Chu Han felt sick. He swallowed Mr. Liu just now. But then he thought that he was a good man, so he held the bead in his hand, rang for a while, and asked, "you say that after I have the bead, I won't be sensed by other demons. So the king tuotian still has a group of subordinates?"

Black Sea Fish said: "yes, in fact, tuotian king is a deer demon, and he has more than a dozen small demons under his hand, all of them are weasels, mice, rabbits and so on. Their strength is not very good. If it is not for tuotian king, I can kill several of them!"

Chu Han came with confidence: "well, I promise to help you. Tell me where the sword pool is!"

After a moment's silence, the voice of the black sea fish became serious: "Daxia, please kill me first, and my soul will go out before I can take you there!"

Chu Han was stunned: "you were begging for mercy all the time, but now you have to take the initiative to die?"

Black Sea Fish tone firmly: "because I finally found the opportunity to kill tuotian king, even at the expense of themselves, will never give up!"

"Good!" Chu Han admired him a little, but his soul couldn't last long to kill the black sea fish. He thought for a moment, and then he had an idea: "by the way, I'll find a container and put you in it. It's not the same for me to show the way."

"Ah Black Sea Fish low call, seem very surprised, he still hesitated: "so, OK?"

"Don't worry, absolutely!" Chu Han is very confident, first let the black sea fish guide the way, swimming toward the northeast for a few hours, and finally saw the shore.

There are some shells on the shore. Chu Han finds a big one, puts some sea water on it, and puts Bao Dan in. Bao Dan is the name of the black sea fish, or the villager who was sacrificed to tuotian king. Through communication, Chu Han knows more information.

Black stone village where Bao Dan Dan lives is very big. It is located in a canyon. There are many black stones on the mountain, which are very easy to burn. The village gets its name from this. According to Chu Han's analysis, those black stones may be coal.

There is only a narrow mountain road in Heishi village, which is connected with the outside world. It's very troublesome and dangerous to get in and out. Therefore, although it covers a large area and has a large population, it is not valued by the imperial court. To recruit soldiers here, I'm afraid more people will die on the road than the villagers who are suitable for being soldiers.

"Great Xia, that's the mountain!" After landing on the shore, Chu Han flew dozens of miles forward, and a hill appeared in his vision. The bag in the shell boldly wagged his tail: "that's Blackstone mountain. After turning over, you can see Blackstone village!"

Chu Han lowered his height. According to the conversation with Bao Dan, tuotian king would sleep in his temple during the day, but that guy's younger brother would come out for activities, especially the weasel demon and rabbit demon. They often organized groups to steal chickens in the village, and they didn't know how this group of enemies in the animal world got together.

Flying close to the ground to the foot of Blackstone mountain, Chu Han slowly climbed up close to the mountain. Along the way, he also found a problem. In the fantasy world, as long as he touched unconsciously, he would be affected by the law of separation of yin and Yang, and many physical objects would pass by.

If he had been prepared in advance, his body would not penetrate the physical objects as it was when he was alive. Chu Han couldn't figure out the specific reason.

"Here we are at last!" Half an hour later, Chu Han climbed to the top of the mountain. Looking around, there was a vast basin below. The central area was a small town scale building complex. There were no marginal wheat fields around. But at the moment, the land was very dry, and only some areas had some water.

Bao Daren also saw it, and could not help scolding: "Damn, we are all sacrificed, but the king of tuotian didn't practice the magic yet!"

Chu Han sneered: "ha ha, who makes you have to believe in a monster? It's so-called that if it's not our race, its heart will be different. It can really treat you well!"

"That's what I said!" With a sigh, Bao boldly pointed his head to the Northeast: "Daxia, the sword pool is on the opposite mountain. Be careful when you go there. The temple of tuotian is also there!"

Chu Han nodded. After climbing to the top of the mountain, he already had a sense of crisis, as if he had an eye and one was watching himself. Even if Bao Daren didn't remind him, he would be extra careful.

So Chu Han didn't fly any more. He just stuck to the ground and twisted his body like a snake. He took a big turn and went through a mountain in the middle before he came to the top of the opposite mountain.

"It's so cold!" When he arrived at his destination, Chu Han looked up and saw a very small pool in front of him. Hundreds of meters away, there stood a magnificent building with two corners. It should be the temple of tuotian. But why is the temperature so cold here.

Bao boldly explained: "great Xia, the sword pool is like this. Before the appearance of King tuotian, it was very cold all the year round, and we didn't dare to get close to it. Mr. Liu said that it was because of the sword!"

Hearing the sword, Chu Han was excited again. It must be the best sword to send out such a strong chill. I don't know who is more powerful than Lingcha sword.

Whew! Chu Han was about to swim close to the ground when a sound came from the grass in front of him. He quickly took out the bead to avoid the dust and covered himself with a soft force.Soon, a white snake with a thick waist came out of the grass, and its head turned into a person. Of course, this is not Bai Suzhen, because it's a man's head. I can't flatter her appearance.

"Tut Tut, today's weather is really good, I can bask in the sun again comfortably!" The snake demon stretched out and pulled out a chicken from the grass behind. He opened his mouth and ate it.

"Roar!" A low roar came, the snake demon's hand trembled, and the chicken fell to the ground. He looked back nervously and scolded immediately: "asshole, old wolf, what are you doing to scare me?"

"Cluck!" Accompanied by a murmur of obscenity, a monster with a head and a wolf body appeared. He bowed his head and smelled the chicken. He said unremittingly, "well, I've been dead for a day, but you can still eat it. I always eat it alive!"

The snake demon spat out his tongue and continued to swallow the chicken. He made a vague voice: "I like it. You can manage it!"

Wolf demon went to the sword pool: "you eat quickly, the king's mood is not very good, today may wake up at any time, let him find you lazy at that time, be careful when the king is angry, eat you directly!"

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