I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1227: Special Envoy Yang

"Okay!" Queen Lingyue didn't mean to stop. Although Qin Mo's time to return is very short, but the man's ambition is everywhere, she can't keep Qin Mo by her side.

Moreover, Qin Mo still has to find Qin Zhenfeng, maybe one day, he can really be found back!

When Qin Mo and Queen Lingyue left, they heard the news that the elder of the Spring and Autumn Sect had arrived here, and heard that the guard said that the elder seemed to have an urgent matter, and Qin Mo was very surprised, what is the urgent matter for him? ?

Qin Mo walked directly outside the imperial city. As soon as the elder saw Qin Mo, he immediately stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness, the old man can be regarded as seeing you!"

"What's going on? How come Elder Chen, when you come here, are you in such a hurry?" Qin Mo asked with a look of confusion.

"His Royal Highness, this is something to say, we must go back to Chunqiu Sect as soon as possible!" said Elder Chen.

"Go back to Chunqiu Sect? Okay, now I bid my mother goodbye, and then go back with you!" Qin Mo nodded.

Looking at the appearance of this elder, I am afraid that Qin Mo will not leave, he will also take Qin Mo away, and this matter seems to be very urgent, but Qin Mo does not intend to take the twins with him this time. All the maids were left in the Great Qin Imperial City, with the snarling dog, Fan Fei and Xiao Bailong leaving.

Qin Mo took the elder onto the Tianyi Flying Boat, and at the speed of this flying boat, he had reached the Spring and Autumn Sect very quickly.

"What happened?" Qin Mo asked immediately.

"His Royal Highness, our Sect Master wants you to go back and inherit the position of Spring and Autumn Sect Master!" said the elder.

"What did you say?" Qin Mo was taken aback when he heard this, and asked, "What's the matter? Are the two suzerains still alive now? How can I become the suzerain?"

"Sect Master Cen is no longer there. After he went to Dongzhou, no news came back. We don't know if he is alive or dead, and now Qingyuntang has issued a second order and we need to send someone. Go to Dongzhou to continue to support the Righteous Alliance!" said Elder Chen.

When Qin Mo heard these words, he was even more surprised: "What do you mean? We have joined the Righteous Alliance?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, shortly after you left our Chunqiu Sect, we joined the Chunqiu Sect at the cost of a hundred Transformation Herbs, but after that, we received news from Qingyuntang. They said , Let us send people from the Spring and Autumn Sect to Dongzhou!"

"Where is Dongzhou?"

"Dongzhou is a place rich in primordial stones. It is said that there are many seventh-order primordial stones there, and there may even be eighth-order primordial stones! You should also know your Highness, the primordial stone is for us warriors. , Is so important, so the yuan quarry here is also very useful for us, and this is Qingyuntang's order! We can't refuse it!"

"Qingyuntang's order? Is Dongzhou dangerous?"

"In Dongzhou, besides our righteous alliance, there are people from the magic alliance. It is very dangerous!"

"What? Why did Qingyuntang let us perform such a dangerous task?"

"We don't know, but this is Qingyuntang's order, and we can't help but accept it! Moreover, a few days ago, Qingyuntang had already issued the second order!"

Qin Mo finally understood why this elder Chen came to him in such a hurry!

Cen Lesheng accepted the mission, and now his life and death are unknown, and now Qingyuntang has another mission. If Geng Qiu also leaves this time, Chunqiu Sect will be in chaos. In this case, someone must be in the Chunqiu Sect.

However, this Qingyuntang might not be a good thing, and Qin Mo also thought of a countermeasure.

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