Everything that Fan Fei did was because he wanted to save his mother. There is nothing wrong with all this!

Yes, in the eyes of other people, Fan Fei was not wrong, but in Qin Mo's eyes, he was wrong, and he was still very wrong, not because of other things, just because he had no strength!

If there is no strength to resist, that is wrong, because in this world, only strength is the only truth!

Without strength, Qin Mo was already a corpse, and Qin Mo knew this very well!

After all, Qin Mo is also a six-star physician, saving a Fan Fei is nothing.

Qin Mo began to treat Fan Fei. Although Fan Fei’s foot injuries looked serious, as long as they were dealt with properly, he could recover quickly. What’s more, this was a half-dragon person. The physique is different, their physique will be much stronger than that of ordinary people, and their resilience will be stronger.

This is what Fan Fei looks like now. Although he was injured, as long as he didn't die, his resilience was amazing!

Coupled with Qin Mo's medical skills, it can be said that it is very simple to save Fan Fei's life.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting a golden treasure chest!" Only the system prompt was heard.

"Nima, there is only one golden treasure chest, system, I will go..."

"Ding, trigger a series of missions to rescue Fan Fei's mother. The time limit is two hours!"

and also?

"Host, what do you want to say?"

"System, let me go, you are really a good system! Why is there a second task? What is the serial task?"

"Serial missions, every time you complete a step, you can increase the rewards you get by one step, please do your best to complete it!"

It turns out that the serial task is so powerful, it is much more powerful than the tasks I collected, but I don't know how much this task will be chained!

"I...what's wrong with me? Human?" Fan Fei had woke up at this time, he said.

"You are dead, but I will save you back!" Qin Mo sighed and said, "But you don't have to thank me, because I am just a ronin who travels everywhere. I came here today to see between us. Some fate, so I came here to save your life!"

"The adults have such a heart, it is really my blessing to be able to meet adults!" Only the one Fan Fei said immediately.

"Collected 500 points of gratitude from Fan Fei!"

Finally there is the value of seven emotions!

Qin Mo felt very helpless. In the past month, Qin Mo had not collected any treasure chests, which made him very helpless, but in order to hurry, he also gave up collecting treasure chests.

Now that he finally has seven emotions, Qin Mo felt a little excited in his heart.

"Okay, if you are grateful, you don't have to say it again, this young master has already felt that you are in trouble, a big trouble!" Qin Mo said immediately.

"What? A big trouble? You...how did you know?" Fan Fei was startled when he heard Qin Mo's words.

Qin Mo began to pretend to be a **** stick, he said lightly: "Your trouble, I am afraid it comes from your family!"

"This...sir, are you a god?" I only heard that Fan Fei said quickly.

"I'm not a god, I'm just a passing traveler. I have learned to look at faces. It's just that everyone looks like and sees his recent fate!" Qin Mo said.

"What? Still have this kind of ability?" Fan Fei asked in surprise.

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