I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1139: Don't you have any compelling numbers in your heart?

It is estimated that fewer than twenty people were able to escape from the Eight Desolation Palace this time, and the screams of loss were much more serious than ever.

"What did you do?" Qin Mo smiled disdainfully, "Don't you know that this young master has a nickname called Taishan the King of Ten Thousand Beasts? Don't be afraid to tell you that even if the Dragon Race sees me, he will call me Taishan Brother, let me say, how dare these monsters not listen?"

"You are talking nonsense, do you have the ability of an animal trainer?" Ti Long said loudly.

"If I have the ability of a beast trainer, don't you have any compelling numbers in your heart?" Qin Mo said again.

"I must kill you, I must!" Dillon said a little crazy.

This time, as long as people who can't fly are almost all submerged in this group of monsters, even those who can fly will not be better off. Once these monsters surround them, they will definitely die.

The powder that Qin Mo sprinkled just now was the powder that appeared after the transformation grass was burned. These powders had the smell of transformation grass, and these powerful monsters wanted the transformation grass.

As long as you smell the smell of the transformed grass after burning, these monsters will become crazy. At this time, the warriors who are stained with these powder will undoubtedly become very attractive food for these monsters. Look. It's strange that these monsters can endure these delicious foods in front of them.

And what Qin Mo wants is exactly this effect. These transformation grasses can cause these powerful people in the Eight Desolation Palace to encounter this trouble. Before that, Qin Mo did not sprinkle on this land. The burned powder of this transforming grass, these monster beasts will probably linger here for a long time!

In this way, Qin Mo's goal was also achieved!

"Since you have all said that, then you and you will try it out, but you have to think about killing this young master, it's not that simple!" Qin Mo put his hands around his chest, his face showed a sneer. .

"Do you think we will believe you if you say this? Qin Mo, the six of us took action today. Do you think you still have a chance to escape?" Ti Long immediately said loudly.

"Listening to what you said, are you planning to deceive more and less?" Qin Mo said after hearing this.

"If there is more bullying than less, then I don't know if we can also participate?" Hundreds of strong people appeared around. Qin Mo looked a little weird looking at their dressing. These people turned out to be from Dongying Territory?

"People from Dongying Domain? What do you mean? Do you want to bully the less?" Qin Mo said with a strange expression on his face.

"Yes, Daqin people, we just want to deceive more and less, how can you fail us?" He only heard the humanity headed by that.

"East Yingyu has joined hands with our Eight Desolate Regions, Qin Mo, we will not forgive you for what you did today, so you will definitely die!" Hearing that Di Long said immediately.

Surrounded by these people, even Qin Mo has no way to enter the ground at this time, and it is impossible to escape from here.

"Qin Mo, right? We saw your method just now, and it was able to attract monsters here. Yes, you are really rare, but it's just that!" I only heard the humanity of the East Ying domain, "My name is Juntaro Koizumi, if you want, I can give you a chance to fight me fairly!"

Qin Mo lifted his head slightly, and Koizumi Juntaro continued: "If you lose, then I will let you go. If you lose, there will be no way. We Dongyingyu people are very trustworthy!"

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