I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1208: I am a promised person

The Heavenly Dragon King opened his mouth, and a silver ray sprayed towards Qin Mo. This was much stronger than the dragon aura of other powerful dragons that Qin Mo had seen before. After all, it was the Heavenly Dragon King.

If it were other people, it is estimated that even this dragon energy could not be resisted, but Qin Mo was fearless, and the Dragon Sword Sword faced this silver dragon energy.

"Boom!" The dragon qi was split in half, and the sword qi of the Dragon Slaying Sword had passed the dragon king that day, and the Heavenly Dragon King immediately dropped a piece of dragon meat.

"Do you dare to hurt me!" The Heavenly Dragon King's angry voice appeared, and the surrounding ground was turbulent.

The Heavenly Dragon King is noble, when will anyone dare to hurt him?

Even if Dragon Sovereign dare not offend him, but today, not only is Qin Mo angry, but Qin Mo dare to hurt him?

You must not let this one go!

This is the thought in the mind of the Heavenly Dragon King at this time. His eyes are full of chill, and the dragon scales on his body glow with silver light: "I want you to die!"

"Okay, this Dragon God is waiting!" Qin Mo said lightly.

The body of the Heavenly Dragon King seemed to be covered with a silver armor, and the Heavenly Dragon King rushed towards Qin Mo directly.

A huge body measuring fifty feet long appeared in front of Qin Mo almost instantly, patted Qin Mo with one claw.

With an evil smile on Qin Mo's face, his Dragon Slaying Sword slashed in front of him.

"Puff!" The silver armor had no effect at all, and the dragon claw was cut off like tofu.

All the dragon races present were full of incredible expressions at this time.

"The Heavenly Dragon Battle Armor can't resist a single blow from him, am I dazzled?"

"It's horrible, what kind of attack is this? No wonder Lord Dragon God agrees with him!"

"The Dragon Claws of the Heavenly Dragon King can't even resist, how strong is this person?"


The powerhouses of the dragon clan actually didn't believe it a bit, but this incident had already happened in front of them, and they couldn't help it even if they didn't believe it.

The eyes of the Dragon Emperor were also full of shock. This is the Heavenly Dragon King, and he also used the Heavenly Dragon Battle Armor. Under such circumstances, he couldn't resist Qin Mo's stab.

It seems that Dragon God did not misunderstand the person, this person is really extraordinary!

"Ah -" The Heavenly Dragon King screamed, and one of its dragon claws was cut off.

The dragon's claws that fell on the ground were nearly five feet long, and the intense pain caused the Heavenly Dragon King to wake up at this time. The person in front of him did have a little ability!

"Your strength is good, you can hurt me, but I haven't used my full strength yet!" Tianlong King said again.

"At this time, you are still pretending to be forceful!" Qin Mo's face was a little weird. He waved his hand, only to see a flame appear in front of him, already igniting the dragon claw.

"You...what are you doing!" The Heavenly Dragon King watched as Qin Mo was toasting his own Jing Claws.

"Roasted dragon claw!" Qin Mo replied, "I have eaten a lot of grilled chicken wings. I don't know how the grilled dragon claw tastes? By the way, would you like to try it too? Wait for me, I'll still cook fast of!"

Such a serious answer from Qin Mo made the Dragon Race present stunned and angry, and the Dragon King's face turned blue at this time that day, and the dragon scales on his body stood upright.

Even if his own dragon claw was cut off by Qin Mo, this kid dared to burn his dragon claw in front of him?

Do you want to be so excessive?

The Heavenly Dragon King was very angry, and sprayed a breath of dragon air towards Qin Mo.

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