I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1122: Do you still have to fight with you?

Geng Shou's face had returned to normal. After all, even if he was attacked by an unrecognizable attack at the Wu Dan level, Geng Shou could have recovered long ago.

And now Geng Shou has stepped into the second floor of Wudan Realm.

This talent is no longer bad, but when he appeared at this time, everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a fool.

"Master Geng Shou!" Some people immediately gathered around and greeted Geng Shou.

However, Geng Shou didn't pay any attention to what they meant. Geng Shou said, "Qin Mo, where are you?"

"What's your name? This young master is here, what's the matter? Are you still going to fight you and fail?" Qin Mo replied.

Seeing Qin Mo, Geng Shou immediately said: "Qin Mo, I have already improved a level, you...your realm..."

Geng Shou's eyes widened, how could it be possible? Is this person a monster?

"Qin Mo, you finally came out, but..." Geng Qiu glanced at Qin Mo, eyes full of incredible colors.

Enchanting, really worthy of the Spring and Autumn Overlord!

This is what everyone thinks at the same time.

This time, Geng Qiu came here to bring others to the trial cave.

The so-called cave of trials can actually be regarded as an independent space, because in it, there is only night, not day!

In this space, there seemed to be a huge moon, whether it was a low-level trial or a high-level trial. Of course, the two trial caves did not seem to communicate.

This time, Geng Qiu took Qin Mo, Geng Shou and all the geniuses, used the flying boat of the Spring and Autumn Region, and flew for a full 13 days before reaching the cave of trial. Outside of this cave of trial, early A lot of people have already appeared, and this time there have been five groups of strong, who are the strong of the five domains.

Except for the Spring and Autumn Sect, the other four domain powerhouses have arrived, just waiting for Geng Qiu and others.

"Chunqiuyu really has some air, and it's only now!" The strong man headed by Bahuangyu sneered.

"Whether we have a shelf in Spring and Autumn Domain, it seems that you don't need your Excellency to control it!" Geng Qiu said proudly.

"I Guan Xing can't control your Spring and Autumn Realms, but I don't know if we can control you with the other three realms?" Guan Xing said coldly.

The other three domains were also led by the Wudi strong, and the others came here together. They didn't actually have much grudges with the Spring and Autumn Domain, and it is not the time to quarrel here, only one of the old men said: "This is Tianyi Yu Lu Ming, two, let's forget about this matter here!"

"I am Ichiro Kinda from the Eastern Region, you people are really troublesome!" said a man with a samurai head on his head and a beard.

Nima, how come there are even Japanese? Could it be that these Japanese have reproduced their offspring into this world? Qin Mo's face was a bit weird.

In addition to them, there is also a mature woman. The woman seems to be 27 or 8 years old. Of course, no one knows her true age. She said, "July Territory Song Wen!"

Geng Qiu also introduced himself, but at this time, he heard Song Wen suddenly say: "I heard that there was a Spring and Autumn Tyrant named Qin Mo in the Spring and Autumn Domain. I don't know who Qin Mo is?"

"Who is looking for this young master?" Qin Mo took a step forward and said lightly.

"Boy, you are arrogant enough, dare to speak like this in front of us?" I only heard Guan Xing said.

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