I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1080: Worthy of being the first person in the Spring and Autumn Conference

"What do I want to do? Geng Shou is it? You seemed to be humiliating my friend just now, and you humiliated me together. Now I tell you, this matter is not over yet!" Qin Mo said with his head high.

Qin Mo's eyes were full of coldness, and he did not fear that the other party was the son of the master of Chunyuan Sect.

After everyone saw it, they couldn't help but admire it.

"As expected to be the first person in the Spring and Autumn Conference, I really have courage!"

"Master Qin Mo's attitude of defying power is really a role model for my generation!"

"I don't know what His Highness Qin Mo wants to do?"


Everyone sighed.

Qin Mo could even feel that these people seemed to respect themselves more, shouldn't they find someone to use the treasure chest of respect?

Of course, the matter here needs to be solved first!

Qin Mo’s words changed Geng Shou’s expression, and Geng Shou said, "Qin Mo, what do you want to do? Do you think that you will be the first place in this spring and autumn competition? Don’t be afraid to tell you. You got the first place in this spring and autumn competition. In my eyes, you are just a waste!"

As soon as Geng Shou's words came out, Geng Qiu's face changed slightly, he wanted to stop his defiant son with his eyes!

After all, Qin Mo is likely to be the future Spring and Autumn Tyrant!

If Qin Mo really joined the Qiuyuan School, then in the Spring and Autumn Domain, the Qiuyuan School might be respected. He would not like to see this!

And more importantly, Geng Shou was insulting the first person in the Spring and Autumn Competition. He said that the first person was a waste. What about the others?

Sure enough, Miao Long and their faces are not pretty. Although they say that Geng Shou is the young master of the Chunyuan Sect, you obviously look down on us when you speak this way. Are we going to join you in the Chunyuan Sect and get humiliated?

But even if Geng Qiu gave Geng Shou a wink, Geng Shou didn't notice it at all. He thought he was continuing to talk his jerk.

"With such waste like you, do you really dare to challenge me?" Geng Shou said again.

"Oh? If that's the case, well, I'll tell you a word now!" Qin Mo said with an evil smile on his face.

"What? Do you want to ask for forgiveness? If you want to ask for forgiveness, you don't have to. Seeing that you are the number one in the Spring and Autumn Conference, I will forgive you..." Before Geng Shou's words were finished, he was caught Qin Mo interrupted.

"Geng Shou, I want you to roll up for this young master!" Qin Mo's faint voice sounded.

Roll up for this young master?

Is this to Geng Shou?

Everyone was stunned at the same time. After all, Qin Mo said these words, but he was very overbearing. Didn't he know that the person in front of him was Geng Shou?

Who is Geng Shou? That was the son of the master of the Chunyuan Sect. If others dared to speak like this, I am afraid they would have been driven away or dealt with by the Chunyuan Sect, but Qin Mo said it would be different!

Geng Shou had promised Qin Mo just now, as long as Qin Mo could get the first place, he would shoot.

Now Qin Mo has indeed won the first place, can he still refuse?

Of course not!

Geng Shou sneered: "In this case, I will let you know what strength you are!"

Geng Shou jumped directly to the arena, and he said lightly: "If you kneel down and apologize to me now, I can still spare you. Otherwise, even if you are the first person in this Spring and Autumn Conference, I will let you Lie down for a few months before joining our sect!"

"For the sake of your words, as long as you are willing to kneel down and kowtow to me and admit your mistakes, I will spare you!" Qin Mo said.

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