I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1144: Slap in the face

Di Long just wanted to escape, and Qin Mo's voice came over again: "Di Long, don't want to escape, if you dare to escape one step, I promise you will definitely die!"

Ti Long’s face was very ugly at this time, and at this time, Qin Mo continued: "I also give you a chance. As long as you can slap him a thousand slaps before Juntaro Koizumi, I will spare you your life. You two , Only one person can survive!"

Qin Mo calculated it. There were more than 200 people in Dongying Kingdom. If they slap each other, it is estimated that they can collect 100,000 slap points.

The number of slap points does not seem to be required by Qin Mo himself, as long as they slap around, they can collect them.

But if you let them slap themselves, the effect is too bad. What if someone says he abuses the people here?

Let them slap each other, it will be more profound!

Qin Mo thought so and did the same.

These people from the Eastern Region didn't want to die, so they chose to hurt each other. As long as they could survive, that would be enough!

"Ding, I collected 1 slap point!"


"Ding, collect 500 points of resentment from Juntaro Koizumi!"

"Ding, collected 550 points of resentment from Dillon!"


This time Qin Mo collected not only these slap points, but also these seven emotions.

Seven emotions can only be collected when Qin Mo's emotions are maximized. The seven emotions of the previous few days can only open treasure chests below gold, and have no much effect at all.

But now it's different. These people's resentment towards Qin Mo is so great that it suddenly surpassed the 50,000 seven emotions.

"His Royal Highness, why do you want to do this? If we do, won't we be able to kill them?" Yan Hao asked.

"This young master is a compassionate person, how can he commit murder? Remember, having a compassionate heart is not easy to kill!" Qin Mo said.

"..." Yan Hao's face was a bit weird.

"..." The expression on Shen Kai's face froze.

"..." Geng Shou curled his lips and ignored the words at all.

The words Qin Mo said were not convincing. They knew that in terms of killing the most people, I am afraid that they are far inferior to Qin Mo. Qin Mo is a Buddha angry lotus, but he killed at least two hundred people. people.

This person actually said to be merciful now? Ghosts will believe Qin Mo's words!

However, Qin Mo's purpose, they would naturally not know, and the faces of the people in the Eastern Ying Region here were already swollen. The two slapped each other, and no matter which one would take a break, it would take advantage.

Juntaro Koizumi and that Dillon did the same. Both of them had their faces swollen into pig heads. There was no way they could not.

"Ding, 100,000 slap points have been collected, and the slap treasure chest was successfully upgraded. It is currently a crystal treasure chest!"

Finally succeeded!

It seems that this treasure chest can also be opened. The time limit for this slap point is five days. It is obviously impossible to collect 1 million slap points next!

Looking at the red and swollen faces of these Dongying people and the strong man in the Eight Desolation Palace in front of him, Qin Mo's face showed a sneer: "Seeing you work so hard, it seems that you don't want to die, but you are destined to only one of you can survive. It's up to you who can survive!"

When these people from the East Ying Region heard this, they were furious. After Qin Mo humiliated them, he would kill them again!

Only one of the two can survive. Doesn't that mean that they should kill each other?

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