I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1142: Can you slap a few?

After those people heard Qin Mo’s words, they immediately followed suit. Now these warriors in the Eastern Ying Region have been poisoned by Little Apple and can’t stop at all. Now it’s a good opportunity to hit their Dantian position with a palm of their hand. Their Dantian was also destroyed, and even these warriors in the Eastern Ying Region would not be able to recover.

"no no--"

"Stop it, don't—"

"Bage, you dare to do this—"


The warriors of the Eastern Region are now hit by Little Apple, and they only know how to dance. It is impossible to resist the Spring and Autumn Sect warriors here!

Seeing that one of my companions was directly abolished, even these warriors in the Eastern Region were terrified. They had cultivated for so long before they had the cultivation level, but now they have been abolished by these Spring and Autumn Sects. , Where can they not be afraid?

Moreover, these people from the Spring and Autumn Sect did not let any of them go. These people from the East Ying Region would obviously suffer a big loss!

If the strongmen of the Spring and Autumn Gate clashed with them head-on, they would not even worry at all, but now it is different. They can only dance now, and these strongmen in the Spring and Autumn Gate can easily deal with them, just like a preparation The long-time strong, against a warrior who has no preparation at all, the result can be imagined.

These people in the Eastern Regions now cannot even fight back!

Qi Hai is destroyed, they can only become useless!

Although Ziyue and Quan Prisoner were also here, they had no grievances with Chunqiu Sect, so the people of Chunqiu Sect did not trouble them.

The rock-refining dragon originally wanted to make a move, but it couldn't block its ears at all, and the huge dragon body began to dance here.

The person who did this time, even Geng Shou has arrived. Although he has not fully recovered, this kind of battle will not hurt him at all. Geng Shou will not let go of the opportunity to beat the dog in the water. He shot the hardest.

With Geng Shou and the elders of the Spring and Autumn Sect, even if they are at the Martial Pill Realm level, they can easily kill them, let alone abolish their cultivation.

Even if these people were abolished, they were still dancing square dances with blood spitting out. Qin Mo couldn't help but sigh after seeing them. These people are really dedicated, and they are all hurt so that they still insist on dancing. It really is true. Dancers!

If these people knew what Qin Mo was thinking in his heart, they would probably be directly **** off. Those who were doing this to them, but Qin Mo, they would end up like this, it was only because of Qin Mo, this guy was still thinking about it. This kind of thing!

The people in Dongyingyu and the Eight Desolation Hall had their cultivation bases abolished. Only Juntaro Koizumi and Dillon remained intact, and the others had fallen to the ground.

"Di Long, weren't you very good before? Now, I'm going to take action against you!" Geng Shou never dreamed that he would still have a chance of revenge, and it was such a good opportunity!

"What...what do you want to do? Do you dare to shoot at me? I will definitely not let you go!" He hurriedly said when he saw Geng Shou's hideous face.

Geng Shou couldn’t hear what Ti Long said. After all, he was blocking his ears, but he could understand it. Because Geng Shou knew how to speak, he immediately sneered: "Will not let me go? I want See why you don't let me go!"

Geng Shou's palm slammed past, and this punch hit Di Long's body, and Di Long flew upside down. His dantian position was destroyed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

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