I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1093: What's the matter?

"Well said!" He only heard Geng Qiu and immediately shouted, "Chen Jian, I didn't see the wrong person!"

Even Cen Lesheng admires Geng Qiu a little bit, and this person may be the backbone of the Qiuyuan Sect in the future!

"Dust sword guardian, you are right, we won't agree..." An elder next to him walked to Chen Jian's side, and he patted Chen Jian on the shoulder.

But at this moment, everyone only saw Chen Jian suddenly grasping the sword, the sword light flashed, and the head of the elder next to him was cut off.

When this elder's head rolled to the ground, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that he would die in the hands of this Chen Jian.

The whole scene was silent, so quiet that even the breathing of people present could be heard.

What's the matter? Chen Jian, what is he doing?

Everyone couldn't believe that this turned out to be true, Chen Jian actually killed the elder of his own sect!

"Master Chilian, I have already beheaded this elder, and I hope to join you in the Eight Desolation Palace!" Chen Jian knelt in front of Chilian, he said loudly.

"You...you..." That Geng Qiu pointed to Chen Jian, his eyes burst into flames, this Chen Jian would betray their Qiuyuan Sect, and also killed an elder of the Qiuyuan Sect!

This person is too much!

The people present also gritted their teeth with anger.

"I have seen a lot of shameless people, but you Chen Jian is also the most shameless one!" Geng Shou pointed to Chen Jian angrily.

"I didn't expect you to be such a person!" Cen Yu also shook his head.

"Chen Jian, I heard that you have obtained the guidance of Junior Brother Geng Qiu to achieve what you do today. Are you worthy of Junior Brother Geng Qiu?" Cen Lesheng said coldly.


Facing the accusations from the crowd, only seeing the dust sword like crazy, he said: "No matter what you say, as long as you die, there will be nothing. What do you know? You will all die soon. My lord, I will never let you go!"

"Well, if you are so wise, then I will give you a chance to join us!" Chi Lian smiled.

"Thank you Master Chilian, thank you Master Chilian!" The Chen Jian immediately knelt down and said with his head.

Other people were also extremely angry with Chen Jian. They didn't expect Chen Jian to do such a thing, but they had no way to deal with Chen Jian.

At this time, Chi Lian swept the people in front of him, especially Qin Mo. She said, "Qin Mo, you are different from other people. If you are willing, our Eight Desolation Palace is willing to accept you. This is One last chance! You should know that as long as I give the order, no matter it is you or everyone here, it is impossible to survive!"

"Since you have said so, then naturally it is impossible for me not to take refuge in you. No matter who it is, I don't want to die. I am still young and naturally do not want to die!" Qin Mo said.

Cen Yu bit her lower lip, and she sighed. From her standpoint, she was indeed not qualified to say anything about Qin Mo. After all, Qin Mo hadn't joined either of their two cases.

Geng Shou's face also showed guilt at this time. He had treated Qin Mo like this before, and Qin Mo was leaving now. He really had no right to stop him.

Even the two sect masters can only secretly sigh at this time. Perhaps, Qin Mo's choice is correct. Joining these eight wilderness regions will be better for Qin Mo in the future than in their Spring and Autumn regions.

"However, I have one condition!" Qin Mo said again.

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