I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1224: Crystal Emperor

"What? What happened?" Qin Mo asked.

"The surrounding area has begun to collapse. The dragon veins here are the most important pillar of this imperial tomb. Now this dragon vein is destroyed by you, this imperial tomb no longer exists!" King Hanhua explained.

"Then let's leave here first!" Qin Mo replied.

For the Han Wu Kingdom, it was only possible to get here for the time being, and Qin Mo left here safely with the others.

Qin Mo didn't want to worry about the affairs of the Han Wu Kingdom, so it was handed over to Han Hua Kingdom, but from now on, Han Hua Kingdom would be returned to Da Qin Kingdom, and Qin Mo also wanted to go back to Da Qin Kingdom.

With Tianyi Feizhou, it was only a day to go back to Great Qin State.

When Qin Mo returned to the Great Qin Kingdom, he soon saw Queen Lingyue, but Qin Mo did not tell her about Qin Zhenfeng.

Because Qin Mo didn't know whether that news was true or false, if it was false, wouldn't it disappoint Queen Lingyue again?

"Ding, collect the imperial prestige 24530, and it will automatically transform into the emperor's air!"

Qin Mo looked dumbfounded, where did this imperial spirit come from? Still so much?

"I don't know which senior expert came to our Great Qin State?" Only at this time Xiang Yu had appeared in the air riding Wu Qi.

In addition to Xiang Yu, Lu Bu also appeared here, as well as a group of other people. They were all surprised by the appearance of this flying boat.

"General Xiang, don't you even recognize this prince?" A voice came out on the flying boat.

"What, this voice, is it His Royal Highness Qin Mo?"

"His Royal Highness Qin Mo is back! Great!"

"Long live His Royal Highness!"


As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, there was already a series of cheers below. These people seemed very excited when they heard Qin Mo's name.

Qin Mo was a little surprised, his reputation seemed to be even greater than before!

"System, is it possible that the higher my reputation, the higher my imperial spirit?" Qin Mo asked.

"Yes, the higher the host's prestige, the more people who admire the host, the better it is for the host, and the faster the host's emperor level will increase!" the system replied.

That's why it seems that the emperor's aura is not only collected from the dragon veins, but also from the people in his own kingdom.

Qin Mo greeted immediately, and the people here immediately began to cheer, and they seemed even more excited.

Queen Lingyue saw that Qin Mo was really returning, she was also very happy and excited, and welcomed Qin Mo back.

Queen Lingyue would naturally hold a banquet to welcome her prince back, and Qin Mo didn't evade it. Of course, the pretense value collected this time was not much.

Qin Mo also asked the location of the imperial tomb, and then set off for the imperial tomb the next day.

Because it was the Mausoleum of the Great Qin Emperor, Queen Lingyue did not let anyone else follow them in. There were no other people besides her and Qin Mo.

After all, it was in the Mausoleum of the Great Qin Emperor. When Qin Mo entered, he would still meet two guards of the tomb.

"Qin Mo, Lingyue, what are you doing here?" Qin Shi asked.

"Qin Shi's ancestor, Qin Mo said he wanted to come here to see the spiritual veins here, so I brought him here!" Lingyue said.

Hearing Lingyue's words, Qin Shi was stunned, but he didn't intend to stop the two of them. Even if he wanted to stop, it was obviously impossible.

Not to mention Qin Mo's strength, even Qin Mo's two subordinates, Lu Bu and Xiang Yu, have completely exceeded what he could imagine.

Even if Qin Mo is forced to rush, he can't stop him at all, so what is the point of resisting Qin Mo?

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