I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1196: You...who are you?

"Not only do I know that you are not the Dragon God, but I also know that you are just the phantom of the Dragon God. You can't even make a move!" Qin Mo said again.

"You... who are you?" Dragon God stared at Qin Mo, unable to believe it.

"Sure enough, does the so-called **** really exist?" Zhentian Wudi's voice sounded in Qin Mo's heart.

These words were actually told to Qin Mo by Emperor Wu Zhentian.

But Qin Mo was tempting this dragon **** to tell the truth.

Sure enough, as Zhentian Wudi said, this dragon **** is not a real dragon god!

But even Zhentian Wudi didn't know whether there were so-called gods in this world, or whether this so-called dragon **** was actually just a scam from beginning to end?

Qin Mo didn't know, and didn't want to know, after all, this matter is not important to him, as long as he can be sure that this dragon **** can't make a move, that's enough.

When Qin Mo heard this dragon god's words, his thoughts turned sharply, and he immediately said: "Do you really think that only you can appear on this plane?"

"You...what did you say? Don't you..." The Dragon God was surprised when he heard it.

"Shhh, don't tell me, I don't want people to know who I am!" Qin Mo smiled lightly and believed himself.

"Impossible, you have no divine power at all, you can't be one of us!" The Dragon God frowned.

Supernatural power? A member?

After Qin Mo heard this, his heart was shocked. Sure enough, there really is a **** in the legend, but what if there is? Is this young master afraid?

In the past, fooling people was nothing, but today this young master wants to fool the gods!

Qin Mo waved his hand, and immediately exposed his domineering side. Qin Mo sneered, "What are you talking about? Do you think I am the same as you?"

"You...what did you say?" The Dragon God was even more surprised when he heard it.

"Don't you understand what I said? Look, what am I?" Qin Mo said, only to see his hand wave, and the Dragon Slayer Sword slashed out in front of him.

This knife directly cut one of the Dragon Emperor's souls in half.

"Impossible, how can you have such a powerful strength?" The Dragon God fought, was taken aback, "Are you really one of us?"

"What are you guys? This young master needs to be one of you?" Qin Mo said arrogantly.

"We projected the clone into this world, it is impossible to exert one ten millionth of our strength, unless we use the'parasitic' ability, you are not'parasitic' at all, how did you do it?" Dragon God again Said.

"Do I need to explain it to you?" Qin Mo raised his head and stood tall.

If it were other people, facing this dragon god, I am afraid that he would not dare to say such a thing.

But now it's different, because in front of the Dragon God is Qin Mo!

Who is Qin Mo? People who are proficient in Fudge Dafa, no matter who they are, can fudge, this time even God, Qin Mo wants to fudge.

The more arrogant Qin Mo was, the more this Dragon God didn't dare to look down upon him. He couldn't use even a little divine power now, how could he be able to deal with Qin Mo?

It's just that the strength that Qin Mo possesses right now is not at all comparable to that of an ordinary Wuzun realm!

Killing the powerful soul of the Dragon Emperor with a single knife, this kind of ability, but other people can't imagine!

If Qin Mo is not a "god", then how could he have such strength?

"What do you want to do?" Dragon God finally said.

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