There is no way to recover from its injuries, so naturally it cannot be the opponent of these dragons.

"Purpose? Our purpose is very simple, that is to catch you back to Master Feng!" The leading one said.

"Master Feng? Feng Ji? That bastard, I'm already like this, he won't let me go?" Long Lian's eyes were full of hatred.

"Don't blame us, blame yourself, blame yourself, you made the wrong choice, that's why you ended up like this!" I only heard the dragon said.

"Yes, Longlian, not just you, even your son, a half-dragon, we will clean up him, anyway, his kind of waste, there is no need to stay in this world!" Dragon Road.

"You... don't go too far!" Long Lian said anxiously when she heard it.

"Your stupid son has already been tortured to death by Master Feng, I am afraid he is dead now, maybe!" There was another dragon.

"What the **** did you do?" Long Lian immediately asked when she heard it.

"It's nothing, it's just..." The headed Longshan has already said the previous thing.

"You...I want to fight with you!" Long Lian said, opening her mouth, just as a dragon gas sprayed out.

"Get out!" Longshan also exhaled a dragon gas, and it hit Longlian's body at once, and Longlian's body was immediately repelled.

The wound in Longlian's abdomen opened again, new wounds and old wounds, almost making it faint.

"Dare to resist? Do you think you are still the saint at the time?" Long Shan only smiled disdainfully.

"Master Longshan, let's take it away earlier, but don't delay the time!" I only heard Dragon Dao.

"Yes, take it away!" Longshan said.

But at this time, only one voice was heard: "Stop, let go of my mother!"

As soon as this sound came out, everyone's eyes immediately fell on him.

It was Fan Fei who came here, half a dragon and half man!

In addition to Fan Fei, there is also a person, a dog, and a small Chilong. This is a strange combination, but now Longshan and others have not noticed Qin Mo and others, they only noticed Fan Fei.

Because Fan Fei had already rushed towards Longlian at this time.

"Feier!" Long Lian looked at it, surprised and happy, she said, "You run away, leave me alone!"

Long Lian also clearly knew that this Fan Fei would not be the opponent of these people in front of him. It would be impossible for Fan Fei to make a move!

Fan Fei might die here. As a mother, Longlian naturally couldn't watch her son die here!

"Mother, I won't run away, I will save you! Longshan, let my mother go!" Fan Fei shouted immediately.

"Trash, you want to save your mother, do you have such an ability?" Long Shan sneered, his tail swept towards Fan Fei.

Fan Fei blasted over with a punch, but his whole body was blasted away. This level of difference is not one level at all!

Blood came out from the corner of Fan Fei's mouth, but he didn't flinch at all, and rushed up again: "Let go of my mother!"


Once, twice, three times...

Although Fan Fei's body is strong, these dragons are not vegetarian. Once they make a move, Fan Fei can't make any move at all, let alone save his mother!

Fan Fei was knocked into the air again. It is estimated that several bones had already been broken in his body, but he still stood up.

A palm caught Fan Fei's shoulder, preventing him from standing up: "Fan Fei, you can't do this!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Mo. The temperament of this man was completely different from Fan Fei. Qin Mo seemed to possess a very powerful aura. Who was this man?

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