The right arm of Han Feng was wrapped up, Qin Mo really admired Han Feng. He said: "His Royal Highness Han Feng, you are really a respectable person. I think there is only Han Feng in this world. Your Highness, you are so dedicated!"

"What?" Han Feng frowned and said.

"There are not many people with disabilities like you, Your Royal Highness Han Feng. Even if you don't have an arm, you still insist on participating in this competition. It's really rare to see!" Qin Mo said again.

"You..." Han Feng heard it, and Qin Mo was obviously ridiculing him on purpose!

"His Royal Highness Han Feng, I have to congratulate you too, after all, you are very lucky to be able to enter the quarterfinals!" Qin Mo continued.

"Qin Mo, don't be so arrogant. We will definitely meet in the quarterfinals!" Han Feng looked at Qin Mo with a grinning smile on his face.

"Encounter? This is not so good, right!" Qin Mo said with a look of embarrassment, "You have entered the quarterfinals so hard, if you meet me, you won't even get second place!"

"..." Han Feng.

"..." Miao Long.

"..." Yan Hao.

Everyone looked at Qin Mo and couldn't see why Qin Mo could say such shameless words, with a thick skin, and could he really do whatever he wanted?

If they asked Qin Mo, Qin Mo could answer them for sure, thick-skinned, he could really do whatever he wanted!

"Ding, collected 100 points of resentment from Han Feng to you!"

With 100 resentment points in his hand, Qin Mo would not be polite. What he wanted was to collect resentment points here.

Qin Mo found that language can also make the other party generate a huge resentment value for himself. Unfortunately, there are not many resentment values ​​collected now. If only he could get angry with this Han Feng again!

If Han Feng knew what Qin Mo was thinking, he would probably draw his sword on the spot.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, the battle between us will be able to tell the outcome tomorrow. At that time, I will let you know what is true despair!" Han Feng's eyes were full of chills. He stared at Qin Mo, his eyes filled with chill.

"Then I have to wait!" Qin Mo smiled.

The big comparison to be held here today did not leave Qin Mo free to leave to collect other treasure chests, but even so, he also collected a lot of Seven Love Points, and today he can only get a platinum treasure chest.

However, the people present have a certain understanding of this Qin Mo. They are very curious about Qin Mo's strength. How strong is Qin Mo? Why did Qin Mo's opponents give in?

Although Miao Long's opponents were not their own, they also met opponents. Qin Mo was the only one who had never encountered an opponent. Those who became opponents of Qin Mo immediately sighed and surrendered.

After all, Qin Mo's strength far exceeds them. Who would dare to fight Qin Mo and take Qin Mo's punch?

Qin Mo stopped collecting treasure chests today. After he returned to the station, he began to practice.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and there were several strange things in this Spring and Autumn City.

All the strong in several kingdoms disappeared overnight, and no one can find out who made the move.

However, there were no screams in these kingdoms, and there were not many traces of fighting here, but how did these people happen?

What happened this time made people feel surprised and puzzled.

But everyone has a feeling that something seems to be rampant in this Spring and Autumn City!

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