I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1035: Impossible, how could you be Han Feng?

However, their potential is so high that it will be a matter of time before they will become the true first powerhouse of the four empires.

Shen Kai's appearance immediately made everyone's eyes focused on him.

The same goes for Miao Long and Yan Hao, but the two soon noticed the arrival of another figure. The man was holding a big knife in his hand and his face was full of pride, as if he did not put the world's strong The same in the eyes.

"Brother Han Feng!" Han Nan said quickly when he saw the person coming.

The people on both sides also retreated, but at this time all eyes fell on Han Feng.

"What? You are Han Feng?" Miao Rou's face was surprised?

"Impossible, how could you be Han Feng?" Shen Yan also said.

At this time even Yan Yi was curious: "If I remember correctly, the previous Han Feng was not like this. If you were not a fake, then the previous Han Feng..."

He really pretended to be!

Both Han Feng and Han Nan thought at the same time, and their hearts were full of anger. This Qin Mo was too much to impersonate them!

"Ding, collected 500 points of anger from Han Feng!"

"Ding, collected 400 points of anger from Han Nan!"


What the hell? This young master has not yet appeared, so many seven emotions have already arrived?

Qin Mo was taken aback. How come he has so many seven emotions when he just arrived here?

Originally, today’s seven emotions value was only 100, but now it has suddenly become more than 30,000. Except for Han Feng, the others have more or less, 300 for more and 20 for less.

Did he accidentally do something serious and fail?

Qin Mo couldn't imagine that Han Feng, who he had pretended to be, had caused such a big change here, and even many people died because of this battle.

Of course, even if Qin Mo knew it, he wouldn't sigh too much. After all, he wanted to harm these people because of his seven emotions. This time, it was a good opportunity for him to come out and pretend to be forced!

At this time, Han Feng's heart was very angry. He was impersonated and caused such a big incident!

This is too much, right?

Shen Kai on the other side was also a little angry now, and he felt that he had been fooled!

No matter who the impersonator is, there must be a price!


The whole scene was silent at this time. Someone dared to pretend to be Han Feng and even caused such a thing. Who did it?

Who is so bold?

The others are fine, but this one is Han Feng, the first genius of Han Wu Kingdom. Now someone dares to impersonate? Could he be too long?

At this time, a voice broke the silence here: "Huh? You are all here? I thought I was waiting for you!"

Hearing Qin Mo's words, everyone's eyes fell on Qin Mo.

Who is this person?

Everyone didn't know, even Han Feng didn't recognize Qin Mo's appearance, because the hat on Qin Mo's head covered most of his face.

"Who are you?" Han Feng frowned and asked.

"Me? I'm the one who called you to come. You don't know me anymore?" Qin Mo answered, "I am one of the 108 guardians of the Great Qin Kingdom, Fire Fist Ace!"

As soon as this name came out, the people around immediately realized that it was him, Fire Fist Ace!

Faced with so many bosses here, this Ace didn't panic at all, he walked over slowly.

It's just that when Han Feng saw Qin Mo, he felt a little puzzled. How did he feel so familiar with this Ace? Where do you seem to have seen the same?

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