I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1198: Then I don't want to be your junior?

"Prince of the Dragon Race?" Qin Mo frowned, "Then I want to be your junior?"

"You are originally from a foreign surname, you can only be the prince of our dragon clan, otherwise, what else do you want to do?" Dragon God asked after hearing this.

"It's very simple, since you are called the Dragon God, then I can also be the Dragon God, so let me be called the Huaxia Dragon God in the future, what do you think?" Qin Mo smiled.

"Huaxia Dragon God?" Hearing Qin Mo's words, Dragon God couldn't react.

However, Qin Mo is also a god. If Qin Mo is protected, Long Dao might be better!

"For this matter, I need to find the Dragon Emperor myself, and you will stay here!" said the Dragon God.

"Okay!" Qin Mogang agreed, but heard the voice of the system.

"Ding, found a special treasure chest, dragon egg treasure chest!"

"Fuck, you are too perverted in the system, even if you killed the dragon before, you still want me to steal the dragon egg now, you are too much!" Qin Mo immediately said in his heart.

"The host thinks this treasure chest is not good, so you don't need to get it!" the system replied.

"How can this be? After all, it is a treasure chest, better than nothing!" Qin Mo thought.

The Dragon God suddenly disappeared. After Qin Mo saw it, he said, "You stay here and wait for him. I'll be back when I go!"

"Master, where are you going?" Shuang'er said quickly.

"I'll go around for a while, you have to decide not to leave here!" After Qin Mo finished speaking, he began to walk in the direction indicated by the system.

Before long, Qin Mo unexpectedly found a black egg here.

"No? This is the dragon egg?" Qin Mo was startled when he saw it.

"Yes, the host, this one is a treasure chest in the form of a dragon egg. By the way, due to the improvement of the host's strength, the next treasure chests that appear around will also change their form, and it is no longer only the host who can see it. !" The system said.

"What are you talking about? It doesn't mean that someone will come to grab the treasure chest with me?" Qin Mo was surprised when he heard it.

"There is such a possibility, because if the treasure chest appears in the form of the heaven and earth spirit treasure, it will compete with the host!" the system replied.

After Qin Mo heard it, he was taken aback.

If this is the case, I am afraid it will become very troublesome in the future.

The previous treasure chests were attached with items. After Qin Mo could get the treasure chest, he would throw away the items.

But now it's different. This treasure was originally a treasure chest, so Qin Mo would have a headache.

Qin Mo wants to fight with others for the heaven and earth spiritual treasure that the treasure chest turns into!

But Qin Mo wasn't too worried. Originally, this world was a place where the weak could eat the strong. Even if they competed with other people for this spiritual treasure, Qin Mo was not afraid!

After all, this young master is the one who hangs up!

Qin Mo thought so, he also let go, his palm has already touched this dragon egg.

There is a pair of eyes on the dragon egg. These eyes seem to be inside the egg, but what is in it, this thing is a treasure chest?

It doesn't matter whether this thing is a treasure chest or not, it's mainly Qin Mo now, but he wants to collect dragon eggs for it.

Qin Mo thought for a while, maybe it's time to collect the dragon eggs first. After all, if the identity of the Chinese Dragon God is announced, I am afraid that Qin Mo will not be embarrassed to attack the dragon eggs here again.

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