just changed his body. He has not had time to adapt. His soul will be forced to leave once. I don't know if he will leave any sequelae.

Hoo Hoo! When his mind moves again, Chu Han's left hand turns into an enchanting claw, and his right hand turns into a soul killing sting. Now he's a little confident. The treasures left by the fox clan and the white tiger demon are still there. At least when he meets some weak ghosts, he doesn't have to worry.

"By the way, what about the ax?" After several attempts, Chu Han found that he could make the soul claw appear or disappear at will. As for the soul claw, he was not so obedient. The process of change was very slow. He seemed dissatisfied with his master. Chu Han didn't want to bird it, so he planned to change a weapon.After waiting for a while, Chu Han did not dare to think about the appearance of miehun stab, but focused on building the ax that could split the heaven and earth.

Bang! After working hard for a few minutes, the axe finally appeared, still shining faintly. Chu Han looked at the words on the axe, and was dizzy again, so he quickly took back his eyes.

Goo Doo! The sound of the current came from far and near. Chu Han looked at it and immediately laughed. A group of black sea fish the size of fists were swimming together. They looked very docile. They should live on plankton. If there were plankton in the ocean of this dreamland world.

"Catch it for me!" Black Sea fish swim to less than 100 meters away from Chu Han before they react. The leader senses the danger and is about to turn around and run away. Unfortunately, there are too many similar fish behind him, which greatly delays the speed. Chu Han will not be polite and will directly throw out the soul claw.

Whoosh, a black sea fish that was too fat and slow was hooked back. Chu Han opened his mouth to bite, but the sea fish spoke first: "don't eat me, I'm poisonous!"

Chu cold, as like as two peas in the same voice, is not very well. The black sea fish's mouth moved again. "I can't speak, I use the idea exchange. You don't seem to be the life here!"

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