I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1024: Why should I be afraid?

Mo Ning was anxious and angry. The strength of this Qin Mo was beyond his expectation.

"What do you want to do? Don't come over?" Mo Ning shouted immediately.

"Don't come over? That's not OK, I said, you have to say it yourself!" Qin Mo said, only to see a sword in his hand, slashing at Mo Ning.

"Ah—" Mo Ning let out a scream, and then he found that Qin Mo had cut off his hands and feet.

This Tai Ajian was so sharp that Qin Mo was a little surprised. He stared at Mo Ning in front of him, and said lightly: "Now you have a chance. Just tell the origin of your martial arts, and I will give you a chance to liberate. !"

"You..." Mo Ning stared at Qin Mo.

"Ding, collected 900 points of anger from Muning!"

"Otherwise, you can also take your time. Anyway, if your blood is so much, a little bit of blood will always die, isn't it?" Qin Mo laughed again.

As soon as this sentence came out, Mo Ning's face changed drastically. Isn't this asking him to wait for death?

"You kill me!" Mo Ning hurriedly said loudly.

"Kill you? Of course there is no problem? But you have to tell me first, is your Martial Spirit born or foreign?" Qin Mo asked.

"Yes... it was given to me by an adult!" Mo Ning said.

"My lord?" Qin Mo asked in confusion.

"That adult gave us a martial arts seed, and after each of us got the martial arts seed, we can grow our own martial arts!" Hearing Na Mo Ning said immediately.

"What?" Qin Mo was even more surprised when he heard these words. This is obviously not a normal method. Seed of Martial Soul, what is this?

But obviously this Mo Ning didn't know what it was. He said, "You kill me, but before you die, I want to look at the scroll on my body. It's a letter from my family. , Can you open it for me?"

This request is very reasonable!

There is nothing wrong with it!

But if Qin Mo originally thought, he would never help!

He is not a saint, let alone a fool. This kind of obvious trap is only strange to him. Mo Ning is obviously a trap, but Qin Mo thought about it, this trap seemed to be no threat to him!

Qin Mo took out a scroll from Mo Ning's body and said, "Is it this scroll?"

"Yes!" Only Mo Ning was a little excited when he heard, "Please... please help me open it!"

Qin Mo opened the scroll, only to see an arrow immediately flew out into the sky, and immediately after a loud noise, the arrow immediately turned into a brilliance and disappeared.

"It's awful!" Fei Er looked at her, her face changed.

"That's a ringing arrow, he must have called his companions!" I only heard Nan Hong endure the pain, "My lord, let's go!"

"Hahaha...you can't leave, you must die, my elder brothers come back, you will never survive, don't blame me, blame you for being too stupid!" Then Mo Ning laughed. .

"Ding, collected 800 points of happiness from Muning!"

I didn't expect this to work, do I need to make him happy and worry him, is this the correct way to collect the seven emotions?

Of course, Qin Mo wouldn't think much about it for the time being, his gaze fell on Mo Ning, who looked like a fool.

Mo Ning was originally laughing with excitement, but in Qin Mo's eyes, his laughter slowly diminished, and finally stopped.

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