I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1155: I... I don't know!

"Hey, how do you say it is also a dragon clan, do you know any way to enter it?" Qin Mo asked.

This time Qin Mo asked not the snarling dog, but the rock-refining dragon.

"I...I don't know!" The rock refining dragon shook his head, "I didn't grow up on Long Island, so I don't know what's going on here!"

Qin Mo didn't actually hold any hope, but now he still had to approach that Long Island before he could judge how to enter.

Qin Mo has never underestimated Long Island, after all, there are many powerful dragons in Long Island.

Real dragon, dragon king, even that dragon king!

For Qin Mo now, it was already very difficult to deal with the existence of the Dragon King level.

It seems that I cannot fight hard, I can only outsmart it!

Qin Mo could even see the dragons patrolling in the air in front of him. With Qin Mo’s eyesight now, he could see the location of Long Island. It was about tens of miles away from Long Island, about ten miles from the main dragon island. Will be discovered by the dragons.

But at this moment, only a loud noise was heard, and Qin Mo saw a huge water column appearing on the sea, and the water column blasted to a height of ten feet.

Qin Mo was taken aback, he thought about it, or sneaked over to see what happened.

I saw a person suddenly jumped up on the surface of the water. That person was half human and half dragon. His head and half of his body were all humans, but his lower body was a dragon with a dragon tail.

It was a cyan dragon in the air, and it seemed to be a fourth-level dragon. Seeing the half-dragon rushing, the dragon opened its mouth and said with disdain, "Trash, even you want to come here. Get the Ambergris? Dream, get out!"

The dragon swept down with a whip, and the power seemed to be powerful, and in an instant it smashed the half-dragon away again.

"Hahahaha... it's just a half-dragon, and you want to enter our Dragon Island? Do you have such qualifications?" The cyan dragon smiled disdainfully.

"If it weren't for thinking that your mother used to be a member of our dragon clan, you wouldn't even have the qualifications to approach our Dragon Island!" Another giant dragon said.

"No, I must get Ambergris, otherwise, my mother..." said the half-dragon.

"You want Ambergris? Of course you can!" I only heard that a dragon came out at this moment.

Qin Mo's eyesight can tell that this giant dragon is a real dragon!

"Master Feng!" The other dragons saw this real dragon appear, and immediately said.

Real dragon, this is a martial beast at the level of Martial Pill, that half dragon has only the strength of the level of Martial Venerable, and in front of the real dragon, there is no resistance at all.

"Master Feng, please, please give me an Ambergris flower!" Banlong said immediately, his eyes seemed to have hope.

"Ambergris is a special spiritual creature born in our dragon blood pool. It contains dragon blood essence. As long as it can be consumed, it is of great benefit to the dragon, and it can even restore the severely injured dragon. !" I only heard Master Feng replied lightly.

"Yes, Master Feng, my mother was seriously injured, so she wanted to get this ambergris for treatment, please!" He only heard the half-long said immediately.

"In this case, please come to me, maybe I will give it to you!" I only heard Master Feng say.

"Good!" Half-long heard it and immediately wanted to fly from the water.

"Wait a minute!" Master Feng grinned, revealing a hideous face, "Since you are asking me, then you have to be a little sincere! Fly here, where there is any sincerity, kneel and climb over!"

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