I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1110: The password is, I like you!

The two chatted for a while before Qin Mo went back to the new residence of the Great Qin Kingdom. Qin Mo now has five platinum treasure chests and one crystal treasure chest.

The Fudge Treasure Box has been settled by Qin Mo, so it became this crystal treasure box.

However, the platinum treasure chest does not have much effect on Qin Mo now, unless it is a Wu Zun experience pill!

"System, these platinum treasure chests, can they be positioned as the Wuzun realm experience pill?" Qin Mo asked.

"If the host wants to open an experience pill, he must get an experience pill key!" the system replied.

"Where can I get the key to experience pill now?" Qin Mo asked with a twitch of his mouth.

"That can only rely on the host itself!" the system replied.

The corner of Qin Mo's mouth twitched, and it seemed that the system was still unreliable and could only rely on himself!

Qin Mo could only open this treasure chest one by one.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a heavenly weapon..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a heavenly martial skill..."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the Eight-Rank Pill Wuyuan Pill!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 5 martial arts realm experience pills!"

Sure enough, he got the Martial Venerable Realm Experience Pill, and it was still 5, which was able to raise Qin Mo's realm to the fifth level of the Martial Venerable Realm.

For other people, it would be impossible to go from the first to the fifth floor of Wu Zun realm in a few years, but Qin Mo naturally didn't need it.

But that Wu Yuan Dan, it seems that it is also an item used to improve the realm, which can increase the strength of the Wu Zun realm martial artist by one level, which is equivalent to the effect of the Wu Zun realm experience Dan.

Finally, of course, the crystal treasure chest must be opened.

What's in the crystal treasure chest?

"Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the king-level martial arts, Xingyijian!"

Although Qin Mo has the Star Falling Bow, he does not have archery skills. Now this trick can be used in combination with the Falling Star Bow. It is estimated that even facing the existence of the Martial Pill Realm level, he can still fight!

If it was secretly, Qin Mo wanted to kill the Wudan realm existence by himself, it shouldn't be difficult.

When Qin Mo thought so, he had already taken one of the experience pills, and Qin Mo also started to use his own practice. The next day, Qin Mo's realm had entered the second level of Wuzun realm.

But that morning, that Cen Yu had already arrived to look for Qin Mo.

Cen Yu took Qin Mo's hand and wandered around this Spring and Autumn City.

"Isn't that girl Cen Yu? How could he get so close to His Highness Qin Mo?"

"No, our goddess was actually captured by Qin Mo? How could this be?"

"Ms. Cen Yu, is it true that he is already engaged to His Royal Highness Qin Mo!"

"No, I heard that Girl Cen Yu has privately made a lifelong appointment with Her Royal Highness Qin Mo!"


The rumors spread bigger and bigger and more exaggerated.

This incident had already reached that Geng Shou's ear, his face changed drastically, and he rushed out directly.

Of course, Qin Mo didn't care about all this, he took Cen Yu's hand directly.

"Ding...shock value +100!"

"Ding... resentment value +100!"


A series of resentment shocks have already appeared, but Qin Mo didn't care at all. What he wanted was this effect. The Seven Love Treasure Box had already begun to collect nearly 50,000 Seven Love Points, and he agreed to Cen Yu, which is a good thing!

But soon, Qin Mo met someone.

Geng Shou!

"Qin Mo, are you sincere to Cen Yu?" Geng Shou said, staring at Qin Mo.

"Am I sincere to Cen Yu, doesn't it have anything to do with you?" Qin Mo smiled.

"Qin Mo, you did have good strength before, but you thought that this was the capital you could squander, then you were so wrong, of course I didn't use my full strength at all!" Geng Shou stared at Qin Mo, "You Do you dare not let other subordinates take action and fight me fairly?"

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