I Have a Treasure Chest in Another World

Chapter 1232: The young master will come to accompany you!

"Hmph, do you think you would believe me if you say this? Although my poison has no effect on you, but I still have a martial arts spirit!" I only saw Special Envoy Yang smile coldly, behind him the huge fire dragon martial arts The soul has emerged.

"Since you want to compete with martial arts, the young master will come to accompany you!" Qin Mo's voice came, and everyone felt a huge dragon suddenly appeared in the sky. It was a translucent dragon. As soon as it appeared, immediately Let everyone here feel shocked.

What kind of spirit is this? They had never seen such a thing at all, and now such a thing would actually appear in front of them, and it was the martial soul summoned by Qin Mo!

"This...what kind of martial soul is this?" Special Envoy Yang's expression changed drastically. His martial soul was a tenth-level martial soul, but now, the martial soul in his hand actually showed fear.

Special Envoy Yang could feel the emotion from his martial soul, he couldn't believe it was true, this King Kong dragon turned out to be a prefecture-level martial soul!

"Your martial soul is too weak!" A figure appeared in the sky, who was it not Qin Mo?

Qin Mo has Lei Chan wings, so he can appear in the air. At this time, after Qin Mo's martial arts hovered in the air, he rushed towards the fire dragon.

The fire dragon spouted out the flames, and the flames swept towards the King Kong Dragon, but the King Kong Dragon didn't feel like it at all, and hit it directly.

The flames couldn't stop the diamond dragon, only saw the diamond dragon hit the fire dragon at once, blasting the fire dragon to the ground, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and the fire dragon martial soul was also instantly shattered.

The gap between martial souls is too great. Although tenth-level martial souls are powerful, they are still far behind the pre-level martial souls. Even if the realm of the fire dragon is five levels higher than that of the diamond dragon, it still cannot make up for it. The gap in soul level.

"You...that Qin Mo you are? Do you know that I am? I am Special Envoy Yang, a special envoy from Qingyuntang of the Righteous Alliance. If you dare to attack me, Qingyuntang will not let you go!" Just listen To the special envoy of Yang.

"Oh? If that's the case, then I can't let you go. If you are asked to go back and report the secret, we Spring and Autumn Sect will be in great danger!" Qin Mo said with a sneer on his face.

"What? No, you can't do this!" Special Envoy Yang shook his body after speaking, and fled behind his back.

But Qin Mo would give him a chance to escape, only to see a black figure had appeared in front of Special Envoy Yang. As soon as that figure was snapped out, Special Envoy Yang was shot and flew out.

Special Envoy Yang only felt a pain in his chest. A blood hole appeared in his chest. He was frightened and angry. Looking at the black figure, he was shocked and said: "Sixth-level monster? How come there is a sixth-level monster here? beast?"

"Want to escape from my highness? I'm afraid you can't do it!" The roaring sky dog's voice came.

"Who is your Royal Highness?" Special Envoy Yang already felt a little bad. This black dog is at least a level six monster, and now there is a master?

"My Royal Highness is His Royal Highness Qin Mo!" Roaring Sky Dog replied.

"What?" Special Envoy Yang felt that he was going crazy, a small Spring and Autumn Domain, there was someone who could control a Level 6 monster?

What level of existence is the sixth-level monster? That is the existence of Emperor Wu level, would such a monster be willing to worship a person? And it's that Qin Mo?

"Ding, collected 600 points of shock from Yang Hua!"

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