I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1060: It seems you are lucky!

"Ding, collected 1,000 hatred points from Han Feng!"

In addition to Han Feng, there are also many people who hate Qin Mo, and not only that. What happened in the land of flames has not concealed anyone. The people in Spring and Autumn City are more or less all Already heard.

"Have you heard? This time, one person can win Master Han Feng!"

"No? Who is so awesome? Isn't this false news?"

"Of course not, I have an uncle's cousin's son's third concubine's nephew, he is a handyman in the famous sword country, he heard about it! Han Feng even took a punch from Qin Mo No less!"

"Your news is false? I heard the son of my aunt's third cousin say that Han Feng is not Qin Mo's opponent at all. Qin Mo is not dealing with Han Feng, but an adult rock-making dragon. !"

"No? If that's the case, doesn't he have the strength of the Wudan realm?"

"Of course, I heard that he can blast the hundred-zhang rock-refining dragon to the ground with a single punch, and he immediately begged for mercy!"

"You are all wrong. I heard the son of my second uncle’s third aunt’s cousin’s cousin. He is the housekeeper in the ten thousand beasts. He said that Qin Mo was nine feet tall and had scary eyes. His eyes glared, but he was able to change the color of the world and the earth torn apart, almost everyone would surrender to him!"


The rumors spread all of a sudden, and the more it spreads, the more exaggerated it is. Some even say that Qin Mo is a dragon king and can command the dragons of the world at once.

But no matter what, Qin Mo's reputation is now booming.

"Ding...shock value +100!"

"Ding... resentment value +150!"


What Qin Mo did not expect was that after he came back here, he would collect more seven emotions than before. The seven emotions collected by the treasure chest of seven emotions were soaring, and he had already collected 1.2 million seven emotions. .

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the amethyst treasure chest!"

Sure enough, I can get the amethyst treasure chest, but what will be in this treasure chest?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining an Earth Grade Martial Spirit, Emperor Yan!"

"What?" Qin Mo was startled, Emperor Yan? This is still Wuhun?

And most importantly, it is not a tenth-level martial soul, nor is it an eleventh-level martial soul, but an earth-level martial soul!

Could it be that above the tenth rank martial soul, there is a more powerful martial soul?

Of course, Qin Mo hadn't figured out what Yan Emperor was, but Qin Mo felt that the power of this martial soul must be even stronger.

After Qin Mo got this martial soul, the martial soul had already fallen into his mind.

Qin Mo only felt that a red figure appeared in his mind, that seemed to be a person!

Qin Mo seemed to have his own comprehension, and Qin Mo sat down and began to comprehend his martial soul.

That night, Qin Mo had learned a lot.

At this time, a person looked at Tang Huaguo’s resident, his face was sneered, and the dark cloak only revealed his mouth. He said lightly: "Qin Mo, you won't be proud of it for too long, I will avenge Mo Shan Yes, but before that, it's better to devour the flesh and blood of a few more people!"

There was news in Spring and Autumn City that a dozen talented warriors had suddenly disappeared, and no one could find their whereabouts!

The next day, Qin Mo and others went back to the Spring and Autumn Palace again. Only eight of the hundred people could be selected for the next battle, but this time it was an open game and anyone could watch.

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